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First off, i know this is personal practice journal material. i just wanted to share it with the community. Most of this is taken from a conversation with a friend i just lost, but i only quoted myself. My words are mine to share freely with the world, so i don't feel bad for copying and pasting this.


In no way am i trying to push this as the best way to live, it is ONLY how i choose to live.

i only believe in bodily chemicals that cause feelings of right and wrong

i don't believe in the reality of the concept, just the perception of it

i don't believe what i do is the right ONE way either

there isn't a right way to live

there are just ways to live

i think it works for some people, and doesn't work for others

my definition of negative is "do i find this to be hateful?"

if i did something out of hate, that was a negative action i did

and i am sorry for those now

being fine in stagnation, you are transcending the whole process of life itself

okay i will put it this way - i don't care if i live or die

i don't care if anyone lives or dies
its all fine to me, and to God if you want to go that direction.

People and specks of dust are of equal importance to me, because everything is existence/God

i use the words Existence and God interchangeably

i care, but i do NOT care

my physical body would react to it and cry

but my mind and spirit know that its all good

and not caring about my spiritual progression, furthers my spiritual progression

when i stress about it, i add stress to my life

my goal is to have no stress

i follow the path of least resistance

noone can make me LIKE being a slave

they can either accept that i don't like it, or kill me. either way i win.

my body, i only have that

and even that doesn't really belong to me, its all just stuff

i don't believe in crime, i believe in stuff that sucks

i don't do nothing

i do something, it just isn't violence or "justice"

i'm all about non violent resistance

hell, i'm about to smoke a bowl! THAT'S NONVIOLENT RESISTANCE

If anyone i know wants to save the world, go ahead. i will not stop you. But i will do things my way, and i refuse to do them your way because you believe something is the right thing to do. i also wont feel bad for making that descision AT ALL. i still want to be your friend, and i view you as an important part of my life and the world.



Edited by Flolfolil
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while in some sense there may be no "right" and "wrong," that's not going to mean karma wont come bite you for being an SOB :lol: (or conversely, bless you for being truly righteous :D )

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while in some sense there may be no "right" and "wrong," that's not going to mean karma wont come bite you for being an SOB :lol: (or conversely, bless you for being truly righteous :D )


i believe in action-reaction, but i don't believe there is morality attached to it. heh.

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Sorry about your friend. What happened?


They (and by they, i mean a member of this forum) was offended by the things i said in our conversation (as in, the original post of this thread) and said they couldn't be my friend until i changed my mind and agreed that killing was okay as long as it is to take down the government or in self defense. i basically said killing is still killing no matter how you look at it, and they blocked me on here and the other site we talk on :( one of my saddest moments...

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They (and by they, i mean a member of this forum) was offended by the things i said in our conversation (as in, the original post of this thread) and said they couldn't be my friend until i changed my mind and agreed that killing was okay as long as it is to take down the government or in self defense. i basically said killing is still killing no matter how you look at it, and they blocked me on here and the other site we talk on :( one of my saddest moments...


It must be awful feeling to be rejected by someone, evern someone who's irrelevant to your core life.


How to handle situation when others have different opinion than us is a skill of life long learning, for individual and society as a whole.


You'll make new friends.

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i know they aren't the only friend i will ever have, but they were a really good friend :( we agreed on so many different points except this. They had already become a huge part of my emotional support and now they are just gone :/

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I did not unfriend him; I did not say he and I could not be friends. I said I could not continue addressing or acknowledging MANY people in my life, without putting myself through unnecessary stress and depression. my family included. if i keep putting my head in the fire, eventually it will kill me. I dont WANT to shun everyone in the world, any more than i WANT to allow them to walk all over me, determine my place in life, or prevent me from asserting my own survival means and walking my own path in life- a path i cannot walk alone and yet am forced to by my own association with free and sovereign will as our birthright. Too many people who ignore, attack, shun, disbelieve, or hate free will; too many people who do not know that i consider myself free will incarnate and unwilling to vainly sacrifice it for naught.

I cannot tolerate a person who would unwillingly submit to a wrongful attacker simply because they are willing to be nonviolent... an example of holding "right and wrong" as being real; contradicting any claim otherwise.



