
New Drunvalo Melchizedek video

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I've read all this guy's books and I'm familiar with most of his work... but I kind of lost interest quite a while ago.


He started posting new videos on Youtube recently, which got me curious so I watched them all.


This is his most recent one...


I wanted to get your guys' opinion on the video, and something that I found very surprising: he says that no one will be able to ascend into the 4th dimension without having a working Merkaba.


This sounds *so* shady.. especially for the fact that he is the (only) person that supposedly discovered it! Not only that, but there is so little information on the actual meditation online (anecdotal or otherwise) that leads me to believe almost no one uses it, or has never got it to work (I certainly wasn't able to, even after much practice).


In the Q&A video, he read a question from someone talking about the "controversy" over the different types of Merkabas and their frequency ratios, etc.. except the thing is- no one is talking about the Merkaba anywhere in the first place! After doing a lot of searching online... there is very little discussion on it, and I didn't come across a single "debate" about it anywhere.


Plus, if you watch all of his videos, he mostly talks about very trivial and random things and puts a lot of emphasis on these things to make it sound like it's important, while dodging the core of the issue (such as in the Q&A video). He also talks about some really far-fetched things as if they were just "fact" without going into any detail about how he actually knows any of this stuff


Overall, he comes across as a good guy... but most of what he says doesn't seem of any practical use for the average spiritual seeker.... and I'm always left disappointed after I finish watching these.


What do you guys think?

Edited by jacklantegi

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I heard somewhere that we "downgraded" because our Merkabas got all messed up sometime long time ago

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There are better writings about how to use the geometries of the platonic solids ala the Horus schools of ancient egypt than his. I think that DM actually believes himself, i don't really think he is out there frauding people in his own mind, but having familiarized myself with his material, i doubt he really quantifies what the 4th dimension really is (time? hyperspace? something else?) and his claims that the only way there is the merkaba raise some questions "why then isn't the merkaba the most popular spiritual practice ever?" (especially since the flower of life has been found carved into so many locations around the world)... why is he the only source of this "vital" information about ascension, and if he channeled it from Thoth himself, why didn't Thoth share any of this with others? He claims to be trying to save every living person from the coming shift of ages so that nobody suffers the ills of this radical dimensional shift, but doesn't that kind of equate to tinkering with karma or the will of the divine? I mean the cycles of life on earth go through this pattern of descent into ignorance -> cleanse -> only the spiritually evolved enough to survive are left -> descent into ignorance... etc. The maya, who he claims to be a spokesperson for, appointed by the mayan council themselves (i have no further info on that) believe that one day we will "get it right" and stabilize in our awareness and so not devolve back into ignorance anymore by virtue of genetic knowledge and some kind of spiritual equivalent of genetic knowledge that i forget the name of. So in short, the earth is supposed to be cleansed, it is supposed to be purified by the traumatic expression of the elements or the natural world or the will of the divine. Why purport to try to stop all that and sneak every last lousy human being through the gates? Theres altruism and then there is delusion, and in my opinion, jaded as it might sound, DM is quite deluded. Natural cycles are for humans to experience, not to change, control, or manipulate for their own naive ends. How can a spiritual master claim to want to buck the trend of the very cycles of life? I never understood.


oh well, im done. hahaha disgression! in short, i think he's actually sincere, i don't think he believes he's selling snake oil to newagers, but in the end, i dont know if theres much difference.

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He claims to be trying to save every living person from the coming shift of ages so that nobody suffers the ills of this radical dimensional shift, but doesn't that kind of equate to tinkering with karma or the will of the divine?


Tinkering with karma and going against the supposed "will of the divine" (how could the real divine ever be so cruel?), out of compassion for others, generates massive amounts of good karma and has the potential to change the course of things completely. I think it already has, but of course, we will see.


Actually in one of Drunvalo's books, he talks about a tribe who foresaw the end of the world coming (if I remember correctly) before the year 2000, which was due to the evil behavior of the rest of the world's population. I think the tribe calls themselves big brother and the rest of the world little brother. All of a sudden in their visions, this tribe saw many people's bodies lighting up all around the world (the little brothers), and to their surprise they found that the earth kept existing due to these individuals changing.


