
Revolution 2012

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haha I was kidding :)


I was in agreement




Climate change caused by rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)


I am somewhat in disagreement with...


= Fertilizers / chems / nuclear waste (fukushima) / oil spills...and other pollutants being poured into our oceans constantly...


The climate change CO2

Is a multi billion/ maybe trillion $ global tax fraud on the worlds population...


An elaborate scheme... that will not benefit the people in anyway


Just more wealth being stolen for the decent hardworking honest man/woman


and into the hands of banks/corporations etc

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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The conspiracy world doesnt simply revolve around youtube.... youtube is only the beginning... the sound bite.


It is US centric due to the US being central to most of the worlds woes.... eg: The "liberation" of the Mid East... democraxy etc // global dictatorship


According to a report released yesterday by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the rate of antidepressant use in this country among teens and adults (people ages 12 and older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008. ///


link below - pretty interesting considering the quote posted above.... antidepressants aka "happy pills" ... 1 of many legal mind altering drugs...




I think your comments just confirm how parochial and US centric your outlook is.


As I'm sure you know, the US is declining as a world power and will likely be replaced by China as the dominant financial and political superpower within our lifetime. So you have to factor in China plus India, South America and emerging economies into your theory to make it work.



Typically the "global dictatorship" shtick propels the idea that a shadowy cabal of Jewish bankers are attempting to create a one world government and enslave the population.


Not only is this anti-semetic and ridiculous, it is again very very US centric as again it doesn't account for the rise of China or the left-leaning South American nations. It's very limited.


We might also note that the EU's aim was the amalgamation of several nations into a superstate with its own currency and constitution. In your head this is the new world order taking Europe into a dictatorship, in mine it was a well intentioned idea to bring out nations together so they would be stronger as a whole. Whoever is wrong or right, the point is the project is failing massively.


I agree with you that the US have played a central role in the dire issues that face the middle east in our time.


Although it's worth looking at the issue from a global level to get an understanding of how Russia and China suppress their own Muslim populations. Of course Russia occupied Afghanistan for a long time and really could be regarded as the beginning of the problems in that country. Again the issue is bigger that the United States.


Finally the link you posted about drug use is of course a US study which is very interesting but I'm not sure how it supports your 'one world government' fears.


The world faces real problems and unfortunately these crazy small town hicksville videos just feed into them and create a load of ignorant angry people who don't know what they're fighting for.


If we can sober ourselves up for a moment and move beyond the conspiracy we could look at some of the real problems.


If you're talking about the heath of the planet then surely the focus must be how mass consumerism is being adopted by China and India (not to mention Vietnam, Indonesia etc) and as their middle class grows the dash for resources will become ever more fierce and destructive.


To think that there is a shadowy cabal behind all this is tempting but the more sobering answer might be that the move to a consumerist is inevitable.


If we want to get into the reasons behind consumerism we might look at the acceptance of Darwinism and the death of god in Western society leaving a huge gap for hero and object worship.

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I agree with mrtiger. If you're in a conspiracy mindscape, every action will be seen as part of conspiracy, bad things happens because some rich powerful super genius Illuminati figure having carefully crafted a plot to make it so. To me its a modern carry over from the age old tribal belief that evil witchcraft was responsible for all sickness and bad luck in the village.


A theory is only as good as its predictive model. Certainly many in the hardcore conspiracy world have been predicting apocalypse this year or next for decades.

Personally I think the future is hard to predict. There are big wild cards like technology that change the game and events often pivot on leaders, people are biased toward recent trends and don't realize that they peak and reverse themselves. Certainly predictions from the late 60's and 70's were pretty bleak, with running out oil, mass starvation and total Mad Max scenario's.


So in 10 years, what will happen? Who will be responsible?


Personally, I don't know. The usual changes, some good some bad, maybe more good because we've been in a worldwide recession and historically they come and go, hopefully this one is going. I don't think there's a cabal responsible, rather big trends are created by resources and human psychology. This combination creates the flow of history though leaders act as fulcrums accentuating the forces of history.

Edited by thelerner

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I agree with mrtiger. If you're in a conspiracy mindscape, every action will be seen as part of conspiracy, bad things happens because some rich powerful super genius Illuminati figure having carefully crafted a plot to make it so. To me its a modern carry over from the age old tribal belief that evil witchcraft was responsible for all sickness and bad luck in the village.


