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just saying hi, i've read some really interesting stuff on this site, and some pretty funny stuff too. it's very cool theres a place for people to share experiences and methods. just to keep it brief, right now i going to school for TCM and i've been interested in martial arts and chi gung for a few years. i think for me the more i studies these types of subjects, the more I'm interested in taoism. hope to have some great conversations. thanks :D .

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Awesome moxi. You rule. Thanks for sharing and peace out.


just saying hi, i've read some really interesting stuff on this site, and some pretty funny stuff too. it's very cool theres a place for people to share experiences and methods. just to keep it brief, right now i going to school for TCM and i've been interested in martial arts and chi gung for a few years. i think for me the more i studies these types of subjects, the more I'm interested in taoism. hope to have some great conversations. thanks :D .

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Hello and welcome ^_^ hope you enjoy joining the interesting funny conversations of the forums

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