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About Taobums once used to be a Taoist forum - well, all I can say right now is - Stay Tuned...


What Once Was...Yet May Be... B)


I was thinking that the other day. I wonder if a bunch of qi-gong folks took over a bhuddist forum...oh wait, not going to happen.

Then I was thinking "dang this stuff is all much of a muchness" - i'm sure the taoists don't much care but I'm kind of fed up with it. I have been wondering about the similarities between daoist and bhuddist practices, premises and outcomes lately.

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I think you misunderstood my intention in asking Vajraji several questions. Many times Vajraji writes in a vague manner and I wanted clarification. Moralizing? Not in the least!


I wasn't implying you were, just making a comment about people's general behavior in that regard. No worries.



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The thing is, enlightenment is not the goal in Buddhism, that's just part of the story, it's also putting on the right concepts, methods and practices that can be used to help others attain enlightenment. We take a vow to attain enlightenment for the sake of others...


I never thought that enlightenment was the goal of Buddhism, was not Buddha's goal,...his goal was figuring out the problem of suffering.


"there are no solutions at all, only problems. If others have said the same thing I am saying, why are you asking questions and searching for solutions here? You are merely looking for new, better methods. I am not going to help you. I am saying, "Don't bother about solutions; try to find out what the problem is." The problem is the solution; solutions just don't solve your problem. Why in the hell are you looking for another solution? Don't come to me for solutions. That is all I am saying. You will make out of what I am saying another solution, to be added to your list of solutions, which are all useless when it comes to actually solving your problems." UG

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Oddly, for me this sounds Taoish, not Buddhist so much.


It's a Mahayana perspective and there are allusions to it in the pali suttas. If Taoists come to the same realization, that's merely the case of practice coming to the same fruition.

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Your posts are getting more and more bizarre, you're lifting various comments I've made over the past week, and tossing them back as if you just discovered the sun appears to set in the evening, after I pointed it out to you several times.


Yes, I'm quite certain I expressed the 1st Century Gnostic saying,..."when you can disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments (beliefs) and place them under your feet like little child and tread on them, then you will no longer be afraid" thousands of times since 1969. It's like a motto of the Short Path. We all know it, and understand it.


The Short Path is not my clothing, and I for one wouldn't presume that any Short Pather had such clothing,...a clothed Short Pather is surely an oxymoron.


There is no need to get rid of the Short Path,...because the Short Path doesn't exist,...every Short Pather would understand that. Thus your comments sound more like an irritating (clothed) kid repeating what someone else said.


I'd also agree that your amusing rhetoric does not fit the definition of malice. However, your use of "hopes" implies someone quite unfamiliar with the pathless path of the Short Way. As Tilopa said, "And when all hopes and fears have died...", even those "rape hopes" for others. Short Pathers resolve the problem of hope and fear early on,...many probably understand before they reach the Short Path.


Yes, that might be your Chief Feature,...being a rapist. Like those people who have a personal agenda to send love and light. Those who send Send Love and Light,...surely unaware of the ignorance of their reactions,...are in actuality, psychically attacking others,...raping,...psychic rape,...the violation of another with one's personal neurotic desires, in,..."I hope you will one day open heart and mind.


These "sending" rapists are in it for one thing, and one thing only,...TO GET. These agendas,...these unsolicited invasions on others, something I really don't understand. Perhaps it's a guy thing. Anyway,...sending love to someone is one of the most ignorant things,...for some reason, those rapists who do it, must feel that love is somehow lacking,...that light is somehow lacking,...go figure!


Why "go figure?" Because there is nothing to "get."


Finally,...another amusing parroting statement,..."There is no such thing as pride or humility" a line I've been mentioning since you started accusing me of pridefulness,...and quoting Wei Wu Wei to boot.


So,...looks like you starting paying attention,...however, I would not recommend the Short Path for you.


By the way,...the correct quote for your last sentence is, "the love that you withhold is the pain that you carry" Alex Collier Senders of love,...those who believe love is lacking,...are usually incorrigible.