Due to "our" (most people in the world as a whole, the very broad and general "us") inability to cooperate interdependently, and communicate mutually, or my perception thereof at least, i cannot associate with most people without becoming enraged.

I do not hate anyone here, i do not want to unfriend anyone here, but i do not want to stagnate for the rest of my life, struggling to seize and maintain a community i can feel proud to contribute to... that is a community, not a lonely singular individual, but a group of interdependent people, cooperating to maintain an independent community.

I would be "there" rather than "here" if i had a choice.

I cannot keep giving of myself to others, for whom i care deeply, if they are unwilling to receive of truth; our mutual birthright of free and sovereign will power.

Those of us who are NOT fighting to actualize the mutual birthright of sovereignty are only enforcing the deprivation of free will which is enforced by governments across the board.

Those of us who would run away from the personal responsibility of exercising and protecting their own free will are the people who need to be taught how to end the fear that holds them at bay from their rightful inheritance of this Planet Earth.

I am here to protect free will and to promote harmony through the mutual respect for all free will. Not to argue that there is any "necessary" evil, for there is not. Not to argue that the world needs to be fixed or how to fix it, but TO fix it, period.

There will always be problems in the world, but to allow them to be THIS grievous is not only irresponsible of EVERY individual, but wholly unnecessary and entirely detrimental to the Human species.

I'll perhaps do well to leave now. Let the festering crock of shit do its own thing, and pray it does not spill on me while i grow my garden and attempt to seize the harmony that has thus far forever escaped my grasp.

In order for me as an individual to achieve a nonviolent and accepting approach to my unfortunate environment, destroyed by human hands, unnaturally replaced with techno-industrial tumors, i must do as well as i can to remove myself from what i perceive as a fatal disease; civilization.

The last thing i need say is what i've left for others:


It is with such regret and a heavy heart that I must continue to allow tough love to segregate me from everyone whom I ever loved and cared.

Isolating myself, within myself, away from all my peers, unseen by friends, and unknown to family.

Caring about people who are so stuck with mental illness as to sit by and do nothing in the face of corruption and false authority, all i can do is cut them from my life and ignore them until such a time comes when i must arise to defend the free will they, themselves, are afraid to embrace in their hearts.

The truth between right and wrong is not a thought that can be thought, not an idea that can be conceptualized, but an undeniable feeling that is known/gnown in the heart of hearts.

Stoic and alone.

A beautiful game that cannot be won: The true enemy hides in the minds of the people, hiding behind our pain, our fears. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you that he was you. Our greatest enemy hides in the very last place we would ever think to look. Every person houses the enemy; should we seek to protect them by defeating the enemy, they will defeat you, to protect the enemy.

And so, it is with a heavy heart, that i must remove everyone but the enemy from my life... Those who seek to walk this same path as I will be my only company.

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finn and flame princess.

prophecies fulfilled.


i get the hint, i'll get over you now. Sorry it had to be this way.

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finn and flame princess.

prophecies fulfilled.


i get the hint, i'll get over you now. Sorry it had to be this way.



Temporal; transitory, it isnt so much that it is "this way", but that this is the way to resolve "it".

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I think people are a lot like fractal patterns. There is a seed program at the center which influences how the macroscopic view of the pattern turns out, and when two fractal patterns interact, who knows how it will turn out? Habits of personality (including morals, beliefs, chemistry, EVERYTHING) have a lot to do with what the seed program at the center is, and this program changes slowly over time. They say that enlightened people dwell from a seed 'non-program' of emptiness, where all things could arise, but there is no fabrications at the center. Enlightenment is a combination of wisdom and means. The right actions occur without fabricating. Fabrications being synonymous with methods, ways, programs, etc. Actionless action. Wu wei. It just happens spontaneously without thought or pretense. They say an enlightened person is outside the bounds of karma. I imagine that an enlightened person could kill someone if it was the natural way, or could even kill themself. I dont know for sure, but living a life without 'shoulds' and 'ought to' sounds healthier than any contrived path. I hope I get to that point one day, because that sounds like the least stressful way.

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I know madness and insanity, i watched myself dive into the deep ends of the void with neither care nor whim, observed fully consciously of the psychoses and insanities that lie within reality and keep allowing nature to take its course. Sometimes fear manifests, sometimes fear is none-the-issue.

