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Daily Mantra, pep talks and prayer

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Hi Guys,


My interests cover tai chi, QiGong and meditation. They also reach to psychology as I am fascinated by the mind and its possibilities. I read a lot about NLP and the vast subject that covers it.


One conclusion from my interests is that personal change is very possible with practical techniques.


I have been considering adding a daily mantra, pep talk, prayer to my practice.


I believe that, if said daily, it will become ingrained into me and the words used will become part of who I am. I was thinking of saying it to myself maybe once or twice a day. I wanted to know if anyone else was practicing this kind of personal development? If they are would they be willing to share the words they use? Are they noticing results? Any thoughts or comments on this issue, please share.



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The pep talk I've been working with is "I'm more then a body, I am also soul and spirit. Deep peace and harmony are my birthrite, they are at my core always accessible." I'll repeat it in the morning when I first wake up. Its somewhat inspired by Robert Monroe's Focus series.


For prayer, look into your families traditions. Sometimes there's a reason you're born into the family you are. Prayers first heard in childhood done with greater awareness might resonate with you. I'll use a short prayer as a mantra. Alternately speaking it, singing it, silently repeating it in my mind, then letting it take me into silence.




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For prayer, look into your families traditions.


Nice angle. I really should dig something up.


I just found out that I am a descendant of one of Robert The Bruce's generals (of Braveheart fame) against the Brits. When RTB died, my ggggggggrandfather removed RTB's heart to transport it to the Holy Land but got his ass handed to him by some Muslim dudes en route. I wonder what affirmation he employed at that fateful moment?


Anyways, I do samyama practice which is done right after meditation while you are still buzzed. Just lie down after meditating and visualize/fantasize/affirm for awhile. Imo, it's best to go in and out of focus with it a bit.



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I used to om a lot. I pray but not anything written, just from my heart. I do sun greeting and water prayer every morning and pray over my food before I eat it, and I leave offerings. I also sing some songs I know as needed. One is Apache, I believe, and the words mean "just through the act of praying, I am protected" or some such thing. I also will confess to likingAmy Grant. It's Christian music, but I like the heart behind it.

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Your pep talk gave me a new perspective on what I was intending. It has a spiritual flavour. I was thinking along the lines of motivational based but now I will add a few lines similar to yours. Thanks.


What is clear after reading yours is that any mantra I make will have to be made by me. A simple cut and paste wont work as its artificial. Thanks for the advice and help. Its always good to know someone else is on a similar path.

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A cut and paste could work - if the words resonate with you.


This is something I have on my desk at work and it is a monologue in the movie "Coach Carter"...


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."


Probably a bit long for a daily mantra but I just randomly remember bits and pieces and they are words that really work for me.



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A cut and paste could work - if the words resonate with you.


This is something I have on my desk at work ...

Hi Leidee,

Read this link:


Btw, I think it's interesting we all have similar idiosyncrasies and habits..I've been taking to studying the Ana Beko'ach and have the prayer by my keyboard..


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I usually just beat myself on the chest and yell... :lol:


But the rest is interesting too. :)

Do you guys to these things throughout the day, or just at certain times maybe (like in the morning)?

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Pero - being a gemini with the attention span of a goldfish :) - for me, it works to have little books or papers around me and i can take a second or too, sort of ground myself again and get on with whatever else I was doing.


Hi Thaddeus - thanks for the link! I did wonder about that monologue in the film Coach Carter as, quite frankly, the movie was quite average in its script writing and then BAM! out comes this kid in the moving quoting one of the most moving collections of words I had heard in a long time hehe I will make sure to check out some of those books, too!


Peace be you


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Pero - being a gemini with the attention span of a goldfish :) - for me, it works to have little books or papers around me and i can take a second or too, sort of ground myself again and get on with whatever else I was doing.


Hmm, will have to try this sometime (soon). :)



EFT in a nutshell!


Hahah, cool. :D



:D :D :D

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If you want to use affirmations, I'd suggest doing them after some physical practice which might have cleared some space in the body, and seeing if you can get the words to vibrate through your cells.


Also, and this may be old news, use the present tense about anything good. Don't put it in the future or that's where it'll stay.

Edited by Ian

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