Hello VMarco,


Are you really going to plead innocence in regards to your comments? Why would you compare me to a rapist, unless you were trying to get a rise from me. Think whatever you want. I think the issue is that you are not enlightened, nor have you achieved even the slightest experience of enlightenment. Rather you are bitter angry, and perhaps a bit lonely, which is the reason you come here and attack others and refuse to listen or accept others viewpoints may be right. You are in need of a great deal more help than I or any other person on this forum can offer you. You have a degree of malice within you that I didn't expect and I presume until you deal with it, you're going to find enlightenment far off in the distance.


Let me just make one point, if you have traveled down the path as far as you say you have, then why do so many people doubt you? If you were truly aware of what you claim to be aware of, it would seem that the majority would understand and accept that, but in reality they see you as a puffed up balloon unable to support your own arguments, except by repeating the same statements over and over. Yet when numerous people say this to you, you turn it back on them rather than accept your own failings. Perhaps you are the one eyed girl in the valley of the blind, except you don't understand that your one eye is keeping you from understanding the truth, so you cling to it fearful of what the world might be without your precious gift of sight.


I know you don't want to hear this Vmarco, but uou are a mean spirited person. I don't say that maliciously, rather it's simply my understanding of you after examining your statements in this post. Anger and selfishness will keep you from achieving what you want to, just be aware of that.


In regards to my comments being bizarre, I didn't expect you to understand them, you haven't reached the point where you would understand what I'm saying. You are self aware, nothing more.


Your compassion is sharpened like a fine edge ready to cut down anything that might stand against it. I would recommend you use that edge to cut out your one remaining eye, then perhaps you will see as you are intended to see, rather than see things how you want to see them.



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Hello VMarco,


Why would you compare me to a rapist, unless you were trying to get a rise from me. Think whatever you want. I think the issue is that you are not enlightened, nor have you achieved even the slightest experience of enlightenment.


Let me just make one point, if you have traveled down the path as far as you say you have, then why do so many people doubt you?


Your compassion is sharpened like a fine edge ready to cut down anything that might stand against it. I would recommend you use that edge to cut out your one remaining eye, then perhaps you will see as you are intended to see, rather than see things how you want to see them.




Apparently you are seeking some sort of rise, for rapist, I spent a few lines to explain, something quite common among those "sending" various prayers and hopes to others whom they feel are somehow lacking.


So, other words,...if I cut out my remaining eye, I can rejoin your valley of the blind,...for only in your blind world are things seen as they are intended to be seen. Interesting paradigm. If you could offer housing and an allowance with that, you may get a few takers. Sorry though,...I'm not available.


I much prefer the truth. That's why you doubt what I post,...and rather spin off with your wild distractions and diversions. The truth is quite ...frightening for those as yourself, the fear of loss,...the loss of who you "think" you are. Does that mean I'm better or worse than anyone else,...of course not,...except in yours and CowTao's prideful eyes,...I simply lucked out,...I love truth more than anything else.


Waking up is not necessarily pleasant:

you get to see

why all this time,

you chose to sleep.


When you wake up

the first thing you will see is

Reality does not exist for you,

you exist for it.


Shocking as it is

when you let it in,

there is rest.


You do not have to labor anymore

to hold together a reality

that does not exist;

forcing something to be real

that is not real.


You and this life you have been living

are not real ...

In letting it in,

even through the shock... pain... shattering,

there is rest.


Reality is when

all you want to know is

what is true ...

just so that you can

let it in

and be true.


Reality is not a safe place for you -

the you that you have created.


It is the only place where

you would die;

where there is no room for

your hopes, your dreams.


Once you have let it in,

once you begin to re-awaken;

to let Reality wake you up,

nothing can get it out.


That is the beginning of your end.

Waking up can be much more painful

than the agony of your dream,

but waking up is real ...JdeR

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Apparently you are seeking some sort of rise, for rapist, I spent a few lines to explain, something quite common among those "sending" various prayers and hopes to others whom they feel are somehow lacking.


So, other words,...if I cut out my remaining eye, I can rejoin your valley of the blind,...for only in your blind world are things seen as they are intended to be seen. Interesting paradigm. If you could offer housing and an allowance with that, you may get a few takers. Sorry though,...I'm not available.


I much prefer the truth. That's why you doubt what I post,...and rather spin off with your wild distractions and diversions. The truth is quite ...frightening for those as yourself, the fear of loss,...the loss of who you "think" you are. Does that mean I'm better or worse than anyone else,...of course not,...except in yours and CowTao's prideful eyes,...I simply lucked out,...I love truth more than anything else.


