Lindelani Mnisi

Bending the elements

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Golden Dawn has some info on it. I can get you some info on it too, if you find GD not to your liking

Actually, the new book I am writing, will most likely contain information about it.

Edited by Disabled Not Broken
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Interesting stuff! I have an interest in this myself.


The only thing I have come across is Franz Bardons (self) Initiation into Hermetics. I think you may enjoy that read Mnisi. He also goes into astral projection toward the end... though states everything previous must be achieved first before attempting being balancing the elements within. I read the book through but didnt practice anything... bit impatient and wanted to get to AP first haha... which I think we do anyway but just unconsciously at times... there is a fair amount of info on the net about it.


I think one is only "limited" by their imagination... if you want to bend like the avatar go for it! :D


I am trying to connect my dream state and this reality / find the link - similarity etc break the matrix.


The Matrix is like my bible :P


Take what you need from anything and make your own system I think...what feels right to you.

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You learn something new everyday, and I would try and hunt down a master, but I'm 16 and my parents don't know chi, so the best option I have is to download that book, learn how to astral project and teach myself bending, but thanks guys

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find the link - similarity etc break the matrix.


It's you. You are the anomaly. You must be assimilated. :ph34r:

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The pore breathing that DNB mentioned on the first page is something that Bardon teaches. I still have a copy of "IIH" but haven't worked with it in years. If I were to learn an elemental system I'd probably go the Bardon route, but that's just me.


I'd be interested in reading more about KAPs elemental system...but I have no interest at all in raising Kundalini, so not sure if it would be as useful to me.


You don't have to use the system to work with kundalini, it's just a bunch of chi kung techniques that taken as far as they can go can be used to raise kundalini. Of course Bardon's works work very, very well.

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Oh and what is charging your element chi?


Well charging is another very important part of the training. Your elemental chi must be flowed and charged.


This is more of what it is like. You have elemental chi but the chi flow of that has to be strengthened right and charged.


Charging is taking the time to charge your self up with that element the charging is the power.


Like when you do elemental healings and making elemental fu(s) your passing on your elemental charge.


When you do your initial charging training you only work with one element so that element is very strong in you. When i was doing my initial fire charging everything was red my aura my skin tone everything during that period.


Some tibetan masters spend 5yrs charging only one element.


So what is the difference between someone who doesnt charge their elemental chi compared to one who does is pure power. I remember that after i did my fire charging that when i assumed the fire stance i would just get insanely hot. You should be able to kick on your fire chi like a candle.


But you need a master to take you further to teach you things like when you manifest your elemental chi outside that it will attract it self and connect to the element in nature around you. meaning that if you manifest your fire chi outside it will connect to nature and your evironment will change to match you. So if you manifest your water chi things will just start to get cold around you.


Plus you learn things like water chi helps people fall alseep.


Earth is the most powerful element that you can develop. for earth makes all of the other elements stronger. The elemental charge that should be the most powerful above the rest is earth. Earth is dense and solid and grounded. When you do earth training you get like an iron body and palm. There is a magnetic field that surrounds the earth when you train this magnetic field will protect you and start to expand. So it starts as iron body then kong jing then spiritual protection.

Earth training builds energetic rings your girdle vessel.


In time you become more and more one with the elements.

Edited by templetao

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Since Bardon keeps coming up, I thought I'd add that Rawn Clark has some interesting lessons from Bardon inspired element theory. They're his Archaeous system, free MP3 audios lessons that build on each other. I like to do them standing up. They stack the elements onto your body, Earth is feet to hip, Water is the belly, Chest is air etc., They go progressively deeper from the gross qualities of elements into there subtle nature, laying them out on the body.


If you connect to them, they're very good, take it slow, especially if you're doing them standing. They're at

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Thanks for the clarification, Mokona. :)


Edit: I second thelerner's recommendation of Rawn Clark's work. He's done a great job of making Bardon's pathworking more accessible to the modern aspirant.


It can sometimes be hard trying to work directly from IIH.

Edited by Cat Pillar

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Looking thru my above ill try to put a finer point on things. Like i said there are 2 ways to do elemental training either you bring the elements into you from the universe which stores in a chakra or you bring out the elements form your chakras into the universe. Bardon teaches the latter. Now in either case you must charge your elemental chi to build it and use it. Charging it helps flow that elemental chi from your body out. The stronger your elemental chi flow is the more powerful it will be. Now the moving elemental form takes this flow even higher.


So in basic elemental training there is

gathering the elements into your body and chakras(which there is a specific posture for each)

flowing it

charging it

doing the elemental form


That is the basic training for all elemental work.


When you get good you can charge the elements when your collecting them and while doing the form and while doing elemental healings.


Now once all of your elements are charged for the minimum amount of time you can work on martial applications.


Like when you hit someone with air it makes them feel lighter when you hit them with earth it makes them feel heavier.


and yes you can fill and hit things and people with air and all of the elements.

Edited by templetao

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