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I have an Awesome Idea!

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I don't lack creativity or imagination - I do origami and like writing fiction, I'm always imagining stuff. I just also use logic! If we only accept logical thought, we stagnate. If we only accept imagination, we don't live grounded in reality.

Same opinion as I.



There ARE limitations. We all have great untapped potential, but if you believe that you are omnipotent, teleport here to see me. If you can't... that's a limitation you have




I've presented reasonable arguments against an unrealistic appraisal of the power of subliminals. The response has been hysterical ad hominems, and accusations of being an unimaginative creature limited to logic alone.




It's one thing to bash on creative thinking, and another to point out when it strays beyond reality into Narnia. Would it be bashing creativity to tell someone that it isn't possible to travel to the moon by drawing a circle in bat blood on the ground during the full moon, pissing on your shoes, and throwing them onto a bonfire in the middle of the circle while singing Iron Maiden's 'The Number of the Beast' in Swahili?



TI and I have a problem with AYP because it's a mistaken practice which at best leads to a limited level of progress (neither of us like limitations!), and has caused serious problems for many people.


I don't have an issue with mantras, in fact I have chanted the Zhunti mantra for some time. But that is a real mantra, not an AYP concoction, and I don't use it with mindless dull repetition lacking any concentration to enter a dull trance-like state as in AYP.


I won't debate the hover board thing any more because I see no point. If you wish to discuss the issues TI and I have with AYP, or are curious, see The first post is quite long, but it covers all the important points.

I've stated SEVERAL times that that I'm not trying to believe a hover board into a existence, It's not about that, It's about believing that I'll find a way to invent one. Please stop with that ad hominem crap You seem to be disregarding 90% of what I post because you're so butt hurt by the other 10%. You pregnant kangaroo.


Again I'm trying to believe that I Can and will become capable and find a way to build the hover board. I believe that one day, Perhaps soon. It's not that complicated.

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innovation and advances are always, maybe not always, but maybe 99% of the time met with ridicule and hostility,

yondaime, i have followed a few of your postings here with interest

creative people often have some form of ritual they go thru to help unlock the process

stick with it


Yes often creative people are met with great hostility when expressing ideas, especially from strict logical conformist types. Who tell you believe like I do, it is the real way, if you don't there is something wrong with you. Just ignore and create.


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Max says "Never give away your inner power or your authority to another." - Kunlun System


Watching somone else's subliminal video is giving away your inner power and authority.


It is in the same league as hypnotism, con artists, pick pockets etc. Distract the conscious awareness and prey on the victim.


Have you seen this?



In spiritual development, the goal is to learn to control the awareness, to sustain it into a consecutive stream of awareness. To join the subconsious with the conscious. To discover the truth of existence through bringing what is hidden to the light of day. To experience samadhi. To understand, gain personal experience and knowledge.


Subliminals can serve to further divide the subconscious from the conscious. They can produce identity crisis and other inconsistencies. Subliminals are like opening up the front door to your house and then just walking away for a while. You never know what you'll find when "you" come back.


On a general plane, the underlying dangers of subliminal hypnosis can also be as a result of issues arising from unintended suggestion and other issues concerning the health status of the individual being hypnotized.

In any case, there’s every reason for you to hypnotize yourself the normal way instead of allowing someone else to that for you. You can make use of good subliminal images and messages to enhance the perception of your subconscious mind. If the images and messages you use are positive in nature, you are sure to attain a sound mind in the process. The impression in your subconscious mind can go a long way to influencing your conscious mind including your feeling, actions and the way you think.

Having seen all these, there’s need to guard against unnecessary involvement in all forms of subliminal hypnosis since they can pose great dangers to your overall mental system. You need to avoid them at all costs.


I have no problem with you doing subliminals for you. You are free to do what you want to yourself. I do however, have objections when you present your subliminals to other people. I am concerned for their mental and spiritual health.


