
How to develop unconditional love?

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I did enjoy your game of "I am Kali"...if you look at it long enough, perhaps you will see past the past, and realize a flash of the Present.








My dakini is kundalini as I said, so I would call her 'Shakini' but she is way more than that...the advantage one has with 'her' is that she sees the inside of you vs. the outside, so is practically omniscient in regards to what buttons to push.


"When one consciously pivots from the Present, beliefs are seen as beliefs. No consciousness attached to time, for example, the 6 lower senses that you cling to for your identity, can be conscious of the Present. There is no Present in time. The present cannot be accessed through the skandhas." - this is awesome, I will have to take some time to analyze with mind...I know that mind is really past/future...whereas skandhas are always just a flicker away from the present, but close enough to be 99.9999% on as far as speed is concerned. As far as perception is concerned, it of course warps things further. The science of sensory perception is this: Sensation occurs at the sense organs, transduction occurs, information ends up in various brain areas where it is rapidly processed and eventually presented to consciousness. Next, we perceive. Then our brain analyzes the perception and determines importance, meaning, etc. Then action occurs. Of course there is a bunch of back and forth talk.


"So...your "looking at yourself and finding anything you see in yourself that could be applied to others...everything about your own shortcomings" is a delusional belief arises from your skandha mind. The skandha mind is always in the past,...and does not, and cannot pivot from the Present." -yes, all beliefs delusional, all the time. Even when they are true. Agree with your delusional statement 100%, 99.999% of the time.


"Belief is a condition,...and conditions can never fuse with the Unconditional." - perhaps...unless it is the unconditional itself that believes - for example, if God exists, and is the unconditioned, then his belief is of course part and parcel of the unconditioned. Unless he has no beliefs and simply is. Then if he has no beliefs, does he then have no mind? No Godmind? No self? No Godself? Perhaps there is no God (I think probably not)...but there are other more possible possibilities than this. I leave myself open as far as this is concerned.


"Again,...you can never, and will never, bring your conditions into the Unconditional. What you are doing now, is building upon conditions, so that you're "looking at yourself and finding anything you see in yourself that could be applied to others...everything about your own shortcomings" - The unconditional, while not being able to be conditioned, can condition however, and it does this not to something, as if they are separate, but acts around and within the conditioned, as if it encapsulates the conditional...thus the conditions exist within the unconditional, so actually are 'in' the unconditional...both around and within would seem to allow the actions of into, and through....I know that everything I said is delusional from the get-go - it is just a game. The Kundalini does these same things to me...by playing illusionary games, she teaches. If she was only able to tell me the truth, it wouldn't work. She says I would be expecting it all the time, and would never figure it out for myself, become dependent on her for her constant input (with the constantly changing conditional reality of cause/effect) and would become a helpless baby. What she is teaching me is flexibility, so that I can become a child of illusion...at free and able to play in any setting.


"The difficulty that most sophomores make, is the belief that the Unconditional can be found through conditions. The Unconditional can only be realized by letting go of conditions. A real Dakini is an assassin of your beliefs,...of your conditions. Anyone who promotes, or tolerates beliefs is your enemy." - I dont know about the first part...but I have a sneaky feeling that this is incorrect. I will hypothesize in a moment. First, in regards to dakinis, the kundalini says she isn't just a dakini, but she is damn good at playing one...so she is a shakini. She is the internal dakini, the highest type, but even higher still is she makes the dakini out of my own thought constructs, using the information she finds in my own brain to build it (everchanging too). She does promote beliefs in the way she does her thing. What she does is promote my own beliefs, presents them to me, and then lets me wear myself out with them, makes it so that I realize through making mistakes. It works just fine. I emulate her, so thus I use delusions to teach anti-delusion. This is my style at the moment and I am very flexible with it. I will make a new thread that describes this in more detail soon. I still assassinate people's beliefs and conditions, but I emulate her. So I am thus no dakini...but I can become a shakini (I think), although I could never touch her skill, regardless of how much she becomes me. I am still just a dirty reflection of her.


In regards to how unconditional can be found through conditions, I postulate this: We are all conditioned from birth, yet through our conditional selves, the unconditional can be found. You might say that there is some unconditional part of ourself which comes through once the conditional self is dropped, yet it seems that it is through the (partial) acts of the conditional that the conditional is dissolved. So it may just depend on how you look at it. Perhaps I will add more later...but I want to get to posting that Kundalini thread....

