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"The stupidest way to make money is to work" Bob Proctor

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One way you could go about it is to create Value.


Create and Distribute Value and people will exchange what they feel is equal to that Value you Created.


Sometimes lowering the price increases Demand. Sometimes increasing the price does.


Whats the difference? From what I have seen, its Value. If people feel the Value is worth the Price, they Demand it. hehe.


Some thoughts.



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When you start your own business and it earns you more than you could make at a full time minimum wage job with less hours per week, or you get rich off an invention, a piece of music or artwork or other creation, or you win the lottery or figure out how to transmute lead to gold... let us know ok.


I am interested in practical tips on saving money.



"The stupidest way to make money is to work" Bob Proctor

Edited by More_Pie_Guy

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How about you make a lot of money, and come back and lecture us on how to do so once you've made a fortune?


Until then you are advising others on how to do something you yourself have yet to do.


I really don't think you staying in a Holiday Inn express last night matters much.


That is a good point. Interesting thoughts and questions spring from it.


I happen to think that advice is just advice. People can take it or leave it.


Just because one person has not yet done something, does not mean the advice is bad, though.


Why is it bad to share ideas even if you have yet to succeed in implementing them? Does that somehow, suddenly, make the idea invalid?



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Every single person I've met that thinks it's easy to get rich... is poor, and is supported by their parents.


I've had people tell me how to do my job that couldn't perform the same function themselves even if they wanted to. It's the same sort of frustration.


I created the thread for tips about how to save money not about getting rich, I think a new thread would be better for discussing how to generate more wealth.


It's possible to become rich, most of the people who have gotten rich had a great deal of money to invest, had a good idea, and could convince others to work hard for less than they were worth, and poured their mind, body, and soul into the business till it consumed their life.


My family was rich in the 90's before the real estate market imploded, a few generations ago my great grandfather was the only doctor in the area, and made a great deal of money in doing so. He had insider knowledge that the TVA was going to dam a river and create a lake for power generation. In the late 1930's, he bought all the property he could afford to around the contour of where the lake would be as cheaply as he could, and in turn, 60 years later it was worth a large fortune.


My family developed and sold the property with 0.25 acre lots sometimes selling for 1.5+ million to doctors, lawyers etc looking to build lake homes.


They made a fortune, and ****ed through it like spoiled teenagers with a bad coke habit.


If I had the money to invest I could generate enough passive income to let me live out my days in luxury, but I don't.


You have to have money to invest wisely to obtain a large return on investment.



If hard work and determination was all that was required to become wealthy, every poor Ethiopian farmer would be a millionaire.

Edited by More_Pie_Guy
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Every single person I've met that thinks it's easy to get rich is poor, and is supported by their parents.


I've had people tell me how to do my job that couldn't perform the same function themselves even if they wanted to. It's the same sort of frustration.


I created the thread for tips about how to save money not about getting rich, I think a new thread would be better for discussing how to generate more wealth.


It's possible to become rich, most of the people who have gotten rich had a great deal of money to invest, had a good idea, and could convince others to work hard for less than they were worth, and poured their mind, body, and soul into the business till it consumed their life.


Take my family for example, a few generations ago my great grandfather was the only doctor in the area, and made a great deal of money in doing so. He had insider knowledge that the TVA was going to dam a river and create a lake for power generation. In the late 1930's, he bought all the property he could afford to around the contour of where the lake would be as cheaply as he could, and in turn, 60 years later it was worth a large fortune.


My family developed and sold the property with 0.25 acre lots sometimes selling for 1.5+ million to doctors, lawyers etc looking to build lake homes.


They made a fortune, and ****ed through it like spoiled teenagers with a bad coke habit.


If I had the money to invest I could generate enough passive income to let me live out my days in luxury, but I don't.


You have to have money to invest wisely to obtain a large return on investment.



If hard work and determination was all that was required to become wealthy, every poor Ethiopian farmer would be a millionaire.


Thank you for responding with such a detailed post!