Are you even qualified to perform psychological restructing on unsuspecting subjects? Do you have a degree in psychology, psychiatry, or even language? Do you script what you say in your subliminals? Do you share what you've implanted in your subliminals so that others can verify that what you are implanting is in fact coherent, logical, and to their benefit? Have you imposed your personal values and ideologies, thinking that everyone is like you, therefore what applies to you should apply to everyone else?


You don't appear to have impeccable morals or ethics, since you decieved us about your identity once.. You make me nervous.


Perhaps you could write out exactly what you've said in one of your subliminals proving to us that you are up-front about your content.

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Same opinion as I.


I've stated SEVERAL times that that I'm not trying to believe a hover board into a existence, It's not about that, It's about believing that I'll find a way to invent one. Please stop with that ad hominem crap You seem to be disregarding 90% of what I post because you're so butt hurt by the other 10%. You pregnant kangaroo.


Again I'm trying to believe that I Can and will become capable and find a way to build the hover board. I believe that one day, Perhaps soon. It's not that complicated.

Um, I never said anything about believing a hover board into existence. All my arguments have been against the idea of subliminals making you capable of building one. I guess I didn't explain clearly, sorry.


If you re-read my 2nd post on this thread, you'll see how it's all about learning to make hover boards, not manifesting them from thin air. Either I was unclear, you didn't read properly, or you strawmanned me.


"intellectual goals like discovering a way to create a hover board. I don't think you've realised just what would be involved in figuring out hover boards"


"in the process of designing this engine"


I never said anything insulting to you either, so I have no idea where the and hominem accusation came from. If I've said anything harsh to you, I didn't mean to. Maybe you're just interpreting any disagreement with your position as a personal attack. That last post wasn't even to you, it was to skydog.


Anyway, good luck. :)

Edited by Seeker of the Self

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Max says "Never give away your inner power or your authority to another."  - Kunlun System


Watching somone else's subliminal video is giving away your inner power and authority.


It is in the same league as hypnotism, con artists, pick pockets etc. Distract the conscious awareness and prey on the victim.


Have you seen this?


In spiritual development, the goal is to learn to control the awareness, to sustain it into a consecutive stream of awareness. To join the subconsious with the conscious. To discover the truth of existence through bringing what is hidden to the light of day. To experience samadhi. To understand, gain personal experience and knowledge.


Subliminals can serve to further divide the subconscious from the conscious.  They can produce identity crisis and other inconsistencies. Subliminals are like opening up the front door to your house and then just walking away for a while. You never know what you'll find when "you" come back.




I have no problem with you doing subliminals for you. You are free to do what you want to yourself. I do however, have objections when you present your subliminals to other people. I am concerned for their mental and spiritual health.


Are you even qualified to perform psychological restructing on unsuspecting subjects? Do you have a degree in psychology, psychiatry, or even language? Do you script what you say in your subliminals? Do you share what you've implanted in your subliminals so that others can verify that what you are implanting is in fact coherent, logical, and to their benefit? Have you imposed your personal values and ideologies, thinking that everyone is like you, therefore what applies to you should apply to everyone else?


You don't appear to have impeccable morals or ethics, since you decieved us about your identity once.. You make me nervous.


Perhaps you could write out exactly what you've said in one of your subliminals proving to us that you are up-front about your content.

What the hell? I haven't deceived anyone, 


Really? Why would you even ask that question? I'm 17 why the hell would I have any respectable degree in the field of psychology or anything related to subconscious programing. I've been watching subliminals for 2 years and I've a lot of research on metaphysics, the subconscious mind, and of course, subliminals. I've researched on how they affect the subconscious mind, What'd happen if you combined them with something else, etc. I base my subliminals on all of ones I've watched while throwing a little bit of my own types of messages into the mix. I can swear on my life that I haven't used these messages to forward my own evil personal agenda. My morals are that of your average joe.