Waking up is not necessarily pleasant:

you get to see

why all this time,

you chose to sleep.


When you wake up

the first thing you will see is

Reality does not exist for you,

you exist for it.


Shocking as it is

when you let it in,

there is rest.


You do not have to labor anymore

to hold together a reality

that does not exist;

forcing something to be real

that is not real.


You and this life you have been living

are not real ...

In letting it in,

even through the shock... pain... shattering,

there is rest.


Reality is when

all you want to know is

what is true ...

just so that you can

let it in

and be true.


Reality is not a safe place for you -

the you that you have created.


It is the only place where

you would die;

where there is no room for

your hopes, your dreams.


Once you have let it in,

once you begin to re-awaken;

to let Reality wake you up,

nothing can get it out.


That is the beginning of your end.

Waking up can be much more painful

than the agony of your dream,

but waking up is real ...JdeR



Hello VMarco,


I was wondering, all these quotes you keep posting, do you have them saved on your hardrive or do you go to the webpage each time to cut and paste them?


I would pose that you are not interested in the truth, but rather the truth as it applies to your own concept of reality. Many people have posed truths to you, but they aren't your truth, so they're untrue.


Your compassion has a fine edge, use it to cut away the truth and in your blindness you'll see.


The thing that astounds me, is that you have reached such heights of enlightenment, yet you haven't the slightest idea of what compassion is. I would wager that you enjoy the short path because it requires no work and allows you to sit smug with your sense of truth.


As an aside, as many people have already mentioned, you are taking many of these quotes out of context. I would suggest finding a teacher so they can explain them to you, of course that might mean you have to accept that you might be mistaken about some things, so I doubt you'd feel comfortable doing that.


Just a question, when was the last time you actually helped to ease someone's suffering, rather than go online and spout hyperbole and call it compassion?



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Yes, that might be your Chief Feature,...being a rapist. Like those people who have a personal agenda to send love and light. Those who send Send Love and Light,...surely unaware of the ignorance of their reactions,...are in actuality, psychically attacking others,...raping,...psychic rape,...the violation of another with one's personal neurotic desires, in,..."I hope you will one day open heart and mind.


These "sending" rapists are in it for one thing, and one thing only,...TO GET. These agendas,...these unsolicited invasions on others, something I really don't understand. Perhaps it's a guy thing. Anyway,...sending love to someone is one of the most ignorant things,...for some reason, those rapists who do it, must feel that love is somehow lacking,...that light is somehow lacking,...go figure!



Huh? :huh::blink:

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Huh? :huh::blink:


Many people think they can "send love"...or prayers of love,...yet even with the best intentions, that is, from the viewpoint of who they "think" they are, they cannot. From love's point of view, such an undertaking is not only fully irresponsible, but impossible,...and as I mentioned, a psychic rape,...a violation of another with one's own personal desires,...a forced intrusion of one's idea of love upon another. You cannot send an Uncondition, as if it was one of your conditions. Just consider it,...who but a neurotic person would attempt to send love?


What could possibly precipitate the so-called act of Sending Love, other then an idea to "get." But from loves point view, there is no "getting".


How can someone's personal agenda of Sending Love,.... the invasion of anothers space, Love? Love is seeing Spirit in everything,...whereas "Sending" implies that the Sender thinks Love is lacking.



When we realize a level of satya ((that is, living with an intention of honesty and integrity), good and bad and lack no longer exist, except in the grey goo of those who perceive it as such. To understand love, is to realize there is nothing to send.


Consider this, the same way ordinary people justify rallying for Peace, they also justify the activity of Sending Love. But what is rallying for peace? It's war! Those who rally for Peace are advancing War." Those who imagine they send love, are denying love.


Rallying for peace invites war. Sending love invites the delusion that love is somehow lacking. When we think love is lacking, we suffer. Suffering is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are.


An Act of Love,...that's another thing altogether, Act of Love would be helping someone see the barriers they have built against love,...often through religious and scientific beliefs. Shining light on the beliefs that step between sentient beings and their direct experience with unconditional love is an Act of Love.



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Of course, concept eating concepts. Like the story of the thorn used to take out a thorn in ones foot, and then both thorns are tossed.