I agree, there is a pattern of people saying its easy to get "rich". I know it takes loads of effort.


I have little interest in rich, though. Just comfortable. That is FAR less difficult to reach.


Its funny, I do allot of the things you suggested. Cut back on most expenses.


They are rarely needed. So many wasteful uses of monies, for my values.


Congratulations for your Grandfather! sounds like he listened and took action!


Hmm...I hope that some good was able to come from the spending of all the money. Much can be learned.


Investments are tricky, especially now A days.


I prefer to create methods of income based on adding value to the lives of customers. Do I have one yet? Nope.


Life is a tricky business. Some people get "lucky" and are able to slide on thru. Some pour huge amounts of effort and it pays off. Others pour huge amounts of effort and it does not pay off....


Some would say its Karma. I dont know.


I will stick to the topic of saving money/ ways to get things done cheaper. If I come up with something, I will add it!


Good luck!



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When I look at folks from various income levels I have not ever noticed that amount of money is directly related to happiness level or joy. People may say it is, but when you talk to people and see how they are feeling each day, it doesn't seem to matter.

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Just the other day I saw a documentary, "The Dark Side of Chocolate," about slave labor of kidnapped children in Africa that goes into every piece of candy you encounter at your local supermarket. I don't know what to do about it, what can be done about it, but I know that I will find a similar story behind anything easily available to people in the "first world" -- clothes and shoes made by underage or old and arthritis-crippled, overworked hands in far-away sweat shops, never-ending hours at the assembly line, screwing on the same bolt over and over and over again, thousands of times, millions of times, a lifetime of making this one move... for what, for whom?.. Who's so deserving as to enjoy his or her life via wasting someone else's, and why?..


But it's not supposed to bother me, some will say. What I should really worry about is whether my car is an eyesore to the Joneses next door (it isn't, I'm not that brave, not that much of a revolutionary). See, for the Joneses life is not worth living if they can't waste other lives in the process of living theirs. And if I show any visible signs that it is for me, I better get the hell out of the nice neighborhood.


The idea that wasting stuff is good and saving, reusing, getting the most out of it is bad, brought to you by your friendly corporate overlords, is built into the disposable brains of the disposable consumers who somehow manage not to notice that they are part of what is being wasted. They think they consume but they are being consumed instead. You need a reliable car in order to get to work so you can make enough to be able to pay for a reliable car. You need fashionable and stylish clothes so you can look professional enough for a good job that will allow you to afford fashionable and stylish clothes.



Edited by Taomeow
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I look forward to the day we have unlimited energy, and AI to automate all easy jobs. No more manual labor, menial labor, pointless tasks. People could instead focus on pursuing education, spiritual and creative goals.

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Since I've been involved in a bit of a "restore" project lately, I've been spending a lot of money. Given myself permission to spend money. It's amazing, once you've done that, how many things you can find to spend money on! They're everywhere. I'm just now finally scaling it back, reigning myself back in...


Spending money is a habit. Not spending money is a habit.


When you get used to NOT spending money, its amazing how many things you don't need to spend money on! All the shit you see people buying and you have to hold your tongue..."don't you realize you don't need that?!" I even mean simple stuff, and good friends. Not necessarily big screen tvs and all that, but just simple stuff. And people think they "need" it. It's really in their mind that way, even though if they took two seconds to think about it, they'd realize that they know they really don't.


The only way I've allowed myself to confront people on this, and I don't know if they get it or not, is to bring up made up situations, off topic, and just make the point that you shouldn't lie to yourself. Stop deceiving yourself. If you want to be wasteful, be wasteful! But don't convince yourself that you aren't being wasteful.


"I've heard that dishwashers are more efficient than hand washing anyways, if you fill them up all the way". Do you fill yours up all the way? "We'll, no.." :)


Don't deceive yourself! If you're lazy and want to use a dishwasher, fine! I do wasteful stuff too. But decide "I'm ok with this", or not. Don't try to trick yourself into thinking you aren't being wasteful


Not sure why I used that example but it fits the conversation, mostly...

