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Hi, new tao bum here

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I've been stuck on the inner smile for a couple of weeks, I finally got that fixed:)


My body has been trying to tell me to fix myself by polishing the mirror or polishing the soul, I have to figure out how to do that without being antipathetic or apathetic every time I walk out the door of my apartment. Somebody out there sent some good chi and I think that I'm starting to move in the right direction.

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Whatever you do, treat others with respect and kindness, even those who "don't deserve it". I find that the common case of "apathy" isn't really the lack of feelings, it's just a self-imposed restraint on feelings. Begin expressing yourself more and more. It was hard for me, because I was so used to being silent and not-caring about things that I didn't really know what I thought about certain issues. At first you have to dig really hard, because you've subdued some of those emotions and thoughts for so long that you're used to them "not being there". It gets easier. I had a brief period where I was like that and it freaked my parents out because they thought I was in some sort of depression.


Then again, I dunno how useful my advice is. After all, I'm barely 17. Let's wait for more replies.

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Always walking,

age matters much with very little. Right now cheese and wine come to mind for examples.

Right now it is impressive to find you here at such a young age. You are thinking and feeling beyond the scope of the small worlds most teens build around themselves, most often consisting of self-interest and materialism.


The path of intelligence is a very abstract road.

Nearly all want to walk it, and end up lost somewhere in the middle ...

When I realized it wasn't so important to focus on so much, other paths opened.

Now I just want to be receptive to them all. :D



You gotta get out there and find out what you care about to make connections with all that is.

Your apathetic nature most likely is the mirrored pattern of the environment around you ... try stepping out of it somehow into places where you may find something that resonates within your heavenly heart.


Whatever you choose, I hope that it opens you to life and you find yourself a shining part of it.

-Michelle THTT

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