
Conversation with my mom

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Me - "do you ever concentrate so hard on something that you don't hear when people are talking to you?"


Mom- "yeah, i think it is an attention disorder or something"


Me - "Mom, that was meditation. It is a skill not a disorder"


Mom - "Its a skill?"

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When the mind focuses on an object, get's distracted and then comes back to the object, it's called concentration

When The mind is not being distracted from the object, it's called meditations

When the distance between the object and the mind disappears and you become the object, it's called samadhi


I said something useful, everyone is happy lol

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Me - "do you ever concentrate so hard on something that you don't hear when people are talking to you?"


Mom- "yeah, i think it is an attention disorder or something"


Me - "Mom, that was meditation. It is a skill not a disorder"


Mom - "Its a skill?"



Me - "do you ever concentrate so hard on something that you don't hear when people are talking to you?"




Me - Mom!




Me - MooooooM!





Me - Oh never mind.

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My father-in-law is legendary in this respect. Picture a scene: he's reading a book sitting at the kitchen table. The sink, with the stopper in, is filling with water -- he was planning on doing the dishes and decided to read a couple of paragraphs while waiting to fill the sink. He forgets what he was planning to do and concentrates on his book. The sink fills up and the water starts spilling onto the floor. Eventually the water reaches his feet and starts soaking into his slippers and his socks. The periphery of his awareness registers the fact -- but only partially. Without taking his eyes off the page, he lifts his feet onto the chair, tucks them under his butt, and continues to read. His wife finds him in this position, amidst a kitchen-wide flood, and, after summoning his attention, asks him innocently why he is sitting with his both feet on the chair. Without lifting his eyes from the page, he responds, "the floor is wet, my feet were getting wet," in a tone of mild displeasure, as though talking about getting his feet wet in a rain puddle.


This is not a senile old man. This is an engineer.


And this ain't no meditation. Nor a disorder. This is poor habits of use and control of one's awareness. Common among half-brainers, i.e. people who use either the left or the right hemisphere preferentially and unconsciously suppress the functions of the other hemisphere while at it. (Well, it's not as geometrically simple as left-right but the terms are used habitually to refer to certain functions activated in the brain and certain other functions suppressed by this. Meditation is actually a remedy for the condition.)

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That happens to me sometimes, out of the blue. I think about several things at the same time than suddenly stop, and zone out staring at whatever I'm staring at ,unaware of everything else. Usually someone disrupts me or my awareness jumps back in after a while...it leaves a sweet taste in my brain :)

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