
Why do People go to Church, Synagogues, Temples, etc?

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I'm sure Tzu himself wold agree there are countless Esoteric Methods that lead to the Tao, as well as agreeing there are countless Exoteric MEthods that lead to 6-sense Illusions.



Are there many ways of realizing the Tao,...perhaps,...but it is realized the same for all. Can the Tao be realized through the 6 senses? No,...that is impossible.

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Lao Tzu said, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go."


Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth."


Lao Tzu said, "...religions are desperate, clever, human inventions; the Intregal Way is a deep expression of the whole...religions rely on hypnotic manipulation of undeveloped minds; the Intregal Way is founded on the free transmission of immutable truth."


Vmarco, you should know that Lao Tzu/Li Ehr/Lao Dan did not write the Hua Hu Ching which you are quoting here

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Numerous of reasons. Can't be super simplified into one statement.


Faith...hmmm... that depends. I hear from Master Nan that faith is very important. Something that Boddhisatvas have but of course their faith is different.


I believe it's called śraddhā in sanskrit.


Well you can argue about that one. I'll love to hear what you have to say to that.


I know you're basically stating that you need to abandon the sixth senses and empty the skandhas. I understand what you mean right now.

i lack the prajna to fully understand it all. Haha I haven't enter into all four dhayana and 8 samadhis yet.


From my understanding, śraddhā has little similiarity with Western faith. For example, 2 billion Christians believe that faith is something hoped for,...Hebrews 11:1. Prajnaparamita says the enlightenment is impossible to all who cling to hope.


"the highest goal is being devoid of hope and fear." Tilopa


Sraddhā is not faith,...but more akin to trusting in love,...the love realized when all hope is surrendered.

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Vmarco, you should know that Lao Tzu/Li Ehr/Lao Dan did not write the Hua Hu Ching which you are quoting here


It can be said that Buddha did not write the Heart Sutra.

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The Tao is in everything, it can be found even in the mud.






No,...the Tao is not in any phenomena or delusion,...the Tao is not delusion. Everything effects its perceived motion from the Tao,....like a seesaw moves upon a fulcrum,....but the lever of a seesaw is not the fulcum.


Yin/Yang arise from One, which arises from the Tao,...but neither Yin/Yang nor the One is the Tao.


However,...if you were to be honest enough,...and truly seek the Tao within mud,...than that would be a good thing,...for you would eventually find no Tao in the illusion of mud, and perhaps uncover the Tao.

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to get high.


i am 100% serious.

It is true - to get high


I don't want to pretend that we have come to this conclusion in the same way, but I could not agree more with the wording.


If you have found your path - you have no need or want for any of these. Not because you have come to the conclusion that they are worthless. Because you no longer need to go to those watering holes - you have your own well now.


These places used to be built by standards lost to modern architects - they create vibrations that have very tangible fields. They bring you to a higher vibration - a very honorable one - the effect is like partaking in a higher food.


Some of the highs have to do with the Religion going on in them - and for these a tent will do fine:


Some of the practices - such as those of the Baptist and Fundamentalist - particularly of the "deep south" variety - they create out of body experiences - not the type I would recommend to anyone - but they are powerful transmedium experiences and trance states.

Suggestability reaches states on par with hypnosis. Its like a sugar high on steroids - if you could see the show you would be amazed at just how many beings can be in one church at the same time. (or just how many beings can be in one body at the same time) The method used is exactly the same one used in TV "Buy it Now" Infomercials - start the pounding out low and constant - keep the momentum - add more sugar (enticements) - build the speed - add the testimonials - build the pitch - and bam - your audience is high as a kite (and out of their bodies) - now you say "call this number - operators are standing by"

and suddenly you find a church basket in your hands and you are putting your food money in the basket.


But wait - there's more!

Edited by Spotless

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We tend to be birds of a feather at our ( spiritualist) centre and church so I guess like me most people keep attending for....

The company and to meet old friends.

The tea and cakes.


Make new friends.

Social events.

Psychic fayre type gigs such as Tea with Spirit and the merchandise stalls.

Big name mediums gigs.

Development Classes or keep fit/ TaiChi or QiGong.

Annual centre holiday at the seaside ( The "Jolly").

Tons of reasons, none especially 'spiritual' but if anyone gets a spiritual buzz now and again then that's an additional bonus.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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We tend to be birds of a feather at our ( spiritualist) centre and church so I guess like me most people keep attending for....

The company and to meet old friends.

The tea and cakes.


Make new friends.

Social events.

Psychic fayre type gigs such as Tea with Spirit and the merchandise stalls.

Big name mediums gigs.

Development Classes or keep fit/ TaiChi or QiGong.

Annual centre holiday at the seaside ( The "Jolly").

Tons of reasons, none especially 'spiritual' but if anyone gets a spiritual buzz now and again then that's an additional bonus.

I arrived at church not untill later in life. had not been before. I was tremendously surprised and very disapointed indeed to discover it was as GMP outlines, and not much more than that.


Fortunately I was able to develop a crush on the Vicar and exchange light from the eyes with him.


I also loved singing the hymns.


Singing and flirting with the eyes is good church.

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