I've known I've gone and been going insane and have full awareness of it the whole way through, yet i cannot help but wonder if i am not in fact saner than you? For having put upon myself the unwanted undesirable stress of the mind's bounds i am insane? do i... THINK "too much"? what of it to be that i am more or less sane than any other person for thinking, believing, acting, or surviving any differently than they; an animal is not insane to live in nature, naked, and wild, yet a human to behave as such is? Now that, i believe, is a truly insane perspective.

In what [natural] condition is killing NOT okay when your [perceived] vital safety in threatened?

Life and death are neither separate nor identical, yet still one whole; and to consciously fear one is to wholly fear the other subconsciously... balance is nature, nature is balance, and to resist our nature is to struggle, pursue endlessly without bearing fruit, and to fear. Fear is the chain that binds.

Fear is the oil that keeps the parts running the machine.
Fear is the faith that evil is ever necessary.
Fear is the program installed in the slave, to drive them without resistance.

Fear of death is fear of life. Fear of pain is fear of comfort. Clinging to life will poison and kill us, clinging to comfort will wear us and tear us.

We are all one, and fear will divide us.

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you act like i said that killing is wrong. i did not. i said it was still murder regardless of the reason for it. i'm not the one leading the "everyone should agree with and follow me because i am right" crusade here. Don't get it twisted.

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Death is sweet release. Most people don't fear death itself, but the suffering that occurs just before death, or suffering born of attachments that one has to things of life. So the ultimate fear is of having to endure suffering. So suffering is the ultimate programmer. Until one transcends that. Stress is a little form of suffering - everyday suffering. Stress motivates us to relieve it - its how we are programmed. We scratch an itch, we drink water when thirsty. So suffering the ultimate controller of human kind? Or is it pleasure? Is seeking pleasure really seeking to be away from suffering?


Anways, here are some interesting conundrums:


-A being of godlike power says to you that he will kill one thousand innocent beings unless you kill just one innocent being yourself. Refuse and they all die...what do you do?


-You have one chance to kill a horrible person who has already killed hundreds of innocent people. You know that if you choose not to kill this horrible person, they will get away and kill hundreds you kill him or not?


-If you kill one innocent person, God will come down from on high and grant everyone on earth pure health and youth and material you kill that one person?


Its almost like we all have a boundary that defines our moral compass....I could probably come up with some kind of hypothetical scenario where just about everyone would say, "yes I would could one person for that." For example, if some imaginary God of everything says kill one person or I will destroy the entire universe and everyone in it...most people would kill someone for that...what is your boundary? Are you a potential killer? 99.9999% of people probably are under the right circumstance.

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redundant theoretical conditions are no gauge for moral truth for "what if" is fear; while "what is" is truth.

Truth is we all have free will and no voluntary and/or intentional action is morally questionable so long as there are no victims.
To trespass upon this shared intrinsic right is the only genuine "wrong"; any and all "perceived wrongs" can be proven by testing this measurement of "right and wrong":

"Is there any natural person or persons who will be harmfully affected without prior consent and therefore a victim?"


"Did the person or persons responsible for this perceived wrong knowingly continue an act or pursuit that perpetuated the non-consensual harm?"

When people say there is "wrong" in the world, or "evil" or "bad", are the things that are considered harmful caused by a willful act of consent by either party of victim or criminal?

A "what if" example is only a fear tactic, not a love tactic. fear only enslaves the mind and body. Love can embrace even fear without harm or bondage.

Edited by Northern Avid Judo Ant

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Theoretical models are only to prove a point. However unlikely, IF something like that were to happen, and a choice needed to be made, then the true measure of a person would be seen. Nothing to do with fear, only to prove a point. I use theoretical models in my head all the time to figure things out. For example, if I feel depressed, I visualize a scenario that I have won the lottery, which immediately makes me feel happy and excited, merely to prove to myself that my depression is situational and likely due to my thinking habits. Just an example. Situational models are a spiritual technique to break through misunderstandings. I have been using them for decades. They are a way to get out of your normal way of thinking by confronting a situation internally which might tell you something about yourself that you were directly aware of.