As I had said previously, I made these videos because I wanted to see if kinetic abilities existed in the first place. I was also pissed of at all the psychic frauds on youtube. As well seeing all these videos like "DNA Activitation" or "Evolve into God" and stupid videos like that when I hardly doubt any of those guys have actually accomplished anything worth mentioning.n theory, Believing that I will give me kinetic abilities via the law of thought-manifestation. But then I realized, I'm an extremely hedonistic and lazy teenager. But Seeing as I had already made my first video and didn't want it's potential to be wasted I uploaded it to youtube and scattered across the internet on many forums that dealt with the occult and metaphysical studies such as this one. Within days, I was getting  responses about how people were starting to notices changes and that their psionic abilities we improving. I was excited and happy knowing that my videos were helping people get psychic abilities. The only reason I make them is because I enjoy reading the daily responses from my viewers about how their all noticing their noticing changes and making progress. In matter of fact, Someone has recently told me he's getting close to actually levitating from training and using my levitation subliminal. And guess what? I'm going to keep uploading them.


I'd watch these videos myself, But I'm afraid of opening my third eye and attracting entities. And I think I'd use the powers irresponsibly and do I'd regret. I've started meditation so when I finally stabilize my personality then I'll get to work on that stuff.


As for the messages here's what I used:

Levitation is part of who you are

your floating ability is part of who you are

you are a powerful master of levitation

levitation comes naturally to you

you get better at levitation everyday

your ability to levitate is improving

levitation comes easily to you

you possess the ability to float at will

your flying potential is increasing

you know and understand levitation

you know exactly how to levitate

the secrets of levitation are now perceived by you

you know how to easily float in the air

you can easily levitate

you can fly through the air

you can fly

you have perfect control over your levitation ability

you now perceive the secrets of floating

your flying ability improves daily

you can make yourself rise with ease

levitation comes easily and naturally for you

you now remember how to levitate

you are a wise and intelligent master of levitation

your powerful focus strengthens your levitation

you conscious and subconsciously know how to float and fly

levitation is easy for you

you always levitate easily

you can easily use energy to float and levitate

you can generate, control, and generate and manipulate floating energy

levitation is simple

you can control your floating ability

you are able to float in mid air easily

you harness the power of lifting energies


I placed a disclaimer in the description telling anyone who's not to bright that they shouldn't try anything risky until they can actually levitate. I could careless about your criticisms because they're having the desired effects on want them to have on people. Positive ones. If it means anything to your experienced soul, I only use commands associated with the videos subject. If you still don't want to watch them then suit yourself I don't care. Thanks for considering.

Edited by yondaime109

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Um, I never said anything about believing a hover board into existence. All my arguments have been against the idea of subliminals making you capable of building one. I guess I didn't explain clearly, sorry.


I never said anything insulting to you either, so I have no idea where the and hominem accusation came from. If I've said anything harsh to you, I didn't mean to. Maybe you're just interpreting any disagreement with your position as a personal attack. That last post wasn't even to you, it was to skydog.


Anyway, good luck. :)

Well. I guess that's settled then. Thanks for your luck, But I have pizza.

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That's offensive, Comparing me with scum.


It's not like I force people to watch these, I admit I am a bit pushy because I really desperate for feedback from my videos. But, I also tell people they can just go meditate and repeat affirmations to themselves as they train or visualize themselves becoming powerful psions. Personally, I prefer they use my videos because the it's more convenient and possibly easier to change your beliefs and direct thoughts, I enjoy the daily feedback, etc.


I Really don't care if you think this hindering anyone's spiritual development whatsoever. That's just your respective opinion ad perspective. I also disagree because I know many other spiritually-developed people who use my videos. Conflicting ideals is one the reason I don't trust logic when it comes to logic ( I have no idea what the hell I mean by this). You can see the world by how you see it, How others tell you to see it, or by how it really is. The 3rd might never be mastered by any of us.


It's not like you have to develop psych-kinetic abilities to become enlightened. I guess you consider someone spiritually-undeveloped because they use a lighter to light their candles before meditation.

