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another interesting book for manifesters...

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comments anyone? just bought it..



dunno about that one, i've been listening to this:

and really like it.


I am of the opinion that goal setting and achievement is really the same thing as "concious creation" or whatever you want to call it. If you listen to both schools you will find they are saying the same things, only one tries to say that God or the Universe, or the Force is granting wishes, and the other says clarify and set your goals then get whatever you want.

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Dunno that one, but if yr interested in parables, Daskalos wrote a book on them.

Don't think it's generally available: I got it direct from Cyprus via the website.

haven't read his book on parables, but "the Magus of Strovolos" is one of my all-time


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it's not about bending reality to our will..... it's about shaping our reality to god's will (that being the hyper-dimensional being we live within).


serve, allow the force to run through.... and be rewarded with a life of bliss beyond imagination.


the more i allow the force into my life, the better it gets.

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Has anyone read Florence Scovel Shinn's books on "manifesting"? I'm very curious, as I'm reconsidering all these intention-sending practices, and a friend highly recommended Ms. Shinn's work to me.

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Has anyone read Florence Scovel Shinn's books on "manifesting"? I'm very curious, as I'm reconsidering all these intention-sending practices, and a friend highly recommended Ms. Shinn's work to me.

can you post a link?

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Has anyone read Florence Scovel Shinn's books on "manifesting"? I'm very curious, as I'm reconsidering all these intention-sending practices, and a friend highly recommended Ms. Shinn's work to me.



I have read her books and they are definitely worth reading. She communicates a type of non dualism that is the heart of the New Thought Christian movement of the nineteenthe and twentieth centuries. Her books are great for their new light on manifesting but also are really consciousness raising. They are meditations to read.


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Sure, T--here is the Florence Scovel Shinn homepage, plus some of her titles via Amazon:


Flo doesn't have her own wikipedia page yet, but interestingly enough, on the page for _The Secret_ movie, there are links to FREE E-BOOKS on manifestation:

The woman who runs this "cleaning out the closet of your mind" site speaks highly of FSS, although none of her books are included in the free downloads.


Bill--thanks for that plug. The discussion on this site has really made me re-consider my take on the whole "manifestation" mindset. I was dissing it for years, but not out of lack of experience--I once had a relationship with a woman that seemed to unfold in one absolutely magical moment after another--I'm talking about every moment of increasing intimacy feeling as though we were floating in the clouds. At the time, I was constantly reciting Ernest Holmes' _Science of Mind_ affirmations . . . Yes, all was indeed bliss, until the relationship suddenly--and I thought, inexplicably--crashed and burned. Now I'm willing to consider that the relationship was ultimately not meant to be, but that maybe, maybe the aftermath would have been so much better if I had kept up with the affirmations once the real challenges came along ... and if I had also introduced more yang power as a balance to all those watery emotions I was feeling.

Edited by Peregrino

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