The only rule that applies to humans and their behavior on an ultimate level is basically the thelemic law that 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law' This is no morally imposed law imposed from on high; simple human nature is that we have absolute free will within the limits of our abilities. Everyone can do what they can do, or as Captain Jack in Pirates of the Caribbean said, "The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do.' Anything else is relative morals, but I am talking about ultimates in this case. People can debate their relative views on what people should do, but ultimately, all 'shoulds' are illusions. Even if every other person in the world said that I should do a certain thing, or act from a certain ethical ground, I don't have to agree with them or do anything they want. And they could judge me as they will, because that is their right, but there are no ultimate universal rules that govern my behavior, and any moral rules I impose upon myself or allow others to impose upon me are agreements. There is a reason Buddhists take vows not to judge, not to label, not to be attached to their own opinions, and not to defend opinions. When you attach to opinions, you create suffering within your self, when you judge and label other people as such and such, you again create stress between yourself and them. The suffering could be even anger that another person won't accept your point of view as their own, or simply anger that they refuse to try to understand (but not neccesarily accept), your point of view.


Here are some Taoist/Buddhist quotes that apply:


"Peaceful in heart- unperturbed by attachment and aversion when in contact with agreeable and disagreeable objects."


"None of us is okay and all of us is fine. It’s not just one way. We are all walking, talking, paradoxes. All passion, aggression, heartbreak, etc. is simply passing memory. It is all just thought. This is how we begin to wake up to our innate ability to let go, to reconnect with shunyata, or absolute bodhichitta. Also, this is how we awaken our compassion, our heart, our innate softness, relative bodhichitta. Use labeling with great gentleness as a way to touch those dramas and acknowledge that you just made them all up with this conversation you’re having with yourself."


"Rest in the nature of alaya, the essence, the minds natural state, which is the open primordial basis of all phenomena. We can rest in the fundamental openness and enjoy the display of whatever arises without making a big deal.


In post-meditation, be a child of illusion. What you see is not here and its not not here. It’s both and neither. Everything you hear is the echo of emptiness, yet there is sound- it’s real – the echo of emptiness. Good, bad, happy, sad, all thoughts vanish into emptiness like the imprint of a bird in the sky."


"When the three poisons arise- passion, aggression, and ignorance – the instruction is to drop the story line, which means – instead of acting out or repressing- use the situation as an opportunity to feel your heart, to feel the wound. Use it as an opportunity to touch that soft spot. Underneath all that craving or aversion or jealousy or feeling wretched about yourself, underneath all that hopelessness and despair and depression, there is something extremely soft, which is called bodhichitta. When we don’t act out and we don’t repress, then our passion, our aggression, and our ignorance becomes our wealth. The poison already is the medicine. You don’t have to transform anything. Simply letting go of the story line is what it takes, which is not that easy. Just start where you are. When resistance is gone, so are the demons."


"Stop trying to control what happens and cultivate “un-intention”


"Sometimes when you’re feeling miserable, you challenge people to see if they will still like you when you show them how ugly you can get"


"Let righteous indignation be your guide that you are holding on to your self. Taking responsibility yourself is a quality of being able to see things clearly. Another part of taking responsibility is gentleness, which goes along with not judging, not labeling. Finally, keep going forward. See what you do as clearly and as compassionately as you can and then go on. Don’t get frozen into any identity. Don’t be so predictable- don’t react predictably to pleasure and pain."


"“Train without bias in all areas.” It is crucial to do this pervasively and whole heartedly. Train without bias, without the labels. See bias when it comes up and begin to connect with how painful that is, to feel the prejudice, the resentment, the judgment. Begin to see what you do, and don’t necessarily try to change it; just see it. Learn to be big and small at the same time. Become comfortable being either big or small, either right or wrong. Gloriousness and wretchedness need each other. One inspires us, the other softens us. They go together. Whether it is glorious or wretched, delightful or hateful, be patient. The real happiness that underlies both gloriousness and wretchedness often gets short-circuited by our jumping too fast into the same habitual pattern. "


"Fear influences judgments and creates binding compulsions."