The thing is, enlightenment is not the goal in Buddhism, that's just part of the story, it's also putting on the right concepts, methods and practices that can be used to help others attain enlightenment. We take a vow to attain enlightenment for the sake of others... this difference is very subtle and deep and is reflected in the Mahayana insight of the inter-dependency of phenomena.


I have tried to share my insights into it with others, but if your not ready the teaching won't make sense.


When you take a vow, even if it is a vow to help others, you are already creating more karma, albiet positive, for yourself.


Karma, even positive karma, is what binds the soul to the lower planes.


When you create a vow, you are in actuality creating a thought-form which might create karma which can bind you for future lifetimes. It is not unlike how a couple, when they say "i love you forever", will bind each other to future incarnations together as a couple.


This is why The Buddha taught that everything is emptiness. Even Loving Kindness is itself emptiness.


So this Mahayana vow is in face contray to the process of enlightenment.

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Well observed, VJ.


Not only is he not ready, the way Vmarco forms his ideas says a lot about how unready he is, and never will be, at least for a while.


I mean, just look at the post he made above in response to Twinner... labeling words like 'rapist' on to others - that's totally whacked out! :blink: It goes against every single idea he is attempting to promote here on this forum. Now, that's as oxymoronic as it gets.


Yes, on the surface, with all these wordy posts he makes it appear, like a great illusionist, to be pulling rabbits out of not one, but various hats, some short ones, some even shorter, but for those with sharp vision, there is a lot of darkness hidden beneath. It pains me to even acknowledge this.



He is not even a seeker of emptiness. I wonder why anyone in here would allowed themselves to be distracted by a non-seeker.

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I never thought that enlightenment was the goal of Buddhism, was not Buddha's goal,...his goal was figuring out the problem of suffering.[/b]


"there are no solutions at all, only problems. If others have said the same thing I am saying, why are you asking questions and searching for solutions here? You are merely looking for new, better methods. I am not going to help you. I am saying, "Don't bother about solutions; try to find out what the problem is." The problem is the solution; solutions just don't solve your problem. Why in the hell are you looking for another solution? Don't come to me for solutions. That is all I am saying. You will make out of what I am saying another solution, to be added to your list of solutions, which are all useless when it comes to actually solving your problems." UG


Man, to think that I was wasted so much time in analyzing what your "heart-mind" is. If I know you have said this right from the start, I would not even have bothered reading your post!

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Do you have the balls to discern a truth,...not a relative truth, not one of your personal truths, not an empirical truth based on some object,...but really uncovering truth? To go as Goethe said, “Truth lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it.” Or are you like what Nietzsche said about on people who cling tightly to personal, individual truth, that, “What they really mean is ‘I don’t want to know the truth.’ I've seen no indication that you're interested in truth,...nor from your cronies.


There are several on this forum however, that are quite interested in Absolute Truth,...even if that meant if the absolute truth was absolutely nothing, and thus an absolute truth. In fact, if three members hadn't contacted me privately, and a couple comments on the threads, I'd be out of here,...if all this forum had to offer was your nonsense.


The truth is aaron,...if you get the balls to discuss a subject,...and strip it naked, to see if there is a truth, and not be afraid to walk away from what you believe to meaningful, when its meaninglessness is irrefutable, then let me know. Otherwise, I do not wish to further engage in this crap you spew.


I will confine myself to a few threads,...and since you find nothing I say relevant anyway, there's no reason to continue your serial rape of hopes that I will one day be like you. Or,...we can keep up this nonsense, and we can work on clarifying the reflection.


If you bothered to look at any of my posts, and see how I interact with others,...I'm gracious to the gracious, and a progressively deepening thorn to the arrogant.


"I am not suited to polite society, To social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions, I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life." Vajrayogini





Hello VMarco,


I have to laugh. The short path is about doing away with teachings and doctrines and getting down to the truth, but you post and cling to this stuff like it's gold. Your greedy little fingers can't let go of your treasures, yet you tell everyone, I don't need it, I can give it up anytime I want, I'm detached. Yet I don't see you being able to do this, nor do I think, has anyone else.