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i want to be able to love my "enemies" and friends equally. i can say that i do, but i don't feel like it comes from within. i believe that my annoyance and avoidance of undesirable people is just hatred under a new name, and i don't like it.


Does anyone have any advice/books/links that might help me?


this could turn into a debate about whether i need to or not, but i know i don't -need- to. i want to. i see other people that feel love for everyone and everything and i don't feel it. i don't see the point in striving to help others other than for my own emotional gratification. i feel like accumulating merit is just a point-system to give us a false reason to feel good about ourselves. Please, help me understand the possible error of these thoughts and bring me to a greater appreciation of humanity.


Flofolil - in regards to your original post, I have a bunch of material I have aggregated that you may find useful....it is also from various books I have read, including books by Pema Chodron, Chuang Tzu, and others I can't recall. Nothing here is mine, I take no credit. I have more if you like:




None of us is okay and all of us is fine. It’s not just one way. We are all walking, talking, paradoxes. All passion, aggression, heartbreak, etc. is simply passing memory. It is all just thought. This is how we begin to wake up to our innate ability to let go, to reconnect with shunyata, or absolute bodhichitta. Also, this is how we awaken our compassion, our heart, our innate softness, relative bodhichitta. Use labeling with great gentleness as a way to touch those dramas and acknowledge that you just made them all up with this conversation you’re having with yourself.


Rest in the nature of alaya, the essence, the minds natural state, which is the open primordial basis of all phenomena. We can rest in the fundamental openness and enjoy the display of whatever arises without making a big deal.


In post-meditation, be a child of illusion. What you see is not here and its not not here. It’s both and neither. Everything you hear is the echo of emptiness, yet there is sound- it’s real – the echo of emptiness. Good, bad, happy, sad, all thoughts vanish into emptiness like the imprint of a bird in the sky.


Good and bad coexist; sour and sweet coexist. They aren’t really opposed to eachother. We could start to open our eyes and our hearts to that deep way of perceiving, like moving into a whole new dimension of experience: becoming a child of illusion. We begin to let opposites coexist, not trying to get rid of anything but just training and opening our eyes, ears, nostrils, taste buds, hearts and minds wider and wider, nurturing the habit of opening to whatever is occurring, including shutting down. The world doesn’t speak for itself because we’re so caught up in our story line that instead of feeling that there’s a lot of space in which we could lead our life as a child of illusion, we’re robbing ourselves from letting the world speak for itself. You just keep speaking to yourself, so nothing speaks to you.


When the three poisons arise- passion, aggression, and ignorance – the instruction is to drop the story line, which means – instead of acting out or repressing- use the situation as an opportunity to feel your heart, to feel the wound. Use it as an opportunity to touch that soft spot. Underneath all that craving or aversion or jealousy or feeling wretched about yourself, underneath all that hopelessness and despair and depression, there is something extremely soft, which is called bodhichitta. When we don’t act out and we don’t repress, then our passion, our aggression, and our ignorance becomes our wealth. The poison already is the medicine. You don’t have to transform anything. Simply letting go of the story line is what it takes, which is not that easy. Just start where you are. When resistance is gone, so are the demons.


In its essence, the practice of tonglen is, when anything is painful or undesirable, to breathe it in. Don’t resist it. Surrender to yourself, acknowledge who you are, honor yourself. Feel the pain. By the same token, if you feel some sense of delight, inspiration, relaxation, openness- breathe it out, give it away, send it out to everyone else. Tonglen practice has four stages. The first stage is flashing openness, or flashing absolute bodhicitta. Rest in the nature of alaya, the essence. It is done very quickly. There is some sort of natural flash of silence and space. It’s a very simple thing. The second stage is working with the texture. You visualize breathing in dark, heavy, and hot and breathing out white, light, and cool. The idea is that you are always breathing in the same thing: you are essentially breathing in the cause of suffering, the origin of suffering, which is fixation, the tendency to hold on to the ego with a vengeance. The third stage is working with a specific heartfelt object of suffering. You breathe in the pain of a specific person or animal that you wish to help. The 4th stage extends this wish to relieve suffering further. Let’s say your angry. Breathe in the fury. Develop sympathy for your own confusion. Do not blame your assigned ‘source’ of the fury; you also do not blame yourself. Instead, there is just liberated fury- experience it as fully as you can. Breathe the anger in; remove the object; stop thinking about the object (person). In fact, they were just a useful catalyst. Now you own the anger completely. Drive all blames into yourself. This destroys the mechanism of the ego. Then, breathe out sympathy, relaxation, and spaciousness. Allow space for the feelings. Ventilate the whole thing. What you are actually doing is cultivating kindness towards yourself. Don’t think about it, don’t philosophize; simply breathe in the poison. It won’t make your own rage any greater; it is just rage, just fixation on rage, which causes so much suffering. The things that really drive us nuts have enormous energy in them. That is why we fear them. It could even be your own timidity: you are so timid that you are afraid to walk up and say hello to someone, afraid to look them in the eye. It takes a lot of energy to maintain that. It’s the way you keep yourself together. You cannot fake these things; therefore you start with the things that are close to your heart. The main thing is to really get in touch with fixation and the power of poison activity in yourself. This makes other people’s situations completely accessible and real to you. Then, when it becomes real and vivid, always remember to extend it out. Let your own experience be a stepping stone for working with the world. This is how to use the unwanted, unfavorable circumstances of your life as the actual material of awakening. Whatever occurs isn’t considered an interruption or an obstacle, but a way to wake up. The more you just try to get things your way, the less you feel at home.