"Impartiality is the highest nobility. The Way is always uncontrived, yet there is nothing it doesn’t do. By not wanting, there is calm, and the world will straighten itself. The satisfaction of contentment is always enough. This is the epitome of harmony. Knowing harmony is called constancy, knowing constancy is called clarity; enhancing life is called propitious, the mind mastering energy is called strong. When beings climax in power, they wane; this is called being unguided. The unguided die early. When people are born they are supple, and when they die they are stiff. When trees are born they are tender, and when they die they are brittle. Stiffness is thus the cohort of death, flexibility a cohort of life. The mind drawing near to death cannot bring about a restoration of positivity."


"When the mind neither sorrows nor delight, that is supreme attainment of virtue. To succeed without changing is supreme attainment of calm. To be unburdened by habitual desires is supreme attainment of emptiness. To have no likes and dislikes is supreme attainment of equanimity. Not getting mixed up with things is supreme attainment of purity. When the mind is always desireless, this can be called tranquility; when the body is always unoccupied, this can be called leisure."


"When the spirit controls the body, the body obeys; when the body overrules the spirit, the spirit is exhausted. Although intelligence is useful, it needs to be returned to the spirit. This is called the great harmony. Sages respond to being by nonbeing, unfailingly finding out the inner pattern; they receive fullness by emptiness, unfailingly finding out the measure. They live out their lives with calm joy and empty tranquility. Therefore they are not too distant from anything and not too close to anything."


"Sadness and happiness are deviations of virtue; likes and dislikes are a burden to the mind; joy and anger are excesses on the way."


"Once fundamental reality is lost sight of, then emotions run wild. But the seed of all emotions is craving. If you don’t crave anything, you don’t want anything; if you don’t want anything, how can you be attracted to anything? If you are not attracted to anything you are not repulsed by anything; if you are neither attracted nor repulsed, what anger can there be? If there is no anger, what fear can there be? Without fear, there is no sadness."


"What the ears hear and what the eyes see may be beautiful or ugly, fair, or foul, may have any of a countless variety of features. You view them subjectively, like dreams, yet you do not understand this and become actually attached to them. First conscious of what is pleasing and displeasing, you devise strategies, uneasy and anxious, agitated and restless, so the luminous essence of mind is covered by shadows and you become feebleminded, unable to attain clarity. How can you study the great Way in this condition?"


"Presumption of personal knowledge greatly obstructs the Way; you go back and forth in a fog, stagnant, without expanding."


"Bedevilments arising in the mind are ideas of self and others, ideas of glory and ignominy, ideas of gain and loss, ideas of right and wrong, ideas of profit and honor, ideas of superiority. These are dust on the pedestal of the spirit, preventing freedom. When one becomes comfortable, one becomes lazy, repeating vicious circles into which one becomes trapped and bound."


"“The open spirit does not die; it is the entry to all marvels.” The way of the sages is great indeed: open and free, responding to cause, pure and serene. What is the use of different doctrines? Arbitrary indulgence in fuss and confusion makes the obstacle of doubt, by which people impede themselves. What a pity that they do not understand and wind up subject to pernicious influences."


"The obstacle of principle is very harmful to the Way. The obstacle caused by individual clinging to partiality prevents comprehensive perception. The obstacle of Confucians is in reification, the obstacle of Taoists is in nothingness, and the obstacle of Buddhists is in emptiness. "


"The mystic essential is to balance openness and realism."


"Do not be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or idealogy, even Buddhist ones. Buddhist systems of thought are guiding means; they are no absolute truth."


"Do no think the knowledge you presently possess is changeless, absolute truth. Avoid being narrow-minded and bound to present views. Learn and practice non-attachment from views in order to be open to receive others’ viewpoints. Truth is found in life and not merely in conceptual knowledge. Be ready to learn throughout your entire life and to observe reality in yourself and in the world at all times."


"Do not force others including children, by any means whatsoever, to adopt your views, whether by authority, threat, money, propaganda or even education. However, through compassionate dialogue, help others renounce fanaticism and narrowness."


"Do not maintain anger or hatred. As soon as anger and hatred arise, practice the meditation on compassion in order to deeply understand the persons who have caused anger and hatred. Learn to look at other beings with the eyes of compassion."