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What the hell? I haven't deceived anyone, So what if I'm inconsistent with the names I use for my profiles scattered across the web, Hell I'll give the other names I've used: Rtardx, Blackeroni, Jamil Hassan Tucker (my name), and Yondaime 109. I've been using these since I was 12. Go on google and read every link associated with those names, I don't care I have nothing to hide I'll confess my entire life story, My dark thoughts, my dreams my secrets, and desires I really don't give damn because this is the internet. I'm crazy and insane but not a psychopath.


Really? Why would you even ask that question? I'm 17 why the hell would I have any respectable degree in the field of psychology or anything related to subconscious programing. I've been watching subliminals for 2 years and I've a lot of research on metaphysics, the subconscious mind, and of course, subliminals. I've researched on how they affect the subconscious mind, What'd happen if you combined them with something else, etc. I base my subliminals on all of ones I've watched while throwing a little bit of my own types of messages into the mix. I can swear on my life that I haven't used these messages to forward my own evil personal agenda. My morals are that of your average joe.


As I had said previously, I made these videos because I wanted to see if kinetic abilities existed in the first place. I was also pissed of at all the psychic frauds on youtube. As well seeing all these videos like "DNA Activitation" or "Evolve into God" and stupid videos like that when I hardly doubt any of those guys have actually accomplished anything worth mentioning.n theory, Believing that I will give me kinetic abilities via the law of thought-manifestation. But then I realized, I'm an extremely hedonistic and lazy teenager. But Seeing as I had already made my first video and didn't want it's potential to be wasted I uploaded it to youtube and scattered across the internet on many forums that dealt with the occult and metaphysical studies such as this one. Within days, I was getting responses about how people were starting to notices changes and that their psionic abilities we improving. I was excited and happy knowing that my videos were helping people get psychic abilities. The only reason I make them is because I enjoy reading the daily responses from my viewers about how their all noticing their noticing changes and making progress. In matter of fact, Someone has recently told me he's getting close to actually levitating from training and using my levitation subliminal. And guess what? I'm going to keep uploading them.


I'd watch these videos myself, But I'm afraid of opening my third eye and attracting entities. And I think I'd use the powers irresponsibly and do I'd regret. I've started meditation so when I finally stabilize my personality then I'll get to work on that stuff.


As for the messages here's what I used:

Levitation is part of who you are

your floating ability is part of who you are

you are a powerful master of levitation

levitation comes naturally to you

you get better at levitation everyday

your ability to levitate is improving

levitation comes easily to you

you possess the ability to float at will

your flying potential is increasing

you know and understand levitation

you know exactly how to levitate

the secrets of levitation are now perceived by you

you know how to easily float in the air

you can easily levitate

you can fly through the air

you can fly

you have perfect control over your levitation ability

you now perceive the secrets of floating

your flying ability improves daily

you can make yourself rise with ease

levitation comes easily and naturally for you

you now remember how to levitate

you are a wise and intelligent master of levitation

your powerful focus strengthens your levitation

you conscious and subconsciously know how to float and fly

levitation is easy for you

you always levitate easily

you can easily use energy to float and levitate

you can generate, control, and generate and manipulate floating energy

levitation is simple

you can control your floating ability

you are able to float in mid air easily

you harness the power of lifting energies


I placed a disclaimer in the description telling anyone who's not to bright that they shouldn't try anything risky until they can actually levitate. I could careless about your criticisms because they're having the desired effects on want them to have on people. Positive ones. If it means anything to your experienced soul, I only use commands associated with the videos subject. If you still don't want to watch them then suit yourself I don't care. Thanks for considering.


You said:


What the hell? I haven't deceived anyone, So what if I'm inconsistent with the names I use for my profiles scattered across the web, Hell I'll give the other names I've used: Rtardx, Blackeroni, Jamil Hassan Tucker (my name), and Yondaime 109. I've been using these since I was 12. Go on google and read every link associated with those names, I don't care I have nothing to hide I'll confess my entire life story, My dark thoughts, my dreams my secrets, and desires I really don't give damn because this is the internet. I'm crazy and insane but not a psychopath.



