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True... Matriarch


Didn't abuse power... no violence... hmm


Bloody Mary ?


For one... many other examples too


Women are not inherently peaceful / wise etc


The notion that women controlling everything would = paradise ... is


There are some crazy women out there...haha


Perhaps the most qualified and noble of heart ?


+ Who says women don't presently rule the world? hahah


You are talking about women in a patriarchy. I was talking about women in a matriarchy. Two different species.

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So a man could lead in a matriarchy?


There was no linear leadership. It was like tao. Australian aborigines didn't know there was such a phenomenon as "paternity" at all. (Pacific islanders knew but didn't care, it wasn't an important issue, since all men in the mother's family were in charge of caring for the child in assorted ways -- brothers, uncles, grandfathers and, yes, the father as part of the team, were the ones who were assigned assorted tasks when the child was old enough to benefit from being cared for by someone other than mom. The phenomenon of child abuse and molestation is still nonexistent, by the way, in the few remaining societies still living like that, e.g. the Trobriand islanders or the Miao -- or at least it wasn't twenty or thirty years ago when they still lived like that, don't know what exposure to the "civilized" world may have done since then. Violence never took place because no one was deprived in his or her own childhood of so much loving touch and care that they didn't have to suppress and then re-represent the need on some crazy level, particularly in ways that get a victim to identify with the perpetrator later in life, which is the source of an unbroken chain of child abuse and all resulting violence ever in existence in our own set-up, where every single abuser was an abused child himself or herself. Nor did they have to identify with the victim and become vegetarians. :) ) Because there was no father to own the child without being pregnant or nursing or carrying the child on his body, the model was applied to everything else -- you were the leader of what your body actually performed, and of nobody and nothing else. And because the mother was never alone in caring for the child (the whole tribe participated in raising every child -- that was universal for all humans everywhere), no one was paranoid about accumulating property and power toward safety and control, because social safety was a given, and control of others a ridiculous burden that didn't occur to anyone to desire.


I remember...

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Matriarchy is a society in which females, especially mothers, have the central roles of political leadership, moral authority, and control of property. It is also sometimes called a gynarchy, a gynocracy, a gynecocracy, or a gynocentric society. The term for males is patriarchy, but it is not exactly a parallel term.[1][2]

Most anthropologists hold that there are no known societies that are unambiguously matriarchal,[3][4][5][6][7] but possible exceptions include the Iroquois, in whose society mothers exercise central moral and political roles.[8] According to Heide Goettner-Abendroth, this reluctance to accept the existence of matriarchies might be based on a specific, culturally biased notion of how to define matriarchy: because in a patriarchy 'men rule over women', a matriarchy has frequently been conceptualized as 'women ruling over men'.[9] Goettner-Abendroth believed that matriarchies are egalitarian.[9][10]

There are also matrilinear, matrilocal, and avunculocal societies, especially among indigenous peoples of the Americas, Asia, and Africa,[11] such as those of the Minangkabau, E De (Rhade), Mosuo, Berbers and Tuareg and, in Europe, e.g., Sardinian people.[12][13]

Strongly matrilocal societies sometimes are referred to as matrifocal, and there is some debate concerning the terminological delineation between matrifocality and matriarchy. Even in patriarchical systems of male-preference primogeniture, there may occasionally be queens regnant.

In 19th century Western scholarship, the hypothesis of matriarchy representing an early stage of human development—now mostly lost in prehistory, with the exception of some so-called primitive societies—enjoyed popularity. The hypothesis survived into the 20th century and was notably advanced in the context of feminism and especially second wave feminism, but this hypothesis of matriarchy as having been an early stage of human development is mostly discredited today, most experts saying that it never existed.[14]

Barbara Love and Elizabeth Shanklin respond to this criticism in "The Answer is Matriarchy":

When we hear the word 'matriarchy', we are conditioned to a number of responses: that matriarchy refers to the past and that matriarchies have never existed; that matriarchy is a hopeless fantasy of female domination, of mothers dominating children, of women being cruel to men. Conditioning us negatively to matriarchy is, of course, in the interests of patriarchs. We are made to feel that patriarchy is natural; we are less likely to question it, and less likely to direct our energies to ending it."


The word
is often interpreted to mean the opposite of
. It is from
'mother' and
'to rule'. Journalist
wrote, "[l]iterally, ... ["
"] means government by mothers, or more broadly, government and power in the hands of women."



... Your attack on vegetarianism is of poor character + out of context + totally baseless.


maybe if people didn't eat meat there would be less predators around?


...well that's a given


as such people display a greater capacity for empathy


keep trying to justify your violence...


have you ever watched footage of slaughter houses?


or do you choose to be ignorant?... I know many people like it...


one person admitted it to me... " I don't want to watch it because I like eating meat"//// well good for you....




I personally don't think it has anything to do with gender...


It has to do with society (the collective slave force) / civilization / technology / false hierarchy / money...


you mentioned people living in tropical paradises... basically a life long vacation and you wonder why everyone is so chill.... hahah


you get those people and put them all into 9-5 mon - friday working scheduled doing the most soul destroying repetitive tasks... in more or less complete isolation for 10-20-30-40 years... and we will see how well they do.


+ not to mention a good diet of neurotoxins and vaccines full of heavy metals at birth...


our innovation has it draw backs ... I think we have reached a point where we either destroy ourselves or we develop a radical new way of living.... perhaps some destruction will come before the radical change.



.... well a good amount of innovation that could have set the planet FREEEEEEEE (100 years ago)..... tends to disappear pretty frequently...ahh












Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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