Edited by i am

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I look forward to the day we have unlimited energy, and AI to automate all easy jobs. No more manual labor, menial labor, pointless tasks. People could instead focus on pursuing education, spiritual and creative goals.


Ah, utopia...


And all these people pursuing their spiritual goals would earn money from..? There apparently aren't enough jobs to support people now. What do we do when there are even less?

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Ah, utopia... And all these people pursuing their spiritual goals would earn money from..? There apparently aren't enough jobs to support people now. What do we do when there are even less?

I think if we had unlimited energy, recycled all waste, and had intelligent AI, that at that point we would at or close to what is called the singularity.


The concept of money, capitalism, communism, socialism, whateverism, breaks down at that point.


If we work at all most likely it will be to keep the machines fixed assuming they can't for some reason fix themselves.

Edited by More_Pie_Guy

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I look forward to the day we have unlimited energy, and AI to automate all easy jobs. No more manual labor, menial labor, pointless tasks. People could instead focus on pursuing education, spiritual and creative goals.


We dont need unlimited energy or AI to reach a point closer to that.


It would require a complete restructuring of the way our species operates.


An example. Civilization is eating up the earths resources and destroying the environment because of it.


Well, supposedly there are resources in space. So why dont we go mine some of that?


To do so in the best manner would require, imho, all nations to come together. Then, money could be thrown away.


What is money? its a form of exchange. Ok. so if all nations were united, resources would be shared toward common interests/ goals.


How about the people? Good food, shelter, etc... If everyone has the basic survival needs taken care of, then people are more likely to follow their passions.


Which could usher in a form of cultural and social evolution.


There are still many problems with this idea I have yet to work out.


It does show how there are options, though.


People would have to change what they value.


Star Treks biggest message, I felt, was that when everyone has the basics, civilization flourishes.


Of course, another way could be to just raise the amount people are payed from near slave wages to an actual living wage so people dont have to spend all their time and energy working.


That would require big businesses and the people who own them to actually let go of their money/ change their value system.


Its actually very sad that there are enough billionaires in america, that if each one gave 1 billion dollars, they could positively change the world.


Heck, could feed the world for a year with less then a billion.


Which shows how the allocation of value and goods has become so...twisted.


I think im ranting. Oh no!



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I look forward to the day we have unlimited energy, and AI to automate all easy jobs. No more manual labor, menial labor, pointless tasks. People could instead focus on pursuing education, spiritual and creative goals.


We have gotten more automated over time, and unfortunately it hasn't led to more leisure time. I would think society would need to change in some other ways too, value systems and such. Also, as long as folks still actually still physically moved around... I'd hate to see the world's health if we were even more sedentary!

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We have gotten more automated over time, and unfortunately it hasn't led to more leisure time. I would think society would need to change in some other ways too, value systems and such. Also, as long as folks still actually still physically moved around... I'd hate to see the world's health if we were even more sedentary!


Everyone do QiGong and Internal Martial Arts!!!!


Save the world thru Bagua!


TaiJi bringing Harmony!

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Hmmm, some further ponderings... how about working in one of those fields, education, research, various creative fields, or spiritual (priests of churches do get paid a little bit). In the interim I mean, for a better quality of life within the present construct... while figuring out how to get past it.


Btw, More Pie Guy, 80 hours per week?! Do you own your own business? Or just have something extremely important you are working towards/saving up for? (not like you have to answer, I just got curious).

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Hmmm, some further ponderings... how about working in one of those fields, education, research, various creative fields, or spiritual (priests of churches do get paid a little bit). In the interim I mean, for a better quality of life within the present construct... while figuring out how to get past it.


Btw, More Pie Guy, 80 hours per week?! Do you own your own business? Or just have something extremely important you are working towards/saving up for? (not like you have to answer, I just got curious).


That is a great idea! Working within the arena you love!


Finding the love, the passion and doing that...may help you need far less money.


Create a new construct!! I like this idea.