I can't remember one person who has followed your posts from the time you came on, who has not seen through your ignorance. I think you might like to think of yourself as a rebel with(out) a cause, but I think you come off more as a spiteful little girl who likes to make sensational comments in order to provoke people to action. Have you always wanted to be the center of attention, or is this something new? I would ask yourself that question seriously, because your greed (i.e. desire for attention) is not helping others to be "liberated" rather it's causing them to see your ugly, crude, and vicious brand of philosophy as Buddhism, when I don't think anyone who knows the subject is fooled in the least.


Keep gathering random quotes to prove your points. Most people will begin to understand that you're taking these things out of context. Keep using them to justify your actions, that doesn't take away the fact that you are mean spirited and malicious in your treatment of others who refuse to see your way, nor does it convince others that you understand the true nature of compassion (which you clearly don't).


Your compassion has a fine edge that cuts through anything that stands in it's way, I'm sure it helps you sleep at night.


Also I would choose a different metaphor than rape, it just comes off as sensational and an attempt to redirect the argument away from your inability to actually answer questions. You are, by the way, the queen of ad hominem, you just don't realize it.


Now for the compassion, although I believe you have suffered much and that suffering has caused your heart to turn bitter and spiteful, I think with much meditation and reflection you can come to terms with these things and begin your path to true awareness. So long as you cling to this idea of the short path, you will never be able to, because you are using it to justify those actions that Buddha himself decried. Give up your truths and dance on them, innocent and unashamed, then you will begin to see the true nature of things.


With great love,



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When you take a vow, even if it is a vow to help others, you are already creating more karma, albiet positive, for yourself.


Karma, even positive karma, is what binds the soul to the lower planes.


When you create a vow, you are in actuality creating a thought-form which might create karma which can bind you for future lifetimes. It is not unlike how a couple, when they say "i love you forever", will bind each other to future incarnations together as a couple.


This is why The Buddha taught that everything is emptiness. Even Loving Kindness is itself emptiness.


So this Mahayana vow is in face contray to the process of enlightenment.


Actually, all karma is empty so not inherently binding, and creating endless positive karma allows one to keep manifesting positive Nirmanakayas for the sake of endless beings.


This is the key difference. We don't obliterate karma, this just leads to a transcendent ideation or absorption into a formless realm that we think transcends everything that absorbs us, either infinite nothingness or one of the others and then we just re-manifest ignorantly in the next cosmic aeon. This is one of the key differences between Mahayana and Hinayana, as well as Monist concepts of reality. There is no beyond the skandhas, we just empty them internally of the power to bind awareness.


What you are talking about tulku only ends up leading you to either reifying the void as infinite nothingness, or infinite space. Or you reify the skandha of consciousness as ultimate and experience infinite consciousness without the sense of other, or you reify beyond being and non-being as neither perception nor non-perception and absorb into that thinking you are beyond karma. These are all layers of the Alayavijnana, that's all. There is no "beyond karma" (enter dramatic music), there is just realizing it's emptiness, then you are beyond karma in the sense that you have seen through it.

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Hello VMarco,


I have to laugh. The short path is about doing away with teachings and doctrines and getting down to the truth, but you post and cling to this stuff like it's gold. With great love,





All this dishonesty you post, like it's right out of the Republican Handbook on Truth suppression,....all about me, me ,me, safeguard what appears to be, your, your, your pride as a self-proclaimed TB mentor,...which you have convinced others is real.


I'm not here in search of being a hot-shot forum trustee,...guiding others to the most authoritative and second and third authoritative "must" people to obey. I'm not here to make friends,...although friendship is something IMO to be welcomed wherever it can. I'm not here to socialize,...and would like to avoid sophomoric conversations whenever possible. I am not here for me. Just as the world is not here for me.


Your posts are even shallower than sophomoric,...I mean, what is this crap,..for example, " I would ask yourself that question seriously, because your greed (i.e. desire for attention) is not helping others to be "liberated" rather it's causing them to see your ugly, crude, and vicious brand of philosophy as Buddhism"


Don't look at pink elephants, because you greed and ugliness and crudeness and viciousness...Aaron, your like a mental and emotional rapist.


The only greedy, ugly, crude, and viciousness going on is you continual attacks. Did I respond to one of your posts in this way? No, attacked me,...first with pridefulness nonsense, and then your responses to each time I mirrored back what you mirrored, it gets more and more ridiculous.