"When you see beyond “good” and “bad,” you are much better able to recognize and make the most out of what’s there."


"Buddhism views idealism as a form of delusion fused with greed. As dreams of what we wish for and gentle reminders of what we are working towards, ideals are just fine. To the seriously drunken idealist however, they can be an intoxicating source of greed and delusion mixed."


"The cause for fundamental frustration and suffering lies in the fact that we hold onto things, grasp after them, are attached to them. A profound, direct, and personal experience of the world in the manner which is described by the Noble Truths makes it easy to let go of the habits of attachment and intoxication. And with this, acceptance of ‘just what is’ arises naturally. Acceptance in Buddhism is not something that one has to find or ‘make happen’: it is simply the natural consequence of deep understanding. From acceptance comes serenity. "


"Whatever you are doing, always strive to overcome perceptions, cognitions, and feelings, and you will have no afflictions."


"“belief-systems, dogmatic views, closed convictions, fanatic ideologies, etc. are sickness to be cured by the medicine of emptiness.”


"Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not. When you live in complete acceptance of what is, there is no “good” or “bad” in life anymore."


"“there is always room in the canoe going up shit creek.”


"Do not use speech to make ourselves right and others wrong. Do not participate in gossip and do not use words as our vehicle for anger or jealousy."


"Mindfulness helps us to see our own greed, our own rejection of others, and our inability to understand. When we realize that others are made miserable by the same poisons, this is the beginning of compassion and nonviolence. "


"One thing the Buddha’s disciples found out that, if there is an argument, it cannot be about the truth. Truths, in Buddhism, do not insist upon themselves."


"People engaged in self-cultivation should avoid discussing others’ strengths and weaknesses or right or wrong, as well as the ups and downs of society and all worldly affairs. But since all people usually have some good points, you should emulate them and avoid people’s bad points. Beyond this, don’t be concerned, and you will gradually reach peace."


"Good and evil both arise in the moment of a thought. Let a single thought slip, and you’re obstructed by a thousand barriers. If you know there is no good and no evil, you are calm and serene, standing aloof like a great mountain."


"“As a concept, Taoist do not hold the position of good against evil; rather they see the interdependence of all dualities. So when one labels something as a good, one automatically creates evil. That is, all concepts necessarily are based on one aspect vs. another; if a concept were to have only one aspect, it would be nonsensical.

The reality of good and evil is that all actions contain some aspect of each. This is represented in the t'ai chi, more commonly referred to as the yin-yang symbol. Any action would have some negative (yin) and some positive (yang) aspect to it. Taoists believe that nature is a continual balance between yin and yang, and that any attempt to go toward one extreme or the other will be ineffective, self-defeating, and short-lived. When people interfere with the natural balance by trying to impose their egoistic plans, they will not succeed; rather, the non-egoistic person allows nature to unfold, watching it ebb and flow from good to bad and back again.

Another way of understanding this is that the sage person understands the reality of good and evil, whereas the fool concentrates on the concept of good and evil. The sage knows that any evil will soon be replaced by good, the fool is forever fruitlessly trying to eliminate evil. Similar to the Buddhist concept of Sunyata ("the void"), good and evil are just empty conceptual abstractions that have no permanent independent existence.”"


"Having standards, judging, forcing, and measuring are all subtle forms of attachment or delusion, and so they inevitably lead to more suffering instead of liberation. If, however, a person can simply go onward in honest unknowing, all that is avoided."

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if you are trying to convince me to agree with you, you can forget about that :/



I'm looking for supporters who are as fed up with the world as I am, and willing to do anything and everything it takes to make this a place for everyone to benefit from and not just the rich or powerful.


Anyone who isn't helping share the wealth and power across the board is not someone I want to frustrate myself and stress myself out over. It is not that you are not worth my time, but that my stress and frustration is not meant for someone i appreciate.



How can i have balance?

Edited by Northern Avid Judo Ant

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yep, i totally understand your point of view. feel free to continue to look for supporters in this thread if you want


i thought you were ignoring me? Are we going to just keep doing this chat in this thread thing forever? Either talk to me or don't talk to me. You blocked me, remember?


i still want to be friends, but this is the last response i will be making in this thread. If you want to actually talk you know where i am.

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