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Im not gonna quote your post More Pie Guy, but Im doing fine...Im pursuing what I actually want in life, and getting closer and closer to that, In fact I am close to receiving funding like £10,000 worth for community kinda projects like the ones you mentioned, anyone can go and live in a community, but most people are not firm enough to their values or have the balls to do what they actually want. I dont have millions of pounds or whatever but thats not my goal, thats the difference between money and abundance. I know these ideas work, because as soon as I am more specific about what I want, I follow what I really want, and focus on that NOT money, as soon as I change my beliefs on any subject, my behaviour changes, things in my life changes, Ive seen this happen since I was 16, I dont really know what your problem with all that stuff is, Bob Proctor (whos a billionaire with multiple streams of income, said it, millions of people said it, If I said it makes it wrong?? Rich people and poor people think completely different, abundance mentality and scarcity mentality, I dont know what is so high in the sky about this.


To TaoMeow, If you were in any way to reffering to me, with your stupid people who think saving money is wrong, I really think you need to rethink what your getting angry or misinterpreting. I know all about saving money, and living cheaply, Ive been doing it for the past year, I went to India for five months on £1000, talk about saving money, and yeh maybe that advice is good for some people, but it is not good advice for me, it is scarcity mentality for me, I would get into real troublesome situations because my focus was on saving money, instead of living well I feel, and that does have some validity. To accuse me of not caring for the environment because I dont want to use baking soda for my hair is frankly innaccurate (if you were suggesting this) by not buying what you want, it doesnt mean you are helping the environment more than I am. I think that is faulty logic, also you really need to think your anger towards "most of society" the way you are talking about most people is just really angry and hateful, kinda like the KULTIVATOR post you made.

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Im not gonna quote your post More Pie Guy, but Im doing fine...Im pursuing what I actually want in life, and getting closer and closer to that, In fact I am close to receiving funding like £10,000 worth for community kinda projects like the ones you mentioned, anyone can go and live in a community, but most people are not firm enough to their values or have the balls to do what they actually want. I dont have millions of pounds or whatever but thats not my goal, thats the difference between money and abundance. I know these ideas work, because as soon as I am more specific about what I want, I follow what I really want, and focus on that NOT money, as soon as I change my beliefs on any subject, my behaviour changes, things in my life changes, Ive seen this happen since I was 16, I dont really know what your problem with all that stuff is, Bob Proctor (whos a billionaire with multiple streams of income, said it, millions of people said it, If I said it makes it wrong?? Rich people and poor people think completely different, abundance mentality and scarcity mentality, I dont know what is so high in the sky about this.


To TaoMeow, If you were in any way to reffering to me, with your stupid people who think saving money is wrong, I really think you need to rethink what your getting angry or misinterpreting. I know all about saving money, and living cheaply, Ive been doing it for the past year, I went to India for five months on £1000, talk about saving money, and yeh maybe that advice is good for some people, but it is not good advice for me, it is scarcity mentality for me, I would get into real troublesome situations because my focus was on saving money, instead of living well I feel, and that does have some validity. To accuse me of not caring for the environment because I dont want to use baking soda for my hair is frankly innaccurate (if you were suggesting this) by not buying what you want, it doesnt mean you are helping the environment more than I am. I think that is faulty logic, also you really need to think your anger towards "most of society" the way you are talking about most people is just really angry and hateful, kinda like the KULTIVATOR post you made.


Good for you, SkyDog! Good luck with the projects!


That will be fun.


Mentality/ vibrations, etc...They do work. This I have experienced. Action is a part that people miss. Often times, they miss the actual changing of what they put out the most.


I see plenty of people talk about how the LOA does not work..yet they have deep rooted emotions/ programs that are opposing what they want and have not let go of them....


Lots of people want the quick fix without taking the time to completely change how they inter-act with life.



On the subject of TaoMeows post. I think she was making a statement about human civilization in general. Not anyone specifically.


There does happen to be plenty of things going on now to feel angry about. Plenty and then some!



