Cat Pillar

Spiritual Development and Siddhis

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Hello Tao Apprentice,


It's been my experience that the easiest way to pin the ego is through the "F" word:


-Fear...the egos primary tool of controlling you is through fear.


-It's also been my experience that when you remove fear from your mind things flow naturally and things fall into place. B)


Thank you for your insight. I still have quite a bit of fear in my mind, and it is something I am trying to work on being mindful of.






Edit: Concerning "ego". This seems to be a new age term that's almost as loose as the word "love". Most "gurus" use it to label any personality traits that don't appeal to them. Most "masters" prefer moldable clay, people with no ability to think or judge, with no personality because they're easier to control that way. Ego, to me, is simply being out of touch with yourself. I don't believe in becoming an "impersonal being" because if everyone becomes impersonal being then wouldn't that go against impersonal being's wishes to create personal beings? But anyway, don't get sucked into the whole "ego" thing. Use Vipassana, contemplate deeply the cause of all things. Constantly observe and question your behaviour, question your beliefs, question everything. Just make sure you stay grounded, lest you bump your head on the way down the rabbit hole ;)


This seems like good advice...especially about not getting to caught up into it. Fortunately, the Skept is strong with me so I think it will serve me well in staying grounded. :P


I've heard of fire paths and water paths before, but I have not read a description or comparison of them like yours, so thank you for your insight. Both have aspects that appeal to me.


A quick list of most of the practices that I've looked at and seemed worth it and powerful to me, based on my research.

1.) Spring Forest Qigong

2.) Mo Pai/Lei Shan Dao

3.) Kunlun

4.) Celestial Nei Kung (Also check out the "Thunder Wizard" link!)

5.) Stillness/Movement Neikung


Talk to others and see what they recommend and why. Explore different paths and see what each has to offer until you find one that resonates strongly with you. Personally if you're looking for "flowing" and "effortless" I suggest you at least look into Kunlun and some of the talks Max gives. Also I would look into Vipassana (spelling?) or if it's you're calling perhaps look into the Essenes. Best to give energy arts a trial period (usually a few weeks) to give it a chance to work on ya.


Thank you for your recommendations. I've seen Spring Forest Qigong recommended many times in this forum, so I will need to look more into that. I'm not familiar with Kunlun, so that deserves researching as well. Who's Max, and where can I find his talks? Nei Kung I will need to look into as well.

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Hello Tao Apprentice,




Thank you for your insight. I still have quite a bit of fear in my mind, and it is something I am trying to work on being mindful of.








This seems like good advice...especially about not getting to caught up into it. Fortunately, the Skept is strong with me so I think it will serve me well in staying grounded. :P


I've heard of fire paths and water paths before, but I have not read a description or comparison of them like yours, so thank you for your insight. Both have aspects that appeal to me.




Thank you for your recommendations. I've seen Spring Forest Qigong recommended many times in this forum, so I will need to look more into that. I'm not familiar with Kunlun, so that deserves researching as well. Who's Max, and where can I find his talks? Nei Kung I will need to look into as well.


Hey Cat Pillar,


Max is the teacher of the "kunlun" art. Below are some links where you can learn more. Also I suggest you research this forum for experiences as well. One thing kunlun is known for is bringing up the unconscious "junk" for processing. It's very controversial on this forum, however I find the practice to be of immense benefit personally. Also certain arts are compatible with others if such a thing interests you. I am learning both Kunlun and beginning Celestial Nei Kung because the teachers say they work well together and are compatible (however it's not necessary to study both). The Teacher of Celestial Nei Kung is none other than 5elementtao from this forum. I would definately check out his site and for some good info and free techniques(try the HUUL breathe). Anyway, below are the videos and website of Max...


There was also an interview that I couldn't find, I could only find a clip of it (below)


From my understanding the difference between qigong and neikung is that <qi> <gong> is <chi> <work>, while <Nei> <gong> is <internal> <work>. Usually qigong is just based on circulating chi around in your body, Nei-gung is more associated with alchemy and immortality. Spring Forest is Medical Qigong, It works on circulating chi and using it to heal yourself and others. Of course Chunyi Lin (teacher of SFQ) seems much more advanced and could probably teach many more things than what he is making publically available.


