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Sounds like a band name



So it takes place in Canada and it's funny and there's stuff going on and the bearded dude has a youtube thing


It's mostly silly stuff and there's a lot of nerd culture references like Harry Potter and Avatar stuff.

It was drawn at that time...

It's not being updated now cuz Kt Shy is working as an animator person and draws a book and has a life and stuff like that, you know


I can't give a preview cuz the forum doesn't let me





Fun faHt: She lived in Ottawa for a Hwile, that's where I live! the moment

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don't accept any imitations


What is Flaky Pastry?

I think most people already have an answer for that, but in this case, it's a webcomic. Formerly described as being about nothing in particular, it is more accurately about the unlikely adventures of three room mates: Marelle, Nitrine and Zintiel. They are joined by a vast irregular cast of characters from various corners of my imagination.

Flaky Pastry takes place in an undefined world. Take elements of Fantasy and Science fiction, sprinkle a dash of the real world, mix thoroughly, beat it into submission with a rolling pin, and bake for thirty minutes.

The stories feature prominently: silliness and situational comedy, with a healthy dose of adventure, action, romance and outright craziness. It may also include the occasional spoof, obscure pop culture reference or social commentary. But not so much of that last one.

I used to say: Updated, maybe, on saturdays. But the truth is, ever since the comic started, I've updated each and every week, usually on Friday evening, and a few times Saturday. A few times I had an extra update in the middle of the week, often Tuesday evenings. And you know? I pride myself on this regularity! Keep expecting updates around those times!

Who are you?

Behind the mysterious screen name Falingard hides (but not very effectively) Félix Lavallée. I'm an artist from Montréal, Qc, Ca. I make this webcomic because my head can't help coming up with characters and situations! If I could make a living this way, it would rock my socks right off.

BOOM! Quotetastic


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Don't shame yourself with posting Zelda videos in a webcomic thread anymore

Here's a knife, I will be your Kaishaku if you want

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I'm still reading it, it's that long and epic, even longer then Gunnerkrigg Court. It's very detailed and was drawn as a professional thing from the start, even if the heads are too small for the bodies.

What is Girl Genius?

So glad you asked. Girl Genius is an ongoing "gaslamp fantasy" story by Phil and Kaja Foglio. It started out in 2000 as a periodical comic book, which is collected into three (and counting) larger volumes. Girl Genius follows the career of Agatha Heterodyne—a hapless student at Transylvania Polygnostic University who discovers that she has more going for her than she thought.

So it started off as a paper only thing and then moved online. A bunch of people are drawing it; some color, some ink, and stuff.

The comic is full of mad science and steam punk. So much mad science that even Mensa likes it.


So this Agatha chick is like, doing genius stuff then it turns out she's super genius and a spark. A spark OF GENIUS



Then she has adventures, she is being taken to one place and then to another AND THEN


Then good times are being had with the jaggers and stuff

It's fine once you get over how weird their heads look like. It's one of these super detailed story things, I don't read these until I hear that they are finished, and they never are.

I'll put this one here first before others


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Fine, have another one


This one I put in the same category as Girl Genius, a super detailed comic that takes a long time to draw and update and so I'll just wait till it's over, but I guess it's never going to be over so I'll just read it over again. I got in the mood for this story.


It's about the prohibition days in America, all the characters are drawn as cats. I found it on Deviantart then started reading it, good times. All the information is in the FAQ


It's a very good looking thing and there's a story that takes a while to draw, but there is stuff going on so go read it or something. Do it, I command youuuuuuu



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an important announcement, that I should have put here days ago



Yup, the American Elf is over, all 14 years of it. The world is in shock and cannot bear to live without it's most legendary webcomic ever. But know what, this shock awakened another sleeping beast. My most favorite webcomic person started thinking and thinking. Probably still thinking...




I feel like rereading Inkdick for a thousandth time now...

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