
Spiritual and emotional healing

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the question is by what do you allow yourself to be possessed...

Most likely 99.9% of people get possessed to some extent everyday unless they do things like this, praying to jesus only protects the heart not all body parts according to this guy.


Im not even going to respond to that...

Edited by sinansencer

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Yes, the circle and spiral are important. The circle creates the energetic space for healing, unity, or whatever you want to call it.

Just go to your center and draw circles around your centerline. It will strengthen you energetically.


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Depends what is meant by normal... many humans allow themselves to be in a difficult situation, a dangerous one, by what they get themselves into... play with fire and you will likely burn yourself... especially if you really don't know how to play with it... had one avoided such exposures one would had avoided many repercussions... yes we need divine protection and guidance because by ourselves we would be unable to discern or defend ourselves... many think they can discern and there lies the delusion...


energy work is very powerful, and healing, how many people who really focus on morality, really are?

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yes practicing moralityy alone can work for some but perhaps it is my belief that the world is full of these hypocritical preachers, who talk about morality yet do not exhibit it, a lot of people are in pain, are blocked, unhappy, hateful, understandably due to their lack of happiness they feel little regard for others...and little love, full of ignorant faulty ideas..I personally do not think telling such a person to "just be moral like me man" is the best path.


good thoughts often come from good states of mind


awareness dissolves faulty irrational beliefs and concepts

Edited by sinansencer

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Morality is subjective. What is moral in one place may be immoral elsewhere for example kissing in public is shock horror in rural China but par for the course in Paris.

We always warned lady visitors from UK to our Indian village NEVER to wear strappy tops outside our compound as to do so offended local sensibilities and could in the worst instance render them vulnerable to abuse. Ethics we can all agree on but morality NAH.

It's a term most often defined by negative comparison to whatever the speaker deems to be 'immoral'.

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I would say morality has some subjectivity to it, but I do not believe it is completely subjective.

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Mmmmm OK I can see the point a bit but factor out the M word and agree an ethical code and you are in the same place without immorality raising its ugly head. Unethical means 'contravenes this code we all agreed to abide by 'whereas immoral means I DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU ARE DOING SO STOP IT!

No immorality without morality.

Ethics we all get to define in order to agree on. Morality tends to be handed down unargued via Bibles and such.

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Indeed "good thoughts often come from good states of mind"...


I wonder if the good state of mind stems from the good state of mind or from the cultivation of good thoughts that create the good state of mind... To me the mind, the body, the spirit, the feelings all interact in subtle ways with themselves and each others... one can change the body through the mind and change the mind through the body... doing physical stuff one change the minds abilities... The mind can also be changed through the concepts or stories it cultivates and the resulting feelings. My proposal centers on awareness of what we each cultivate with what we write and think ... how we do it is important...


You hit on an important notion of awareness... dissolving faulty irrational beliefs and concepts... awareness can be used to cultivate rational beliefs and concepts ... still sometimes its a bit difficult to implement especially because the faulty irrational beliefs and concepts one holds prevent us from incorporating what would dissolve them.


You are right on the nail in that some individuals 'due to their lack of happiness they feel little regard for others'... if they had a bit more regard for others the might feel a bit happier...


One of the challenges where I live right now involves the disempowerment of righteousness... especially when faced in a situation of double standards of actions... everyone behave nice and tolerant to me regardless of how I behave towards others... Telling the bully to be nice probably is not the best path to get them to be nice... One may likely have to dance with them a bit and show them how to be nice. Ideally this would just involve pointing the better way to be... everyone pointing the better way to be. But as you said "I personally do not think telling such a person to 'just be moral like me man' is the best path".


