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Messing with electricity = Bio electricity

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Coincidentally a friend of my parents just died that way -- his pacemaker went off and then went back on shocking him and then he hit his head so hard he died.


I should add that Chunyi Lin said to get his international qigong master certification he had to take high voltage through his body. I think it was 2000? I don't remember. My dad just responded yeah but what was the amps or watts. I mean one thing is that John Chang didn't register electricity -- I think because the chi is protons not electrons. Another thing is that when the chi channels are cleared out it means there's less resistance in the body.


You were lucky.


The heart works on 0.7 volts. Human blood is a salt solution: it conducts electricity like a wire.


If you had 1/2 of the volts of a 1.5 volt flashlight battery (1/2 of 1.5 Volts = 0.75 Volts) get into a pinprick sized hole in your skin that led to your heart - you would be fried defibrillator style...


Essentially - it is all depending on the entry point of the voltage, the path of the blood vessel and the exit of the voltage.. Sadly - all blood vessels lead to the heart & other organs... Quite possible that a kidney or such is damaged and the signs just haven't shown up yet.


Although --- There is hope & if you do a little reading you may survive ! Check out this website - it is from a retired USA military Electrical Engineer (he doesn't like talking about the military...)

Edited by drewhempel

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heh...resistance. I took my buddy's fluke ohmmeter and put the electrodes at the laogong points - you can consciously alter those values...but I found that it went in a pulsating sort of manner, not like I had complete granular control over the value, but I could push it up or down and it would go as I intended, but after a certain period the amplitude wasnt enough and it would oscillate back towards a resting value.

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