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The letter A

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Latin Alphabet has not been invented by Romans. Romans learnt it from Etruscans. (


The Etruscans is an old Turkish tribe. The Etruscan alphabet is an old Turkish alphabet. The capital letter "A" represents God Almighty or Allah. The top point of the letter represents Allah's unity.

In 2004 a team from Italy and Spain undertook a genetic study of the Etruscans, based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 80 bone samples taken from tombs dating from the seventh century to the third century BC in Etruria. [Vernesi C, Caramelli D, Dupanloup I, et al. (April 2004). "The Etruscans: a population-genetic study". Am. J. Hum. Genet ] This study found that the ancient DNA extracted from the Etruscan remains had some affinities with modern European populations including Tuscans in Italy. In addition the Etruscan samples possibly revealed more genetic inheritance from the eastern and southern Mediterranean than modern Italian samples contain. Hans-Jürgen Bandelt expressed concern about the methodology used in the study, saying "it is unclear to what extent the “Etruscan” data represent severely damaged or partly contaminated mtDNA sequences; therefore, any comparison with modern population data must be considered quite hazardous”

Edited by Nungali

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In 2004 a team from Italy and Spain undertook a genetic study of the Etruscans, based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 80 bone samples taken from tombs dating from the seventh century to the third century BC in Etruria. [Vernesi C, Caramelli D, Dupanloup I, et al. (April 2004). "The Etruscans: a population-genetic study". Am. J. Hum. Genet ] This study found that the ancient DNA extracted from the Etruscan remains had some affinities with modern European populations including Tuscans in Italy. In addition the Etruscan samples possibly revealed more genetic inheritance from the eastern and southern Mediterranean than modern Italian samples contain. Hans-Jürgen Bandelt expressed concern about the methodology used in the study, saying "it is unclear to what extent the “Etruscan” data represent severely damaged or partly contaminated mtDNA sequences; therefore, any comparison with modern population data must be considered quite hazardous”


Nothing can be proved by DNA data. Being Turkish is a "Nur", it is not genetic. Pierre Loti was born as French ( however, he has become a Turkish. William Adams became a Japanese (

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Isimsiz! Where have you been (Christmas Holiday)?


I Missed you !


In Islam, there is no Christmas holiday. I really wonder how could you call yourself studying religions?

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In Islam, there is no Christmas holiday. I really wonder how could you call yourself studying religions?

Hehehe. I'm an Atheist and the Christmas holidays still happen.


Don't worry, no one will thinkyou are a Christian just because you wish someone a Merry Christmas.

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Isimsiz! Where have you been (Christmas Holiday)?


I Missed you !




Hehehe. I'm an Atheist and the Christmas holidays still happen.


Don't worry, no one will thinkyou are a Christian just because you wish someone a Merry Christmas.


I did not say that anybody will think me as a Christian because I wish someone Merry Christmas.


If you refer to Nungali's post, he is not saying Merry Christmas to me, he is asking where I were in Christmas holiday and I replied to that.

Edited by Isimsiz Biri

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I did not say that anybody will think me as a Christian because I wish someone Merry Christmas.


If you refer to Nungali's post, he is not saying Merry Christmas to me, he is asking where I were in Christmas holiday and I replied to that.

I know. In my own way I was just wishing you both a Merry Christmas even though you don't recognise it as one of "your" holidays.


So Merry Christmas to all non-Christians as well.

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If you see that humor, please inform me too.

Well, it I have to explain it, then it isn't funny. But when I wrote that you were possibly out Christmas shopping, I meant it humorously, as did nungali. It's just silly.

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I know. In my own way I was just wishing you both a Merry Christmas even though you don't recognise it as one of "your" holidays.


So Merry Christmas to all non-Christians as well.


Thank you. Instead of wishing a Merry Christmas for you, I wish you Hidayah ( which I think much more useful.

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Thanks. And that's sincere. However, I don't use intermediators, I go one on one with the powers that control my life. (For me that would be Tzujan.)

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Thanks. And that's sincere. However, I don't use intermediators, I go one on one with the powers that control my life. (For me that would be Tzujan.)


Show me one person (except Prophets) who has reached tzujan. My answer would be for instance, Rumi. In order to reach that Tzujan, you need Hidayah (guidance).

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Expressing goodwill is far more important than looking for guidance from an imaginary superbeing IMO if everyone understood that the twin trade towers would still be there.



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Expressing goodwill is far more important than looking for guidance from an imaginary superbeing IMO if everyone understood that the twin trade towers would still be there.




The Al Qaeda has been found, trained and supported by your lovely CIA. If you want to accuse someone for twin trade towers destruction, look to USA Administration.


Allah is not an imaginary superbeing. Allah is Creator. You do not have to believe Allah but you have to show respect to our faith in Allah. Writing sentences of hatred only shows you are a Crusader who can approve killing of millions of innocent people just because they are Muslims and it shows you do not have goodwill at all.


I do not wish you Hidayah as your heart has already been blocked by rust.