“Drive all blames into one”- or “take the blame yourself,” isn’t really a masochistic practice. When you begin to notice what it feels like when you blame someone else, you find what is actually under all that talking and conversation about how wrong somebody or something is. Notice what blame feels like. We short-circuit the overwhelming tendency we have to blame everybody else. It doesn’t mean, instead of blaming other people, to blame yourself. Instead of guarding yourself, instead of pushing things away, begin to get in touch with the fact that there is a very soft spot under the blame. The blame is a protective maneuver. You can take it beyond what we think of as “blame” and practice applying it simply to the general sense that something is wrong. Try dropping the object of the blame or the object of what you think is wrong. Try to relate in a non-conceptual way to your anger, your righteous indignation, to your sense of being fed up, etc. If you don’t recoil from that and keep opening your heart, you find that underneath all the fear is what has been called shaky tenderness.


If you aren’t feeding the fire of anger or the fire of craving by talking to yourself, then the fire doesn’t have anything to feed on. It peaks and passes on. Strangely enough, we blame others and put so much energy into the object of anger, etc. because we are afraid that this anger or sorrow or loneliness is going to last forever. We think the way to end it is to blame it on somebody else. Acting it out is what makes it last. Instead of always blaming the other, own the feeling of blame, own the anger, etc. and make friends with it. Stop talking to yourself about how wrong everything is, or how right everything is. The “one” in “drive all blames into one” is the tendency we have to want to protect ourselves: ego clinging. When we drive all blames into this tendency by owning our feelings and feeling fully, our ego-clinging lightens up.


Make peace with the aspects of ourselves and others that we have rejected. “Be grateful to everyone,” and every part of yourself. The people who repel us unwittingly show us aspects of ourselves that we find unacceptable, which otherwise we can’t see. Other people trigger the karma that we haven’t worked out. These situations really teach you because there’s no pat solution to the problem. You’re continually meeting your match. You’re always coming into a challenge, coming up against your edge. Something between repressing and acting out is what’s called for, but it is unique and different each time. The path of not being caught in ego is a process of surrendering to situations in order to communicate rather than win. You can transform seeming obstacles into awakening by flashing on the nonsolidity of things- on shunyata or absolute bodhichitta.


Resistance to unwanted circumstances has the power to keep those circumstances alive and well for a long time. Whatever you meet unexpectedly, join with meditation. We can awaken bodhichitta through everything-nothing is an interruption. Interruptions themselves awaken us. When something stops your mind, catch that moment of gap, that moment of big space, that moment of bewilderment, of total astonishment, and let yourself rest in it a little longer than you ordinarily might.



‘Strong determination’ involves connecting with joy, relaxing, and trusting. Use every challenge you meet as an opportunity to open your heart and soften, determination not to withdraw. One simple way to develop this strength is to develop a strong-hearted spiritual appetite. A playful quality is useful. Enlightenment has to do with relaxing and finding out what you already have. Buddha nature isn’t like a heart transplant that you get from elsewhere. It’s something that can be awakened, or relaxed into. Let yourself fall apart into wakefulness. The practice is about softening/relaxing & also seeing clearly.


If the way that we protect ourselves is strong, then suffering is really strong too. If the ego gets lighter, then suffering is lighter too.