Sorry, I guess I should have been clearer. I am not talking about your use of aliases. I was referring to the fact that you misrepresented who you are. You told Manitou and the forum that you were the person doing the excercises in the video. Remember?



I was going to ask you. In your other post, here, Manitou asks you if you are the person in the video.


OMG. Is that you doing the exercises??



To which you reply:


Yep, It is.



That is nice that you posted your script. Now, do I believe that that is actually what is in the subliminal?

My only other comments are these:


Have you considered that making subliminals to enable and promote psychic powers is contrary to what most Hindu and Budhhist teachings tell you to do? They all say never to focus exclusively on the siddhis (psychic powers) because they are a distraction and can ruin a sincere spiritual path very easily.


Also, have you considered this: Someone watches your psycho-kinesis video and then writes to you the following letter:


"Hi. I watched your psycho-kinesis video over and over for a week. I just luved it. Then, yesterday, I was going to peal some potatoes with a sharp knife. Well, as soon as I thought of grabbing the knife to start peeling, the knife, which was on the counter, flew directly to my hand before I had a chance to grab it! It cut a few nerves. Now I have no feeling in my thumb. I hope you have a good insurance policy because I'm going to sue you for damages. My lawyer will be contacting you shortly."



Since you seem to be so interested in levitation, I will tell you how to levitate.

- Sit in a meditative posture, preferably full lotus, or even half-lotus.

- Imagine a fine white line of light coming from the throat chakra up to the base of the skull, then forward to the tip of the nose, then up to the brow and then back to the center of the crown. Make it real

- Silently chant the mantra "Ham".

Keep this up, repeating "Ham" and making the visualization brighter and brighter until your body and mind fall away and you go into samadhi.

Once you hit samadhi, you will discover that there is a current which starts in the middle of the throat chakra and goes straight up. It feels like an upside-down waterfall. It has a definite pulling motion and will pull you upwards.


The meditation activates this current. Once you become proficient in activating the current, you can levitate at will (so the instructions said). I did succeed in activating the current a few times but I could never activate it at will on the spur of the moment. And, I couldn't tell if I actually did levitate or not because when you go into samadhi, the body has long before dissolved away.. And after a month of regular, intense practice, I gave up on the whole idea.


So, hopefully my comments have caused you to examine your subliminals and the potential hazards of what you are doing.


I will quit buggin you now.




Edited by Tibetan_Ice
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You said:




Sorry, I guess I should have been clearer. I am not talking about your use of aliases. I was referring to the fact that you misrepresented who you are. You told Manitou and the forum that you were the person doing the excercises in the video. Remember?




That is nice that you posted your script. Now, do I believe that that is actually what is in the subliminal?

My only other comments are these:


Have you considered that making subliminals to enable and promote psychic powers is contrary to what most Hindu and Budhhist teachings tell you to do? They all say never to focus exclusively on the siddhis (psychic powers) because they are a distraction and can ruin a sincere spiritual path very easily.


Also, have you considered this: Someone watches your psycho-kinesis video and then writes to you the following letter:


"Hi. I watched your psycho-kinesis video over and over for a week. I just luved it. Then, yesterday, I was going to peal some potatoes with a sharp knife. Well, as soon as I thought of grabbing the knife to start peeling, the knife, which was on the counter, flew directly to my hand before I had a chance to grab it! It cut a few nerves. Now I have no feeling in my thumb. I hope you have a good insurance policy because I'm going to sue you for damages. My lawyer will be contacting you shortly."



Since you seem to be so interested in levitation, I will tell you how to levitate.

- Sit in a meditative posture, preferably full lotus, or even half-lotus.

- Imagine a fine white line of light coming from the throat chakra up to the base of the skull, then forward to the tip of the nose, then up to the brow and then back to the center of the crown. Make it real

- Silently chant the mantra "Ham".

Keep this up, repeating "Ham" and making the visualization brighter and brighter until your body and mind fall away and you go into samadhi.

Once you hit samadhi, you will discover that there is a current which starts in the middle of the throat chakra and goes straight up. It feels like an upside-down waterfall. It has a definite pulling motion and will pull you upwards.