Edited by Isimsiz Biri

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No I don't have to show you respect for your faith in an imaginary superbeing but It would come naturally if you weren't so defiant of a small teasing joke, or holiday well wishes. You withdraw your own style of well wishes due to my implication that Al Qaeda -felt they -were following the prophet rather than engaging in compassionate associatiton with others. Who are you to defend them? Why should you not be lumped with them , if you would lump me with the CIA ? As well as create fantasy accusations to shower upon my rusty heart. (I actually quite like that, very creative )

You by your own defensive reaction show you feel associated with all queda , but rather than cast them from thee , and clarify how you are not them instead weaponize their behaviors as somehow being the act of a group you dont feel allied with..that is to say..the US and CIA . Americans were willing to elect a muslim president ( whether or not its true is irrelevant), not because of his religion, but because it didn't matter much. The crusade is not by the US but from the side which you feel you are on. The superbeing justified wishers of Hidahya.

And yet I can still wish you a merry Christmas because I'm better than you.


Edited by Stosh
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No I don't have to show you respect for your faith in an imaginary superbeing but It would come naturally if you weren't so defiant of a small teasing joke, or holiday well wishes. You withdraw your own style of well wishes due to my implication that Al Qaeda -felt they -were following the prophet rather than engaging in compassionate associatiton with others. Who are you to defend them? Why should you not be lumped with them , if you would lump me with the CIA ? As well as create fantasy accusations to shower upon my rusty heart. (I actually quite like that, very creative )

You by your own defensive reaction show you feel associated with all queda , but rather than cast them from thee , and clarify how you are not them instead weaponize their behaviors as somehow being the act of a group you dont feel allied with..that is to say..the US and CIA . Americans were willing to elect a muslim president , not because of his religion, but because it didn't matter much. The crusade is not by the US but from the side which you feel you are on. The superbeing justified wishers of Hidahya.

And yet I can still wish you a merry Christmas because I'm better than you.


Of course you are better than me. You are a superhero.


I really do not know what to do with your valuable "Merry Christmas"


May be you tell it to relatives of 1.5 million of death people in Iraq. They lost their lives after liberation by Neo Cons like you. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and there were no connection to Al Qaeda.


Really. Send your bloody Merry Christmas away from me.

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Show me one person (except Prophets) who has reached tzujan. My answer would be for instance, Rumi. In order to reach that Tzujan, you need Hidayah (guidance).

I won't make any grand claims but I do on occasion, when my mind is clear of obstruction, embrace Tzujan.


I won't deny that most need guidance. Perhaps I would be closer if I had guidance. But I like doing my own thing. No, I will never be a prophet. I wouldn't even want that responsibility.

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Merry Christmas is no an item to do anything with, perhaps this is what is confusing to you. The point of saying is to extend a gesture of goodwill , but if you did your Hidahya thing then you already know that and you're still pretending you dont get it , as if it was beneath you or silly to express such a notion.

As for superheroes goes , well that kind of fantasy is your gig. I'm just better than you and always will be , but merry Christmas anyway. :) sweetiekins :)

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Merry Christmas is no an item to do anything with, perhaps this is what is confusing to you. The point of saying is to extend a gesture of goodwill , but if you did your Hidahya thing then you already know that and you're still pretending you dont get it , as if it was beneath you or silly to express such a notion.As for superheroes goes , well that kind of fantasy is your gig. I'm just better than you and always will be , but merry Christmas anyway. :) sweetiekins :)

First, you very rudely interrupted our conversation with Marblehead.


Second, you insulted my religion out of nowhere.


Third, you are following your Nafs or ego in your terminology. Once upon a time, there was a highest Archangel, who also claimed to be better than human. It got cursed and became Satan. You are exactly talking like it as you fail in the same test.


Fourth, it is Hidayah not Hidahya. It is difficult fot you to respect others, I know.


Fifth, rusty heart is a term of Holy Quran, it is not my invention.


Sixth, you are hopeless.

Edited by Isimsiz Biri

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I still like the rusty heart thing, whatever it was buried in.

As for rudely interrupting.. well its an open forum which arguably could dub you as its rudeness expert.

Insulting your religion ? Balderdash ! It was you who did not like what you heard, quit hiding behind the prophet.

Highest archangel , is quite a flattering attribution, curse or no curse.. but you are confused if you consider it as a hugely grand insult, for that would indicate you agree with Lucifer's assessment of himself as greater than a man.

And I didnt claim to be greater than mankind, just better than you. Its like that old saying I dont have to be faster than the lion, i just have to be less slow than you.

I dont really care about your spelling delicacies either any more than I want to learn Chinese , yet again you know full well what is indicated and wish to spin it into some fantasy devilry.

this keyboard is balky and literally changes spellings , as well as makes it difficult to navigate to make corrections , so typos occur.

Lastly, hopeless? I hope SO. That's a very nice compliment coming from you , for, in the midst of your attack , you assert that I am not confused about the future which is not here , nor unsatisfied about my current state , as I want it to always be such.

I Wub U Darth Vader. :)

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I can't bear the bickering.


No, I will never be a prophet. I wouldn't even want that responsibility.


Quite right.


Who the f**k would?


You can't always get what you want, though.


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I might accept the responsibility of being a spokesman for a Deity, though I can't figure why one would need one as it would be inherently self defeating and unnecessary.

Edited by Stosh

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