The idea of karma is that you continually get the teachings that you need in order to open your heart. If you regard everything that arises as fuel to wake up, you can remain cheerful. Always maintain only a joyful mind. If you can practice even when distracted, you are well trained. Sooner or later you will find yourself in a situation where you can’t change the outer circumstances at all, and you realize it all comes down to how you relate to things –whether you continue to struggle against everything that’s coming at you or you begin to work with things.


Notice everything. Appreciate everything, including the ordinary. That’s how to click in with joyfulness or cheerfulness. Curiosity encourages cheering up. So does simply remembering to do something different. When things are really heavy and you feel stuck in either your joy or your misery, just do something different to change the pattern. Abandon any hope of fruition. Just give up hope in general. The root of healing, at the root of feeling like a fully adult person, is the premise that you’re not going to try to make anything go away, that what you have is worth appreciating. If there’s some sense of wanting to change yourself, then it comes from a place of feeling that you’re not good enough. The simple ingredient of giving up hope is the most important ingredient for developing sanity and healing. When you feel afraid, that’s ‘fearful Buddha.’ That could be applied to whatever you feel. ‘Jealous Buddha,’ ‘Angry Buddha,’ etc.


Sometimes when you’re feeling miserable, you challenge people to see if they will still like you when you show them how ugly you can get.


The basic ground of compassionate action is the importance of working ‘with’ rather than struggling ‘against,’ working with your own unwanted, unacceptable stuff so that when the unacceptable & unwanted appears ‘out there,’ you relate to it based on having worked with loving-kindness.

Edited by Songtsan
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I love dog piss.

Pregnant dog urine is said to be good for reversing balding hair. Fresh is said to be best. When you see a pregnant dog piss, quickly put your head into the stream. Would have been easier if they were male dogs, since they lift their leg.

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Pregnant dog urine is said to be good for reversing balding hair. Fresh is said to be best. When you see a pregnant dog piss, quickly put your head into the stream. Would have been easier if they were male dogs, since they lift their leg.


Supposedly, drinking a little bit of your own urine every day is supposed to be healthy for you...Ayurvedic I think. Never done it myself.

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Supposedly, drinking a little bit of your own urine every day is supposed to be healthy for you...Ayurvedic I think. Never done it myself.

There is a program coming up very soon on the "Taboo" series about that. I still haven't decided if I am going to watch it.

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There is a program coming up very soon on the "Taboo" series about that. I still haven't decided if I am going to watch it.


I know that with the amount of vitamins and nutritional supplements I take, I could probably sell my pee for money...I wonder if I had it chemically analyzed what it would have in it?

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My dakini is kundalini as I said, so I would call her 'Shakini' but she is way more than that...the advantage one has with 'her' is that she sees the inside of you vs. the outside, so is practically omniscient in regards to what buttons to push.

Ah, kundalini. Recall my first activity, back in '74,...Gopi Krishna and I were buds.


There are several main types of dakini, and a myriad of secondary ones. Your elementary dakini is quite adequate for your level, but be careful of clinging to her,...a key to recognizing higher dakini, is to use them as a tool, not be devotional to them. Until you let go of the World Dakini, the Prajna Dakini will not enter you view.


A large problem with those at your level of spiritual awakening, is this belief of an inside versus an outside,...that going "within" will solve all your problems. Actually, going within (ego's realm) is even more problematic. There is nothing you want that is of the inside of you. You are the projection,...you are not projecting. Ego believes that it does the projecting,..that it is the Center,...that there is a One. There is no One. To have a One, there must be a Many,...to have a Center, there must be a Boundary. These are all delusory.


World dakini like yours, can help in the shreading of these beliefs of being "inside,"by showing you the non-reality of the inside,...except for those who see it as real. Those who see it as real are called New Agers.

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Supposedly, drinking a little bit of your own urine every day is supposed to be healthy for you...Ayurvedic I think. Never done it myself.

You are an encyclipedia of stuff,...or a bit older than I imagined.

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I wonder if I had it chemically analyzed what it would have in it?

i had these same thoughts the first time i donated plasma. Nothing like getting your bodily fluids pumped out of you and collected in a plastic bottle to show you that your insides look about the same as everyone elses


the great equalizer :lol:



edit: except for that one girl where her plasma came out green....uhhh....disregard this whole post perhaps....

Edited by Flolfolil

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Ah, kundalini. Recall my first activity, back in '74,...Gopi Krishna and I were buds.