That's a great parallel. Witches could be blamed for a number of ills from poor harvests to infant death to possession. I imagine that like ham fisted conspiracy videos, witchtrials, torture and execution were also a form of entertainment and diversion from the mundane, albeit less bloody!


Let me say though I do think governments conspire and there's surely a lot we don't know. But I imagine that there are lots of different parties with lots of different interests at different levels across government, the military and the civil service. They're also competing with other nations who have their own conflicting interests.


But just lumping it all together and using it to push your own agenda seems anti-intellectual to me.


What's really striking is how people who are politically left-leaning and right-leaning twist the facts to suit their view of the world.


Take David Icke. He claims the illuminati bloodline goes back to Babylonian times. Circa 5000bc I think. So they've had 7000 years to hatch their evil plan but even after seven millennia has passed they still can't implement this one world government they so desire.


He's obviously left leaning so the enemy are people like neo-conservative Americans and the British Royal Family.


Then you get these crazy right wing guys who claim that Obama is in fact the antichrist with ties back to the middle east and it is he who will usher in the NWO.


The title of the video White Wolf Running On Air posted is 'Are You Awake Yet'. It's just so ironic!

Edited by mrtiger

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Be careful, they're watching. :o


This documentary is about the US government spying on US citizens.


Once again - the US isn't the world.


What is wrong with you people?

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This documentary is about the US government spying on US citizens.


Once again - the US isn't the world.


What is wrong with you people?






There's 314 million people who live in the United States. I am certain some of them (including myself) are members of this site. Thus, posting that video was just a way to let people who live in the US know what's going on in their country. If you don't live in the United States, why bother responding with something negative like, "What is wrong with you people?"


With that being said, you're absolutely right in that the US does not represent the rest of the world. However, in my limited interest for conspiracy theories I firmly believe we're not the only government spying on its citizens. You may just be a little ignorant in that regard, no offense.

Edited by Celestial
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There's 314 million people who live in the United States. I am certain some of them (including myself) are members of this site. Thus, posting that video was just a way to let people who live in the US know what's going on in their country. If you don't live in the United States, why bother responding with something negative like, "What is wrong with you people?"


With that being said, you're absolutely right in that the US does not represent the rest of the world. However, in my limited interest for conspiracy theories I firmly believe we're not the only government spying on its citizens. You may just be a little ignorant in that regard, no offense.


We were discussing the 'New World Order' that implies something bigger than the comparatively small population of the United States.


If you want to contribute, I suggest you go back, read the comments and return with something relevant to the discussion.


To quote you - "You may just be a little ignorant in that regard, no offence."

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We were discussing the 'New World Order' that implies something bigger than the comparatively small population of the United States.


If you want to contribute, I suggest you go back, read the comments and return with something relevant to the discussion.


To quote you - "You may just be a little ignorant in that regard, no offence."


Way to completely dodge the argument. Maybe you should take your own advice and return with something relevant to the discussion instead of saying things like "what's wrong with you people."


I've read enough (which btw includes posts that have nothing to do with this 'New World Order' you speak of), and quite frankly, I don't give a damn. As I said in a previous post, I have a limited interest in conspiracy theories.


Ignorance is bliss I guess. Continue on.


ps, In case anyone missed it, I'll repost the video link again:



Edited by Celestial
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Ok I realise I'm not getting anywhere.


I need to learn to stop engaging with these kinds of things.


Another lesson, maybe one day it'll sink in!

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It's too vast to cover... I am not trying to convert anyone to anything...just an of interest //


With anything there is a lot of dirt to dig before one finds any gems...


Imagine if we threw away all spiritual thought/ practice because of a few... whatever.


I think...


I could post statistics from every country? I don't have the time or will for it though ha.


I did look into my own country AUS and found similar.



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For those who clamor the declaration of hidden (massive scale) conspiracies, they win.


For others who argue otherwise, they win...


For the few who move serenely, unperturbed by the din, they gladly let them win, lock, stock, and barrel...


The balance has already tilted. Of what use is all this puny talk? Better regroup and regather one's vital force, and keep cultivating. Its the only meaningful thing that brings real joy into existence.

Edited by C T

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To believe that countries don't influence other countries is to be ignorant.

To not see that we're all in this together is to be proud.


In other words, go outside and look up. Then simply realize that we're all stuck here on the same rock and that countries/race/color/creed should not matter. We're all connected.

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