I'm not a teacher, psychologist, or prison trustee,...I cannot help you. I cannot even imagine the pain you must be going through. But every Bodhisattva is not here to coddle peoples pain, if any are at all, Bodhisattva purpose is not the role of Appeasor, Moderate, Inter-Faith belief pusher, etc.


Each time you post, it reveals more and more of this rapist, controller, proselytizing, spoilist mentality, supported with a sophomoric view of Buddhism. For example you write:


"Now for the compassion, although I believe you have suffered much and that suffering has caused your heart to turn bitter and spiteful."


You're using words like compassion, suffering, and heart like you understand what you're talking about. How many times do I have to quote Osho before you get?


“Start knowing what you really know, and stop believing what you really don’t know. Somebody asks you. “Is there a God?” and you say, “Yes, God is.” Remember: Do you really know? If you don’t know, please don’t say that you do. Say, “I don’t know.”. . . False knowing is the enemy of true knowledge. All beliefs are false knowledge.”


The reality is, you don't have a honest clue about what compassion or heart is. There is no way, from reading all you attacks, that you understand what "heart" is, why say you do? You have no idea what Real Compassion is,, why say you do?


You have no idea what the Short Path is? So why say you do? Why do you belittle things you know nothing of? Are they really that frightful? Talking to you is impossible, like conversing with a Tea Party obstructionist.


Doesn't matter how many times I explain that clinglessness is inherent to Short Path,...I'll rephrase it again, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR SOMEONE, GENUINELY ON THE SHORT PATH, TO EVER CLING TO THE SHORT PATH. As soon as there is clinging, you're not on the Short Path.


I can see that is A GREAT THREAT FOR YOU, you said, you desire that I pluck out my one eye and follow you blindly. Don't you see how insane that is? If I was to present your posts to me,...starting from the first, a Board of Psychologists, I think they might commit you into the care of a mental health specialists.


Again Aaron,...I cannot help you. I do however feel, that you are cognizant that "the love you withhold is the pain that you carry." But I'm not a nurse, a Christian minister, or a Louise Hay practitioner,...I cannot help you.


"I am not suited to polite society, To social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions, I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt, I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life." Vajrayogini

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All this dishonesty you post, like it's right out of the Republican Handbook on Truth suppression,....all about me, me ,me, safeguard what appears to be, your, your, your pride as a self-proclaimed TB mentor,...which you have convinced others is real.


I'm not here in search of being a hot-shot forum trustee,...guiding others to the most authoritative and second and third authoritative "must" people to obey. I'm not here to make friends,...although friendship is something IMO to be welcomed wherever it can. I'm not here to socialize,...and would like to avoid sophomoric conversations whenever possible. I am not here for me. Just as the world is not here for me.


Your posts are even shallower than sophomoric,...I mean, what is this crap,..for example, " I would ask yourself that question seriously, because your greed (i.e. desire for attention) is not helping others to be "liberated" rather it's causing them to see your ugly, crude, and vicious brand of philosophy as Buddhism"


Don't look at pink elephants, because you greed and ugliness and crudeness and viciousness...Aaron, your like a mental and emotional rapist.


The only greedy, ugly, crude, and viciousness going on is you continual attacks. Did I respond to one of your posts in this way? No, attacked me,...first with pridefulness nonsense, and then your responses to each time I mirrored back what you mirrored, it gets more and more ridiculous.


I'm not a teacher, psychologist, or prison trustee,...I cannot help you. I cannot even imagine the pain you must be going through. But every Bodhisattva is not here to coddle peoples pain, if any are at all, Bodhisattva purpose is not the role of Appeasor, Moderate, Inter-Faith belief pusher, etc.


Each time you post, it reveals more and more of this rapist, controller, proselytizing, spoilist mentality, supported with a sophomoric view of Buddhism. For example you write:


"Now for the compassion, although I believe you have suffered much and that suffering has caused your heart to turn bitter and spiteful."


You're using words like compassion, suffering, and heart like you understand what you're talking about. How many times do I have to quote Osho before you get?


“Start knowing what you really know, and stop believing what you really don’t know. Somebody asks you. “Is there a God?” and you say, “Yes, God is.” Remember: Do you really know? If you don’t know, please don’t say that you do. Say, “I don’t know.”. . . False knowing is the enemy of true knowledge. All beliefs are false knowledge.”