There are several main types of dakini, and a myriad of secondary ones. Your elementary dakini is quite adequate for your level, but be careful of clinging to her,...a key to recognizing higher dakini, is to use them as a tool, not be devotional to them. Until you let go of the World Dakini, the Prajna Dakini will not enter you view.


A large problem with those at your level of spiritual awakening, is this belief of an inside versus an outside,...that going "within" will solve all your problems. Actually, going within (ego's realm) is even more problematic. There is nothing you want that is of the inside of you. You are the projection,...you are not projecting. Ego believes that it does the projecting,..that it is the Center,...that there is a One. There is no One. To have a One, there must be a Many,...to have a Center, there must be a Boundary. These are all delusory.


World dakini like yours, can help in the shreading of these beliefs of being "inside,"by showing you the non-reality of the inside,...except for those who see it as real. Those who see it as real are called New Agers.


My first obvious activity was when I was 7 years in 1983 or so..major awakening in 1999....I grew up in NY, not far from where Swami Muktananda had his ashram, and also close to Swami Rudrananda...both who could give shaktipat...I wonder if that had anything to do with it? Doesnt matter...


My dakini wont let me cling to her, although she allows it. She also breaks it too. I have been through all extremes.. farthest bounds of hate, to highest bounds of love (at least for me). We think what she is doing is hollowing me out, so that my ego is so flexible, I can become anyone, just like her. If I let her 'take over' I am suddenly her, with only a small part of me left. We do this every day. When I am in full control...I am more like my old self. But as I spend time being her, we become closer to transpersonal self...well, I basically take on her ability to be chameleon.


I do believe in insside vs. outside, but I also know that everything I see, touch, taste, hear, etc. is my mind and directly my mind. There are no colors in the real world, only wave particles. Colors are added in the mind. The world is energy, mind creates sensation of matter. It is a misunderstanding. Atoms that are scrunched in close together may seem solid, but they are still 99% space. The resistance we feel when we encounter the atoms is electromagnetic/strong forces/weak forces/other forces...so nothing solid. Energy 'inside,' energy 'outside' All on same side. I deal with my understanding where I am at, because I am on the dont fake it till you make it path. Working from 'within' to 'without' - focusing on logical orientation first. I am tired of twilight languages, tired of mysterious secrets - I aim to contribute a more sound explanation of mind, matter, reality. Thus my studies are science based, tantra based (and tantra means 'science of life'), buddhist based, Taoist based, and other based. Science = physics, psychology, neuroscience, and etc. Spent my whole life studying all these subjects, not to master any particular one, but to unify the cosmos within. I am trying to create a mental model for scientists to understand spirituality....I shouldnt even be on here, I should be reading every day, making connections, but I cant stand to read so much my brain is over flowing and I might burn out.


I agree with most of the rest of your post.

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I am about the equivalent of a naturopathic doctor in my understanding of physiology and anatomy, but not in diagnosis.. I probably have an equivalent of a masters in eastern studies, maybe even more....my technical science knowledge is limited to biology, chemistry, physics, I dont do math much, although my logical abilities are classically trained in the Greek methods and others. I could probably debate just about anyone in anything spiritual, except I dont do Abrahamic religions as much. I dont like getting into arguments though...I get stressed out too easy. I enjoy being proved wrong like some people enjoy sex. I am prideful, arrogant, immodest, and dont like trying to pretend I am not. When I am truly free and clear of that I will be much more genteel

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woah songtsan never would have guess you are 37


also when did this thread stop being about love and start being about piss? :blink:

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woah songtsan never would have guess you are 37


also when did this thread stop being about love and start being about piss? :blink:


do you love your piss? I love taking a piss - its a relief...but what about the smell...perhaps you should learn to love the smell and appearance, and taste if you want...that would evolute you! just kidding. but if you want to love everything, you must learn to love piss too. Dont be a hater Flofolil!

