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Fire Chakra/Attention Deficit Disorder

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The more and more I do energy work, the more I see how things are related. It made me think how as a child I was diagnosed with ADD. After looking at my type of personality, as well as other kids and people who have ADD, it seems like it is just having an excess of energy in the fire chakra. Often times these students were the class clowns, laughed a lot, and couldn't say focused often because they were filled with a lot of excitement, preventing them from sitting still. If this is the case I feel it is wrong to prescribe kids drugs that just suppress these emotions. I was just wondering anyone else's thoughts?

Edited by ryansmith

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Its true that the fifth Chackra (one about fire) if cultivated (After the 7th and 6th of course) will totally stop imbalances and issues with add as well as many other issues.


Although learning to use it properly and get proper teachings to cultivate it seems like another story I know little about.


Peace, Virtue,


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There is no such thing as ADD the real name for it is boredom,I bet you did'nt even blink when you were watching your favorite tv programe or played your favorite computer game









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I can absolutely see the connection to the fire chakra but I think it is a lot more complex.


Training what is called working memory, amount of information you can hold in your head for a short time realy helps with add:


Any sort of meditation and focusing excercises and stuff that creates calm also helps a lot. So although I think just a lot of energy (fire energy) can be a large part of it, the ability to regulate attention and relaxation seems to me a huge part of it.


A chineese doctor who claims to have made a herbal medicine that helps a lot says that imbalances of the kidneys are central.


Rather than medication I think yoga, meditation, breathing excrecises, training working memory, diet, herbal medicines, aromatic oils for the skin, aromatic candles, feng shui, looking for enviornmental influences at home and in school, possibly physical bodywork, accupuncture/self accupressure/self massage, energetic healers, adapting the environment, talk therapy (quite succesfull in many cases with add) and last but not leat apreaciating the difference in personality of a person with add is what is needed. If you add all ore the most important of these elements the diagnosis would disapear in most people and those who keep it would be a lot more balanced but still more impulsive, driven etc. Accepting that this remaining difference can be a good thing and pursuing what this type of personality makes you excell in would be the way to go. Depending on how much of a problem there is conventional medication scan be used for some time. However, the last study I saw claimed that over a few years time pills are nor more effective than talk therapy.

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I was diagnosed with ADD and TURRETTS (However you spell it)


Besides the ticking noises, repeating my sentences twice and touching random "itches" that I felt all over my body I had a few issues. I don't suggest medication by the way. My own experience with meds was very, very depressing.

What has worked best for me are mind training meditations, and excersise/sports. Or taking a strong interest in a hobby. Such as Soaring or Scuba Diving.


For meditation, try counting. One number on the inhale, and the next on the exhale. Count up to 5 or more when you feel comfortable. It helps focus. Just one thing that helped me.

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