But yeah look into things, try things, see how you feel about them. Pray to your spirit guides (they're there, just call them) or any willing immortals to help guide you. Talk to the teachers and students, get a good feel for the people and the practices. You'll find what is best for you. :)



Edited by Astral_Anima

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Spring Forest is Medical Qigong, It works on circulating chi and using it to heal yourself and others. Of course Chunyi Lin (teacher of SFQ) seems much more advanced and could probably teach many more things than what he is making publically available.





Have you checked out the manual for level 3? It's pretty advanced. It's about emptiness meditation and opening the 3rd eye. Yes there's also advanced energy healing techniques like distance healing but going ever deeper into emptiness is what it's really about.


Once you master all the levels Chunyi is teaching the rest will unfold by direct guidance from the universe since by that time your spirit wll be perfectly in tune with it and your soul will tell you what to do. :wub:

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Have you checked out the manual for level 3? It's pretty advanced. It's about emptiness meditation and opening the 3rd eye. Yes there's also advanced energy healing techniques like distance healing but going ever deeper into emptiness is what it's really about.


Once you master all the levels Chunyi is teaching the rest will unfold by direct guidance from the universe since by that time your spirit wll be perfectly in tune with it and your soul will tell you what to do. :wub:


XD Physical teachers can only bring you so far, the universe is the greatest teacher fo sho. I believe that most "methods" are trying to do just this. For example in kunlun Max usually will state one of the benefits of Kunlun is that you're your own best teacher, you won't have to go searching in China or Tibet or India. I believe thats why he calls it the path of "No More Learning" because once you connect with the Celestial Energies you are guided by them and you no longer need a physical teacher. I believe thats the way it may have been intended. Even the corrupted modern-day Bible left behind a gem of the original teachings and that it "God is Within You" "The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You". I think the purpose of methods or teachers are simply to remind us what we already know in our heart of hearts. Thats just my current intellectual spin on it. But yea I do sense Spring Forest is a POWERFUL practice. My own experience has proven that to me, I just prefer kunlun cause I think it's more fun :P (and resonates stronger with me right now). But yeah i'm not going to try and say one practice is "better" or "worse" than another, it's just whatever fits your personal makeup 9and isn't fake, lol).



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Thanks for the links, Astral!


I've heard the spirit guide thing a lot, that everyone has them...I've not met or communicated with mine though, so I can't say for sure they're actually there. :P


I've made a couple of efforts in the past to call on higher help, but I've never received guidance in any form that I could recognize or make use of.


Maybe I need to shower more...

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Thanks for the links, Astral!


I've heard the spirit guide thing a lot, that everyone has them...I've not met or communicated with mine though, so I can't say for sure they're actually there. :P


I've made a couple of efforts in the past to call on higher help, but I've never received guidance in any form that I could recognize or make use of.


Maybe I need to shower more...


I'm not speaking of a separate spirit entity but your very own spirit. That body of spiritual energy which is, in a way, the link between you and your soul, and once it vibrates more and more at the same frequency as your soul it will make sure you get the direct guidance and not a distorted signal. This is how it is descibed in SFQ.


We also ask for guidance from the universe and any master we respect, right before we start the practice. Then I ask my master to push me to face the right direction for that session. It always happens, I might feel a push on one shoulder and then when I face the right way I feel the energy is stable and centered, not pushing more on either side. That's one simple way to learn to feel the subtle guidance that is always available.

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I'm not speaking of a separate spirit entity but your very own spirit. That body of spiritual energy which is, in a way, the link between you and your soul, and once it vibrates more and more at the same frequency as your soul it will make sure you get the direct guidance and not a distorted signal. This is how it is descibed in SFQ....


To my understanding I think this is a confusing idea. Soul and spirit are identical things. Another thing is the various levels of spiritual energy we all possess and directly related to the internal organs. Basically all of them combined form your ultimate spiritual essence being the shen aspect the "king" of the other components (hun/liver, po/lungs, yi/spleen & zhi/kidneys), which resides in the head sinking into the heart during your sleep.



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To my understanding I think this is a confusing idea. Soul and spirit are identical things. Another thing is the various levels of spiritual energy we all possess and directly related to the internal organs. Basically all of them combined form your ultimate spiritual essence being the shen aspect the "king" of the other components (hun/liver, po/lungs, yi/spleen & zhi/kidneys), which resides in the head sinking into the heart during your sleep.
Cool.. :)

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