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Animals and Enlightenment

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I am playfully curious as to what peoples opinions of animals ever becoming enlightened are?


Can people tell if cats or dogs have been humans or Ets in past lifetimes. Wouldnt it be "unfair" if some souls were born as ants instead of humans?


Isnt it a bit strange or perhaps difficult to think of animals as virtous or non virtuous? I dont know maybe Im being ignorant here, but isnt whatever they do natural eg chasing a squirrel is not really non virtous.


Also Ive heard a random story about an animal that received the rainbow body although I didnt take it massively seriously...?



Edited by sinansencer

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i started this thread a little while ago, check out my created threads :)


also i want to hear the animal rainbow body story :)

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Rainbow Bridge..........


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.


You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

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Well animals are Buddha-Nature, although essentially Buddha-Nature does not exist - do they realise that though, no I don't think so but this does not make them any less. Animals follow their nature without a concept of enlightened or unenlightened which is the same as a person who is Awake - look around you, they are all Being in the same way because what is at the heart of being is only something we are distanced from (at least cognitively) and therefore act out of our nature as a result.


Life 'does' without doing. It has nothing to achieve or be - so it IS as it is. Their nature is our nature, it is the nature of Buddha, Tao, God - it is humanity that is in the worse position if you wish to conceptualise. The key difference is this:


Animals are ignorant of their lack of ignorance


People are ignorant of their ignorance.



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I have met some wise animals and some stupid people.

Cats are pretty wise, they know which cupboard the treats live in.

Horses are insane, just look in their eyes.

Domestic ducks are plain silly, chickens ditto.

Pigs are pretty clever if not necessarily wise.

Had some clever dogs and some dopey ones over the years, got one of each at the moment.


Enlightenment doesn't exist, hence it had to be invented.

Edited by GrandmasterP
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It is generally believed in Hinduism that in order to get liberated from the cycle of birth and death, one must acquire a human birth. But Bhagavan has indicated that a fully ripened soul may take the body of a plant, bird or any creature to exhaust the remaining karma. We have read in the Puranas and the Epics about the liberation of animals from ‘Samsara’ by the Lord. In Ramayana, Jatayu the bird received liberation in the hands of Lord Rama, Gajendra the elephant by Lord Vishnu in Bhagavatam and it is said that even a thorny plant was liberated in Chidambaram by the saint Umapathi Sivam.

Bhagavan had equal and unbiased consideration for all beings, whose destiny had brought them in contact with him. His vision was universal. He treated animals and birds with the same love and compassion as he had for human beings and, in turn, they had the same love and devotion towards him. They were attracted to him just as human beings were. He would not brook the least hurt inflicted on them and even upbraided devotees for plucking flowers or for beating tree branches to make the fruits fall.

Bhagavan, prior to moving on to the Arunachala hill, lived in Gurumurtham for eighteen months. Already by that time squirrels and birds were drawn to him. Birds built their nests near and around him. In those days Bhagavan seemed oblivious of the world around him as he sat still and silent all the time, almost like a statue. Nevertheless, he was keenly observant of the happenings around him. He had a deep love for nature.

In later years when Bhagavan moved to Sri Ramanasramam, he used to recall how a bird had built a nest in the mud next to where he sat in Gurumurtham. It laid it’s eggs in the nest and hatched them. When the fledglings grew, they flew away with the mother bird. Later, a squirrel occupied the same nest. Bhagavan also remembered the life cycle of hornets which he had keenly observed and used his observation to explain certain Vedantic concepts.

When Bhagavan moved on to the Arunachala hill, Palaniswami became his companion, devotee and attendant. Gradually devotees and visitors started coming to him. A great, divine power in Bhagavan attracted not only human devotees but also animal devotees as well, just as a magnet attracts iron. When he was in Virupaksha cave all types of birds and beasts were visiting him. Squirrels, parrots and sparrows perched on nearby trees, tried to converse with him in their own languages.

Monkeys came in groups and camped near Virupaksha cave. Peacocks spread their feather in a fan shape and danced before him. Dogs lounged in the sun near him; wild animals came to a water spring near the cave, drank water, looked at Bhagavan announcing their coming and going with a roar.

Not only did animals and birds come to Bhagavan but even snakes, scorpions, lizards and spiders were drawn to him. Bhagavan was in close association with all creatures, as he understood their languages, gestures and emotions. He was sarvajna, the Omniscient, the all Knower. All creatures, in turn, understood his language, gestures and glances. They obeyed him accordingly. That was how a pleasant companionship and friendship developed between Bhagavan and the animals. This relationship was not an ordinary one. There was divinity in it. Animals and birds knew that Bhagavan was their benefactor. They were not scared of him. As he was fearless they too were fearless. They knew he loved and cared for them.

The devotee Suri Nagamma, the author of ‘Letters from Sri Ramanasramam’, once told Mrs and Mr Greenblatt, how even animals lost body consciousness in Bhagavan’s presence:

“Once, in the hall in Ramanasramam, a lady was playing the veena and singing along with it beautifully. The devotees and visitors were completely immersed in the music. Then Suri Nagamma noticed a wonderful sight. The cow Lakshmi was completely stretched out in front of Bhagavan in a state of absorption. Madhava, the white peacock had spread his feather like a fan and danced with joy, while the ashram dogs sat motionless. It was a scene of ancient days of a Rishi ashram.”

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