If we look at how some minorities have impacted the majority because they personally feel offended that someone would wish them a Merry Christmas... while neglecting the offenses they create on 'the majority' we begging to realize the the few aggressors intimidate the many victims who accept the insult rather than decent their rights . It would be akin to banning halloween because some feel offended by that particular gruesome day's displays... so now there is the merry festivities ... On a similar note, the separation of state and church... how can that exists when the state does pass legislation directing that which the religious can do... the imposition of a certain educational way over another under the disguise of taking no position... yea right...


finally I would like to conclude this post with the idea that because others behave in a certain way does not justify that we ourselves behave in that way... the funny thing is that in principle we would all agree 'what is the moral thing to do' its the practice thats a bit complicated. the thing to do is be congruent between claims and works... be congruent between what we think is happening and what is actually happening... in other words become aware of the what is actually going on...


My approach is not to condemn and judge and critisize others and call them bullies in a proud overly self righteous way. How does Jesus think about this?


My approach is to see everyone as inherently good (deep down a buddha) (perhaps opposite to certain religions ideas that everyone is naturally a sinenr which is an insult and creates that reality) but that person is dealing with some kind of mind sickness, emotional pain, ignorance, and disharmony and if they would return to harmony they would go back to being their beneficial self. I believe this is more compassionate and loving and I think jesus would do the same.


Also if someone is angry at getting bullied and fights back to some extent their anger has served to help them, I do not believe repression and guilt are overly helpful at all. In fact it is self violence just as bad as violence towards others

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I think Jesus would think that the bully be the bully... not as a criticism but as a statement of fact... I think Jesus would think to interact with the bully in terms of Divine Love to show them how to Love. Personally I do not put to much emphasis on the bully being a bully... they probably do that because they have yet to learn better ways to behave... My approach is to see each as they are and show them the better ways to be... I do not buy the idea that one is naturally a sinner or inherently good... one is what one is... has certain predispositions and tendencies... but ultimately each chooses what to cultivate... anyone and everyone can cultivate the better ways to be their beneficial self to themselves and others...


I do think than in life we are constantly invited to define what way we desire to follow...

love ... that is to love what be good


hate ... to love what be bad.


will one freely choose what to do will one give to someone else one's freedom


Being coxed into fighting to some extent one loses the battle regardless of being the one who wins the match or losses it

The idea was to get you to fight and you did


Oh do note that in both ways above one loves something... the point is what do you love ... what is agreeable to love or something opposite to love...


To finalize this post I am not talking about repression rather about expression in such a way as directing blows into caresses...


From my understanding of Jesus would see all men as his brother/just like him. I believe love is like this, people are bullies etc because of some sickness of the mind, to call them a "bully" is kind of a form of violence and judgement.


To label someone a "bully", "murderer" "criminal" etc dehumanises them similar to what the media does to objectify the enemy in order to bring them into war, what if this person was you or your brother, where is the love? I am noticing a fair amount of condemnation and judgement of "others" perhaps one is forgetting the union between self and other.


I personally think you are rationalising far too much in your head trying to make logical sense and seem logically correct and just trying to "win an argument" which doesnt exist this is not about proving how right you are, more about seeing what is compassionate and true. "one is not a sinner or a good person" Deep down everyone is a great loving person if you think otherwise this is a faulty belief/rationalisation actually more likely a blockage in heart chakra that does not lead to love and compassion. This is one reason why I am not so fond of people who try to rationalise oneness or divine states into words and logic.


I do not believe everyone has "as much free will" as you state, you lay all the responsibility on the individual, yes the individual has responsibility, but not everything is their responsibility, if everyone could just choose to feel oneness all the time then


btw bro good point about morality can make people kinder,

Edited by sinansencer

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alternatively a better way to say this is that


Energy heals


Words, philosophies and ideas rarely do.

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I reckon Mr Jesus was a kick ass cultivator. He was forever slipping through crowds unseen and knocking three bells out of people he did not especially like. Always kinda hoped there might be a CMA style movie made about his life. Maybe Jet Li playing the lead.

All that peace and love stuff isn't especially born out by the stories. Bet those traders in the temple the guy whaled on didn't think they'd been beat up by some sort of peacenik.

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