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So anyways..I suffer from some acne on my face..(mild acne..which should not be mistaken for pimples). And was wondering why the taoist, or eastern, or w/e views and treatmens for the cause of such where..since evidently the western method does not work ( I already tried)...My guess from my knowledge of these traditions would be a lack of chi flow to my face..anyone have any suggestions on what to do?

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Nothing to do with lack of qi flow to the face :) In TCM, the lungs control the skin, and acne is commonly a condition of "heat" in the lungs. Thus, the Chinese approach to this condition is to cool the heat, cleanse the lungs, and also work externally on the healing process.



1. Herbs. Edited: See a TCM practitioner.


2. Diet:


Squash, cucumbers, watermelon, winter melon, celery, carrots, cabbage, beet tops, dandelions, aloe vera, mulberry leaves and plenty of fresh fruits.


2.1 Blend a cucumber, apply externally; leave on for twenty minutes then wash off.

2.2 Apply plain, low fat organic yogurt; leave on for twenty minutes then wash off.

2.3 Rub watermelon rind on the acne.

2.4 Apply aloe vera.

2.5 Eat watermelon or drink watermelon juice.

2.6 Drink dandelion and beet top tea.

2.7 Drink lukewarm water with two teaspoons of honey every morning on an empty stomach. This effectively lubricates the intestines. If one does not evacuate the intestines regularly, the toxins either end up in the liver or coming out on the skin. You can also try with epsom salts (one tablespoon) with a radical cleansing method that purges liver and gallbladder. I will open a thread about it another day. However don't do this last method for now.



Good luck!

Edited by durkhrod chogori

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Go see a real TCM practitioner in person. It's not too expensive.


We shouldn't be diagnosing over the net...especially by recommending herbs. Real practitioners do a pulse diagnosis, in addition to many other things, in order to make sure that what they're recommending will actually help the patient. They double check their diagnosis with other methods, because sometimes they could be wrong.


Plus, TCM doesn't really treat specific symptoms, like Western medicine does, so your best bet is balancing the function of the body. Taking herbs specifically to get rid of acne is not a balancing/harmonizing approach.

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Go see a real TCM practitioner in person. It's not too expensive.


We shouldn't be diagnosing over the net...especially by recommending herbs. Real practitioners do a pulse diagnosis, in addition to many other things, in order to make sure that what they're recommending will actually help the patient. They double check their diagnosis with other methods, because sometimes they could be wrong.


Plus, TCM doesn't really treat specific symptoms, like Western medicine does, so your best bet is balancing the function of the body. Taking herbs specifically to get rid of acne is not a balancing/harmonizing approach.



I know, I said it many times, but people don't read all the threads opened about cures and I got carried away. So I will delete that info. Thanks for the reminder, Scotty.

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So anyways..I suffer from some acne on my face..(mild acne..which should not be mistaken for pimples). And was wondering why the taoist, or eastern, or w/e views and treatmens for the cause of such where..since evidently the western method does not work ( I already tried)...My guess from my knowledge of these traditions would be a lack of chi flow to my face..anyone have any suggestions on what to do?


The majority of acne problems, especially minor acne, are rooted in digestion (there are other origins, but they are more rare and the acne tends to be severe). They are all manifestations of Damp-Heat (if red with white heads) or deficient cold (if blackheads or darker zits). Damp-heat often develops from Deficient-cold (also usually combined with dampness) because foods, especially harder to digest foods like cheese, red meats, excessive carbohydrates, all pile up in the intestines due to lack of digestive heat (heat in this case relates to absorption and movement). The stagnated foods the begin burning or fermenting thereby creating a situation of Damp-heat. The causes of Deficient cold are varied (inherited, erratic eating habits, aftermath of illness, etc).


This situation, in western medical terms, may be explained as a buildup of plague/mucus or an overgrowth of fungus/bacteria/parasites in the intestines.


Spicy foods will aggravate the appearance of acne by driving Qi out to the skin. Fatty, oily, super-sweet, and hard-to-digest foods will all contribute to this damp, dirty intestinal environment.


Any adequate TCM doctor should have no problem helping you. Or just clean up your diet.

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Earthclinic is a place for folk remedies, i've had great success with tooth abscess pain. Go to the link above, scroll down and look at the home remedies, how many people it did and didn't work for, as well as the testimonials. I highly recommend this very popular site for finding easy remedies for whatever it is that you need.

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If changing your diet or harsh chemicals don't work, sometimes acne is a physical manifestation of stress.


It requires at least 2 weeks of peace of mind to clear up.


You can try cannabis or ejaculating, but these methods can be thought of as vices. Meditation, naturally, is recommended-- but that may take longer.


Also, if you're using soap to wash your face, try stopping and just using hot water followed by a cold water splash.

Edited by Nanashi

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So anyways..I suffer from some acne on my face..(mild acne..which should not be mistaken for pimples). And was wondering why the taoist, or eastern, or w/e views and treatmens for the cause of such where..since evidently the western method does not work ( I already tried)...My guess from my knowledge of these traditions would be a lack of chi flow to my face..anyone have any suggestions on what to do?

During certain times of hormone secretion the vehicle is an oil from our body's massive stores,

Bacteria like to feed on the oil & hormones but then they need to tke a dump -where they eat.

Our body does not like this and sends white blood cells to defend against an -alien face dump.

The blackhead is a dump. The white puss is the dead soldiers sent to defend against all aliens.

Go buy a bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, wash the face w soap and then put a drop of H2O2

on the dump to help out the soldiers. As you sleep it will help but may take awhile to stop it.

If the bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide has dilution directions to lower % to antiseptic grade

- follow directions.

Since the bacteria have found a home on your face - I found that it was good idea to use the antiseptic % once a month.

You got to decide for yourself.

This is not a medical advice forum. We can only give uneducated opinions that may or may not be based on experience.

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