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I have found that when manifesting prosperity, that it works better to focus on what you want and need, than money specifically. For example if you need a new car, focusing on that, affirmations for that, visualization for that, hell a talisman for that if you want. This seems to bring about more options for getting the said thing, such as finding a car for 1/5th the price, someone giving you a car (this has happened to a few people who have specifically done work on manifesting a car), or perhaps a friend just letting you use theirs 5 days per week until you get one. This works really well on other stuff too, such as "make sure my kids get into a good college", "me living in a comfortable house", "travel 3 times per year" and so forth.


Actually I had an interesting one.. I hadn't been on an international vacation in a few years due to lack of funds. So I did some metaphysical work to make sure I went on one that year. As it turned out my income didn't change a huge amount that year, but a client did fly me overseas to teach him for 2 weeks (then let me use his spare condo on the beach to vacation in for the other 2 weeks). I was quite happy how that worked out :>. It is also likely that if I made enough extra that year for that sort of vacation I would have spent it on other things lol.

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I have found that when manifesting prosperity, that it works better to focus on what you want and need, than money specifically. For example if you need a new car, focusing on that, affirmations for that, visualization for that, hell a talisman for that if you want. This seems to bring about more options for getting the said thing, such as finding a car for 1/5th the price, someone giving you a car (this has happened to a few people who have specifically done work on manifesting a car), or perhaps a friend just letting you use theirs 5 days per week until you get one. This works really well on other stuff too, such as "make sure my kids get into a good college", "me living in a comfortable house", "travel 3 times per year" and so forth.


Actually I had an interesting one.. I hadn't been on an international vacation in a few years due to lack of funds. So I did some metaphysical work to make sure I went on one that year. As it turned out my income didn't change a huge amount that year, but a client did fly me overseas to teach him for 2 weeks (then let me use his spare condo on the beach to vacation in for the other 2 weeks). I was quite happy how that worked out :>. It is also likely that if I made enough extra that year for that sort of vacation I would have spent it on other things lol.


That is an excellent point!


Focus on what we want, not the money. I have had similar experiences. Focusing on money rarely works as well as the thing itself.


Sometimes, though, when I am thinking about income, I do pick a number. And then focus on that number.


There is a balancing act. Between the individual things and how much income you feel is what you want.


BaguaKicksAss, is there a specific method you use to help move things along, manifestation wise?



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In Beijing, I visited a friend, a cultivator of taoist arts in my own tradition, and was impressed by the tasteful, spacious apartment his family lives in. He noticed of course that I was looking at the environment with the eyes of appreciation, and asked, "Do you think it's a nice place?" "Very nice," I replied truthfully. "Well, it's not mine. It's my younger brother's, he lives overseas." Then he laughed and said, "I've never owned anything in my life, and always had whatever I needed -- for free." Which wouldn't be surprising if an overgrown Western perennial teenager supported by parents said something like this, but the guy is Chinese and over 70. I told him, "could I get some more of that tea you've been drinking?" :D

Edited by Taomeow
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Just the nature of the job, I am at 60 hours now, will go to 80 in January, and back to 40 after April. I do have something very very very important I have to save up for, feel free to PM but it's not something I can talk about openly.




Hmmm, some further ponderings... how about working in one of those fields, education, research, various creative fields, or spiritual (priests of churches do get paid a little bit). In the interim I mean, for a better quality of life within the present construct... while figuring out how to get past it.


Btw, More Pie Guy, 80 hours per week?! Do you own your own business? Or just have something extremely important you are working towards/saving up for? (not like you have to answer, I just got curious).

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"If you're looking for TRUE financial freedom or more abundance in your life, it will never come from excessive frugality. Instead, focus on taking your passions and gifts and help people who are longing for what you uniquely offer. Every single entrepreneur I respect and consider a role model focuses on making MORE rather than spending LESS. This is one example of developing a prosperity mindset"


Amen! The words of gold.

Edited by Urpflanze
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