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I'm not your friend

I addressed this concept of a 'Benevolent Taoist'-- perhaps you can respond to my actual objection?


"Appeal to Authority" is a logical fallacy. I might seek collaboration with 'full-out cultivators from china', but the real answer to the question, is that, yes, you are the final authority on the matter. (Don't have the balls and brains to think for yourself?)

-Did I take anything you said out of context? No, I didn't; you pussy fucking retard.


Does anybody know how to read anymore??

We are using the same word, 'virtue', here ithat mean two different things.


wu-wei is Virtue, (capitalized, in accordance with tao,) and when it is lost, there is (worldly,) virtue.


worldly virtue is the quality of virtue wherein benevolence is even possible. When one is beyond duality, beyond good and evil, beyond phenomenal discrimination, one is beyond worldly virtue. beyond benevolence.


My P'o follows this taoist wisdom, and therefore I earn for myself freedom in action., freedom from dogma, freedom from guilty conscience.


-what life would be like if it was lived strictly through the Hun soul? Well, it wouldnt be 'life'...................




HAHAHA That's the first.. keep it coming.. Silly man. :)

The lack of your understanding of Daoism shows wonderfully...


Peace and Blessings... :D

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Lucky7strikes, I don't understand your point.


I dont think that I have developed an 'excuse' to behave any which way I 'can'-- but merely feel that I am developing a sense of freedom in action, in being, and therefore will react in myriad ways to myriad circumstances.

I don't think that there is a 'set' of characteristic traits one can attribute to an enlightened individual. I like to think that he is capable of behaving any which way he pleases at any given time, and that includes a capacity to react 'badly'.


Maybe you can be a little more specific about how I am 'way off'?




Stig, I think the conclusion you are coming to is... absolutely ridiculous. In the real world, I have to employ a good deal more tact in my social situations. In regards to this internet forum, such tact is unnecessary and so I don't bother to employ it.

You are somewhat right, that I would (like to think,) that I would still be behaving in any which way I please.


Another good point to make, is Ilikely wouldnt have to deal with **** like blasto and this other guy in my forum. As long as no one tries to assert any sort of dogmatic influence over me, I am likely not to get very annoyed.





<-- This post has been edited by moderators as it was in violation of forum guidelines:


* Insulting other members

* Negatively charged and personally attacking terms

* Excessive use of profanity


The Moderating Team -->

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Perhaps of interest to some of the posters here: A 1,800 page of Taoist Canon reference in English.


Stig, I think the conclusion you are coming to is... absolutely ridiculous. In the real world, I have to employ a good deal more tact in my social situations.




hmmm, this is why i am studying Chinese-- to clear up these kinds of misconceptions, (from translation.)


Let us be realistic. You landed in Beijing within the last month. Your classes either have not yet started or just begun. Unless you undertook substantial Mandarin study in the United States before arriving, you are still learning how to order your morning 煎饼 and navigate the subway. Even if you have a remarkable talent for languages it will be quite some time before you are ready to make a crack at the classics. And that is just your first crack. If I am correct here, then it is fair to call you a beginner.


Is it not possible that after several years of intense study, you will realize that you yourself have been a victim of misconceptions?


I might seek collaboration with 'full-out cultivators from china'


What would qualify them for the honor? Telling you you have already gotten it all figured out?


My P'o follows this taoist wisdom, and therefore I earn for myself freedom in action., freedom from dogma, freedom from guilty conscience.


Hah! Before I realized that you don't use pinyin, I stared at that sentence for a long time, thinking you were talking about your parole officer. It was a bizarre moment.

Edited by Walker

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I suppose the most mystifying issue for me is not the uncontrollable hostility and obscenity, or the delusional rationalizations for it all, but why we continue to tolerate it.

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Lucky7strikes, I don't understand your point.


I dont think that I have developed an 'excuse' to behave any which way I 'can'-- but merely feel that I am developing a sense of freedom in action, in being, and therefore will react in myriad ways to myriad circumstances.

I don't think that there is a 'set' of characteristic traits one can attribute to an enlightened individual. I like to think that he is capable of behaving any which way he pleases at any given time, and that includes a capacity to react 'badly'.


Maybe you can be a little more specific about how I am 'way off'?


"Being" connotes effortlessness of action which arises from a state of non-discrimination. State of non-discrimination comes from rooting out habitual patterns formed as an "I" thought. Yes, it is a paradox to cultivate non-effort through effort, to cultivate detachment through attachment, etc. but one's state of dualistic delusion is in itself a paradox anyway. In the end, illusion is transformed by non other than illusion.


Yes there is no 'set' characteristic for an enlightened individual. But as Dogen wrote, you can only behave as an imitation of the enlightened being's actions unless you truly are him.


Behaving as you "please" is perfectly fine. The important part is "what" pleases and whether or not that object is actually an imprisoning habit. This needs to be investigated upon.

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When one is beyond duality, beyond good and evil, beyond phenomenal discrimination, one is beyond worldly virtue. beyond benevolence.


My P'o follows this taoist wisdom, and therefore I earn for myself freedom in action., freedom from dogma, freedom from guilty conscience.


Findley, are you beyond duality and beyond good and evil?


Are these things that you can learn from Taoist wisdom?

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LOL. I vaguely remember a comment - I think it was by Chuang Tzu - and it was addressed to a Confusian - about beating a drum in search of a fugitive.


If I thought that you actually wanted your ecological concerns addressed I would address them. But of course you are wed to them.


You can go ahead and enlighten me on my ecological studies. From the sound of it, you are vastly more knowledgable and educated than I am, and quite possibly much older and better read. I'd love to hear about your sources of information and your insights into the nature of my own. It would seem that Taoism as practiced by TaoBum regulars yields extraordinary powers of mindreading.


I am particularly impressed with your knowledge of the treatment of meditation by ancient texts. It would seem that you have the power to talk out of your ass and still find room to be presumptuous with people you've never spoken with.


Who knows, I may have taken classes from you once. Maybe if you're published I can just read your books. Can you send me your CV?

Edited by Blasto

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Hey, walker ;)


I feel that I have to employ a good deal moer tact in the 'actual world', instead of just this forum, because the consequences of my 'behavior' within this forum, at worst, might only lead to my being banned from the forum. Also,I can control my presence on an internet forum.

In real life, consequences are much more 'real', and drawn out... so I have to be careful about what I say and do, and really think things out. TTC philosophy, (humility, non-action, [or at least their pretense] are certainly excercised in this respect...)


I do realize that using my last name is a foolish thing to do, but... for some reason... I am just too lazy to change it....




In regards to my chinese study... yes, I am a beginner. I have a long road to walk. -if I find, after years of intense study, that I was carrying along with me many misconceptions? I would be quite pleased with myself =) That is the fruit of the study, eh?


I don't know what 'P'o' and 'Hun' are in pinyin....................







What would qualify them for the honor? Telling you you have already gotten it all figured out?"


-It might help !!! hsahashhaahaha !!








saluki-- Maybe it carries the wrong connotations, 'beyond good and evil'.... perhaps that is a state reserved for Hun.... P'o, maybe it is best said, "see's" through good and evil? 'understands' it.... is capable of being 'wise' about it?


why do you ask....?

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