The reality is, you don't have a honest clue about what compassion or heart is. There is no way, from reading all you attacks, that you understand what "heart" is, why say you do? You have no idea what Real Compassion is,, why say you do?


You have no idea what the Short Path is? So why say you do? Why do you belittle things you know nothing of? Are they really that frightful? Talking to you is impossible, like conversing with a Tea Party obstructionist.


Doesn't matter how many times I explain that clinglessness is inherent to Short Path,...I'll rephrase it again, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR SOMEONE, GENUINELY ON THE SHORT PATH, TO EVER CLING TO THE SHORT PATH. As soon as there is clinging, you're not on the Short Path.


I can see that is A GREAT THREAT FOR YOU, you said, you desire that I pluck out my one eye and follow you blindly. Don't you see how insane that is? If I was to present your posts to me,...starting from the first, a Board of Psychologists, I think they might commit you into the care of a mental health specialists.


Again Aaron,...I cannot help you. I do however feel, that you are cognizant that "the love you withhold is the pain that you carry." But I'm not a nurse, a Christian minister, or a Louise Hay practitioner,...I cannot help you.


"I am not suited to polite society, To social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions, I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt, I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life." Vajrayogini



Hello VMarco,


There is nothing for you to threaten. I am not a Christian, nor a Hindu, nor a Buddhist, I am nothing, so your attacks on these religions doesn't effect me personally, rather I see through your practice your ignorance. I'm sure that doesn't make sense to you, that someone can have "no path", but I honestly don't these days. I read the Tao Teh Ching and books about Buddhism, but I don't listen to dogma or ideology or people that promote their own agendas in the name of a specific path, rather I discern for myself what I should practice and not practice, and ultimately I allow others to do that for themselves as well.


You really don't get any of this, even after I've said it numerous times, so I'm not going to bother to continue. You read what you want to, then a couple days later add what someone else has said to your own rhetoric and call it an original idea. That's okay too, I could care less. I would just recommend that you not consider yourself too original, there have been others who have come along and said the same things you have, they just had the good sense to quit pushing it, before they made too much of a fool of themselves. I think we're all impressed that you have continued on with your diatribe for as long as you have. It takes, either great arrogance, complete ignorance, or a total lack of empathy for others to be able to do what you've done and claim innocence. Kudos and I really do hope you get what you're actually saying someday, and how absolutely absurd it is, but to be honest I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future.





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There is nothing for you to threaten.


There you go again,...did I ever threaten you? Or were you ever a threat to me?


Your hope's for me are ridiculous. hope n. from ME. hopa, an expectation. 1. expectation of something desired; anticipation of some future event. 2. a guess or belief. 3. that which gives hope; a substance or object hoped for; an expected payoff.


You cannot extort from me, or intimidate me. You cannot talk me into cutting out my eye, as you requested in post "207, and join your cult.


"Perhaps you are the one eyed girl in the valley of the blind, except you don't understand that your one eye is keeping you from understanding the truth, so you cling to it fearful of what the world might be without your precious gift of sight..... I would recommend you use that edge to cut out your one remaining eye, then perhaps you will see as you are intended to see, rather than see things how you want to see them."

Some may ask you to please, go love someone else,...or simply cease responding,...but as I said, I'm not an appeaser, a Moderate, or Inter-Faith enabler. I'm so glad you "see through my ignorance"...that's great,...but I'm not going to follow you. Thank you for your recommendations that I'm not "original, there have been others who have come along and said the same things you have"...,that's great,...sorry to hear that you put yourself through the same thing again.


Perhaps it's time to just let it go,'s my thread,...shouldn't I get the last word, matter how unoriginal, and no matter how the same as ALL THE OTHER WHO HAVE COME ALONG.


"Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." Elie Wiesel



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There you go again,...did I ever threaten you? Or were you ever a threat to me?


Your hope's for me are ridiculous. hope n. from ME. hopa, an expectation. 1. expectation of something desired; anticipation of some future event. 2. a guess or belief. 3. that which gives hope; a substance or object hoped for; an expected payoff.


You cannot extort from me, or intimidate me. You cannot talk me into cutting out my eye, as you requested in post "207, and join your cult.


"Perhaps you are the one eyed girl in the valley of the blind, except you don't understand that your one eye is keeping you from understanding the truth, so you cling to it fearful of what the world might be without your precious gift of sight..... I would recommend you use that edge to cut out your one remaining eye, then perhaps you will see as you are intended to see, rather than see things how you want to see them."

