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Methinks this thread could be a good oportunity for other members to chime in, and ask a few things.

Their interest may be stirred...

So, here goes: ask whatever you want to ask, and always needed to know how it sounds in Chinese. The rest will try to answer. For us as beginners, it's another way of learning, by helping others learn.... if we know the answer. If not, I hope our 哥哥 's will help.


For example, I'd like to know if there's a specific type of greeting that daoists greet each others with...

Edited by Little1

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这是好事,咱们汉语的水平一样。我不念很多exorcist写的汉子, 可是念你的汉字容易。你怎么学汉字吗?你自己学,还是上汉语说的课?完大学以后,我要去中国,我已经是二年级的学生, 你和我的汉语水平一样, 我们懂咱们的了解。。。





mmm. if we keep it all between ourselves, it will become boring soon. and it's not very nice to keep mumbling in Chinese meanwhile others may want to learn... where should they begin, how was it for us in the very begining (not that we are now very far, eh?)

limited vocabulary... in time....

Edited by Little1

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