What's in your heart when you think of half of the world's population being eradicated (as an example of what could happen during a shift)? Nothing...inaction...inconsideration...acceptance of catastrophe? This type of heart is the reason why such events would occur, IMO. This is the type of heart that needs the cleansing before entering the gates.


Or do you want to stop it and make people fulfilled and safe? To have us solve our own problems, similar to a child taking its own first steps, or learning to ride a bike without training wheels? To say that although these people are imperfect, they are worth protecting and helping? Despite what they've done, they are innocent...they did the best they could! Are you willing to do whatever it takes to help them? This type of heart is what brings an end to the catastrophe. This type of heart is what purifies the earth itself...misfortune doesn't do that. Judgment of other people's karma (which is shared with us since all is connected) is not purifying.


"For I desire mercy, not sacrifice"


Eh just my views.

Edited by Scotty
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i appreciate your point of view scotty


i don't know why i feel the way i do, i just feel like people have to suffer to learn that behaviors like humans exhibit in this age bring suffering.. its like my saturnine side at its worst! When i read your post i think "man i'm an asshole" but i was just being honest.


Maybe i am indeed an asshole and the truth is that i should never stop trying to save all sentient beings. There is a definite ring of truth to that :) hahahah a loud ring (ahem to the last part there of course)


I really don't claim to understand the situation or what humans are going to bring down on their own heads and on the head of planet earth... Thanks for your perspective, its certainly food for thought.

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It's okay...I don't think you're an asshole, just sharing thoughts on the issue.


About poor behavior causing suffering...that is true to an extent.


But maybe it's more true that people's suffering is what causes their improper behavior...maybe they have tried to do right and found that they are imperfect. Maybe if these people were given more mercy and 'relief' (grace, blessings of all types, etc), they wouldn't have a need to act in such destructive ways. Maybe they would lighten up...find fulfillment within their own nature, as well as in acting in effective ways towards others. Suffering perpetuates suffering...relief perpetuates relief.


It's hard to reconcile sometimes...REALLY looking at the world, at times it seems like a complete joke. I mean, Jersey Shore???? This is the pinnacle of creation?!? Those types of people are hardly even human beings, to give my honest opinion.


...now the asshole in me is showing itself. :lol:


Sometimes being spiritual gives us too lofty a perspective...too high of a seat of judgment...and we end up being more harmful than normal people who are just trying to get by and enjoy their life. Normal people who watch Jersey Shore and find nothing wrong with the likes of Snookie.

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"Sometimes being spiritual gives us too lofty a perspective...too high of a seat of judgment...and we end up being more harmful than normal people who are just trying to get by and enjoy their life"




Aside from the additional damage this perspective may also do to oneself.


I have personal experience of having to work around people who consider themselves 'spiritual' or 'advanced' in various ways. 1) They make sure you know it 2) You can't talk to them normally without some philosophical play or reference to their level

3) they have a skewed attribution of causality and responsability of some kind that ultimately remains self-serving 4) They're a pain in the butt


I reckon it's one thing to delve into one's practices and stuff on a forum like this (that's what it's for IMO) and quite another to be in other people's faces with it in 'everyday' life.


I'm quite a regular asshole offline.

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i used to feel like i would never give up trying, even just a little bit that i could, to act for the relief of all beings, and to do my part to facilitate a smooth transition to the next age. I guess somewhere along the way, with all the genetically modified food, and yes lol jersey shore, and all of it, politics, war, religion, financial crisis, and all the crap i see in spite of trying to find the essential basic goodness of reality, i guess my attitude slowly changed and the insidious voice of pessimism crept in and i just figured "i guess the world is going to end badly"


i've been moved by your post scotty, its a welcome refreshment from the ordinary rut of thought that i was stuck in. I should embrace optimism on principle, even if the world IS going to end badly, i should never give up my focus on basic goodness, which i truly believe in without doubt. Its been nice to reconsider my view from the point of view of giving up or having admitted defeat, and i feel like i need to honor the sacred person that everyone is instead of looking to find their faults, and then reinforce my attitude that "oh yeah people have faults so i must be better off than them"... its a pretty flimsy attempt to conceal my own suffering when i look down on it from above instead of being trapped inside it


thanks for calling it what you saw it as scotty, i appreciate that more than these words might be able to convey

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Ah good. Thanks for the opportunity, friend. :)


-K-, I'm with you...very uncomfortable being seen as a spiritual person.

Edited by Scotty

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