Some may ask you to please, go love someone else,...or simply cease responding,...but as I said, I'm not an appeaser, a Moderate, or Inter-Faith enabler. I'm so glad you "see through my ignorance"...that's great,...but I'm not going to follow you. Thank you for your recommendations that I'm not "original, there have been others who have come along and said the same things you have"...,that's great,...sorry to hear that you put yourself through the same thing again.


Perhaps it's time to just let it go,'s my thread,...shouldn't I get the last word, matter how unoriginal, and no matter how the same as ALL THE OTHER WHO HAVE COME ALONG.


"Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." Elie Wiesel





L O L... I mean really, you are the queen of ad hominem and quoting things out of context. You should really write a book about it. You only address those parts of the conversation you want to address. I'm not asking you to be like me, per se, but just not to expect everyone else to be like you, little liberation zealots out to cleanse the world of Abrahamic religions (isn't that the one that is the cause of cancer according to you? I would love to see the evidence supporting that.)


Anyways, many of your ideas are so far out there, I don't know whether you meant them seriously or were just having fun, I certainly hope the latter, for the former is quite disturbing.


You've certainly touched a nerve with me, of course that's because I don't care for totalitarianism, fascism, and zealotry. Three qualities that I find in most of your comments. It is because I am compassionate that I understand the fundamental nature of these qualities and the damage they can do, hence my desire to make you aware of your actions, in the hopes that you will cease causing others to suffer.



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Anyways, many of your ideas are so far out there, I don't know whether you meant them seriously or were just having fun, I certainly hope the latter, for the former is quite disturbing.


You've certainly touched a nerve with me, of course that's because I don't care for totalitarianism, fascism, and zealotry. Three qualities that I find in most of your comments. It is because I am compassionate that I understand the fundamental nature of these qualities and the damage they can do, hence my desire to make you aware of your actions, in the hopes that you will cease causing others to suffer.



Your Westernized, Christian based delusions about compassion is as far removed from the Compassion of a Bodhisattva as a reflection in a pool is from Clear Light. I understand your selfish hope driven desires to "save" those you think I am causing to suffer. What a totally PRIDEFUL statement, "cease causing others to suffer"....and what's even more bizarre is that you believe such nonsense, if someone could "cause others to suffer." Your understanding of Buddhism, and basic human relations, is pathetic. There is only one cause of your suffering,....look in the mirror. Of course,...Tea Party people have no mirrors.


Interestingly, I'm quite familiar with the behaviors of totalitarianism, fascism, and zealotry, the mostly middle-aged white men who make up the Tea Party obstructionists,....pushing their social fascist agenda, upon women, LGBT's, Freethinkers, etc.


But this is a thread on oxymoron, I have no problem with adding Compassionate Intimidater, who wants to "save" people on a Tao forum from the suffering of discussing Tao.


There is one thing you could say about me however,...I'm too connected with Loving Kindness,...otherwise I would have notified Law Enforcement authorities regarding your inappropriate harassment, intimidation, suggestions to mame, mental/emotional assault, stalking, etc.



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There is one thing you could say about me however,...I'm too connected with Loving Kindness,...otherwise I would have notified Law Enforcement authorities regarding your inappropriate harassment, intimidation, suggestions to mame, mental/emotional assault, stalking, etc.


LOL :blink::lol:


What a troll. Maybe if we stop feeding him, he'll go away.

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LOL :blink::lol:


What a troll. Maybe if we stop feeding him, he'll go away.


Yes, that is so true,...but I'm not an appeaser, moderate, or enabler of faith-based coddling. I doubt he'll go away,...neo-fascists like him maintain a hidden agenda and purpose. Just observe him on other threads, where he stalkes and "pretends" to respond to someone else, while slipping in slights and insults.


For example,...check out post #66 in the link below, which was more than obviously, an insultive attack, parroting my posts, which even sucked Sunya into his psychotic agenda, as per the #67 response.


Yeap! What troll. And how easily manipulative trolls like that gather groupies.


"Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." Elie Wiesel



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:lol: :lol:

dude, I was referring to you as the troll.


Dude,...I was referring to you as a Troll Groupie. LMFAO

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