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do you love your piss? I love taking a piss - its a relief...but what about the smell...perhaps you should learn to love the smell and appearance, and taste if you want...that would evolute you! just kidding. but if you want to love everything, you must learn to love piss too. Dont be a hater Flofolil!

in my younger, kinkier days it was actually a fetish of mine :lol:


but now my range of thought related to piss is limited to urinary constipation and a bit of pain here and there... :(

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in my younger, kinkier days it was actually a fetish of mine :lol:


but now my range of thought related to piss is limited to urinary constipation and a bit of pain here and there... :(


find other things you hate, like maybe mosquitoes, barking dogs, loud motorcycles, smelly farts, the list is endless...practice ending all dislike, practice turning it into like - find the music in the barking dogs, the jackhammers, the spiders crawling on you. You can learn to find ecstasy in anything. Its a mind trick...part of it is not shrinking away from anything, another part is embracing all that you see, hear, feel, etc. let the whole world in...keep nothing out. Dont seek pain, unless that is your thing (then you have advantage)...surrender yourself to your self. The incoming stimuli ARE yourself. You reject your self when you reject incoming stimuli...Eat all nature...this is the trick to joining the saints. Become one with evil, you will become the goodest being.


Tantra baby tantra

Edited by Songtsan

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I do believe in insside vs. outside, but I also know that everything I see, touch, taste, hear, etc. is my mind and directly my mind.

I like those thangkas with the little buddhas above the main physical pupit body, as if pulling the strings from the 5th dimension.

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I like those thangkas with the little buddhas above the main physical pupit body, as if pulling the strings from the 5th dimension.


I love thangkas - I usually dont have any favorites, but the style is probably a top 10 for me. You seen Robert Beer's stuff?


I think the buddhas pulling the strings are the Overmind/Kundalini/Buddhamind - the original evolver - the intelligence beyond intelligence, the co-creator of the human race and other races. I might be wrong but it feels so right...Feeling=illusion though....

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yeah except when i try to relax into the pain and accept it, it still hurts.


spiritual thinking is the answer to a lot of problems, but i have a serious health issue.

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find other things you hate, like maybe mosquitoes, barking dogs, loud motorcycles, smelly farts, the list is endless...practice ending all dislike, practice turning it into like - find the music in the barking dogs, the jackhammers, the spiders crawling on you. You can learn to find ecstasy in anything. Its a mind trick...part of it is not shrinking away from anything, another part is embracing all that you see, hear, feel, etc. let the whole world in...keep nothing out. Dont seek pain, unless that is your thing (then you have advantage)...surrender yourself to your self. The incoming stimuli ARE yourself. You reject your self when you reject incoming stimuli...Eat all nature...this is the trick to joining the saints. Become one with evil, you will become the goodest being.


Tantra baby tantra


oh yeah - you like submission BDSM style? Submit yourself to everything that comes in (unless you are in danger)...your path is assured. The secret is emptying yourself, so that everything fills you...very sexual actually...also helps not to orgasm. When you allow the universe to own you, suddenly you own the whole universe. Then you can 'top from the bottom' You will own love as it becomes you everywhere

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yeah except when i try to relax into the pain of my dick hurting really bad and accept it, it still hurts.


spiritual thinking is the answer to a lot of problems, but i have a serious health issue.


hit with sledgehammer? jk


I can quote all kinds of useful ways to eat the pain, but if it is that bad, it would only frustrate you. Like telling a fat person how to lose weight when they just want more oreos.


Hope you fix yourself soon

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sorry, i am sure your ways work for you. i just don't see it working for me in the near future. i'm pretty much in pain every day whether it be from urinary issues or my totally wrecked knees from doing yoga wrong.


it is a big reason why i am unhappy. i have tried the detach myself from the physical thing and it makes me feel insane and i get a headache and start hallucinating. i try being with the pain, and it excites the nerves too much and the pain gets worse.


i honestly don't see any solution, and i feel like i will have these specific pains until i die

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I accept full responsibility for the piss side-track. Hehehe. Sorry about that.


Unconditional love is still loving your dog while he is pissing on your leg.


Unconditional love is something I have never tried to attain because I am too opinionated and conservative.

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There is very simple wisdom for the mind when understood that can help orient it towards more universal compassion. A concept that Shantideva emphasises in his guide to the Bodhistattva way of life is that every human on earth operates from the basic wish that it wants to be happy and doesn't want to suffer, which is a basic compassionate heartfelt desire we all share. I noticed that the Dalai Lama repeats this phrase in nearly all of his books and teachings often multiple times so I started to meditate on its importance, and if you take this simple idea to its depth you can recognise that everything everybody ever does at all times comes from the desire to be happy and not to suffer, so we are all the same no matter how we are trying to manifest this wish, and it is ignorance about how to go about this which causes problems not the underlying motivations people have. If you view things from this base perspective rather than the surface manifestation of how people are trying to go about it it can soften your outlook towards many people.

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