The meditation activates this current. Once you become proficient in activating the current, you can levitate at will (so the instructions said). I did succeed in activating the current a few times but I could never activate it at will on the spur of the moment. And, I couldn't tell if I actually did levitate or not because when you go into samadhi, the body has long before dissolved away.. And after a month of regular, intense practice, I gave up on the whole idea.


So, hopefully my comments have caused you to examine your subliminals and the potential hazards of what you are doing.


I will quit buggin you now.




I'm going to take your unseriously serious post very seriously. Did ever cross your mind that I said it was me doing to exercises because it was me doing the exercises?


Are you serious? Accidental Telekinesis Insurance? I'll just put a disclaimer on my vids.


Thanks for the levitation advice.

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You said:




Sorry, I guess I should have been clearer. I am not talking about your use of aliases. I was referring to the fact that you misrepresented who you are. You told Manitou and the forum that you were the person doing the excercises in the video. Remember?




That is nice that you posted your script. Now, do I believe that that is actually what is in the subliminal?

My only other comments are these:


Have you considered that making subliminals to enable and promote psychic powers is contrary to what most Hindu and Budhhist teachings tell you to do? They all say never to focus exclusively on the siddhis (psychic powers) because they are a distraction and can ruin a sincere spiritual path very easily.


Also, have you considered this: Someone watches your psycho-kinesis video and then writes to you the following letter:


"Hi. I watched your psycho-kinesis video over and over for a week. I just luved it. Then, yesterday, I was going to peal some potatoes with a sharp knife. Well, as soon as I thought of grabbing the knife to start peeling, the knife, which was on the counter, flew directly to my hand before I had a chance to grab it! It cut a few nerves. Now I have no feeling in my thumb. I hope you have a good insurance policy because I'm going to sue you for damages. My lawyer will be contacting you shortly."



Since you seem to be so interested in levitation, I will tell you how to levitate.

- Sit in a meditative posture, preferably full lotus, or even half-lotus.

- Imagine a fine white line of light coming from the throat chakra up to the base of the skull, then forward to the tip of the nose, then up to the brow and then back to the center of the crown. Make it real

- Silently chant the mantra "Ham".

Keep this up, repeating "Ham" and making the visualization brighter and brighter until your body and mind fall away and you go into samadhi.

Once you hit samadhi, you will discover that there is a current which starts in the middle of the throat chakra and goes straight up. It feels like an upside-down waterfall. It has a definite pulling motion and will pull you upwards.


The meditation activates this current. Once you become proficient in activating the current, you can levitate at will (so the instructions said). I did succeed in activating the current a few times but I could never activate it at will on the spur of the moment. And, I couldn't tell if I actually did levitate or not because when you go into samadhi, the body has long before dissolved away.. And after a month of regular, intense practice, I gave up on the whole idea.


So, hopefully my comments have caused you to examine your subliminals and the potential hazards of what you are doing.


I will quit buggin you now.





ah cool, Im gonna practice this lol, can feel an effect already ha




Im convinced I can using my imagination and visualisation and pretending to be different things, can feel an energy effect dont know about transformation yet tho

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I'm going to take your unseriously serious post very seriously. Did ever cross your mind that I said it was me doing to exercises because it was me doing the exercises?


Oh please. Who do you think you are fooling? That video was not on the thread.

Go see for yourself:


Manitou was referring to the guy doing handstand pushups in the preceeding subliminal. And now we know for sure that that was not you.


Here is a quick quiz for you.

Who said "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." ?


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Oh please. Who do you think you are fooling? That video was not on the thread.

Go see for yourself:


Manitou was referring to the guy doing handstand pushups in the preceeding subliminal. And now we know for sure that that was not you.


Here is a quick quiz for you.

Who said "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." ?


What are you talking about? I thought she had gotten into my channel via one of my videos and had stumbled upon my the 2nd video. It'd only makes sense, If you insist otherwise than you're just fueling a baseless argument.

Edited by yondaime109

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