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Found 3 results

  1. Practices for World Peace​

    Practices for World Peace Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Recent Advice for Generating Peace in the World When the world is in trouble, it can feel very powerless and overwhelming to not know what we can do to actually help. IMI Sangha recently asked Lama Zopa Rinpoche for advice on prayers and practices they could do at this time. We are happy to share this valuable advice with you as well: Sampa Lhundrupma Recitation of Guru Rinpoche mantra Heart Sutra recitation Prayer to stop war: Prayer in Accordance with the Times Most Secret Hayagriva sadhana (for those who have received the initiation and can do the practice) Download compilation: Prayers to Stop War – Prayers 1–3 Download Prayer in Accordance with the Three Times – Prayer 4. For those who can do, or sponsor at a monastery, please also do: Drugchuma Most Secret Hayagriva Tsog Kong Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice for how to motivate and think when doing these prayers and practices:At the beginning generate strong bodhicitta, then do these prayers and practices to stop the war between Russia and Ukraine. The main purpose is to stop the war immediately. Then also to prevent famine, disease, and all the dangers of earth, water, fire, and wind, for all these dangers to be pacified immediately. To fill the whole world with perfect peace and happiness, including enlightenment, and to generate loving kindness, compassion and bodhicitta in the heart of all sentient beings, especially in that of the President of Russia.Think that from Guru Padmasambhava’s heart, beams radiate and totally purify all the six realms’ sentient beings, totally purify all the delusions and negative karmas collected from beginningless rebirths, especially anger, attachment, and ignorance; think that these are totally purified. Then recite Sampa Lhundrupma, followed by the Padmasambhava mantra (one or two malas).With strong faith in Guru Padmasambhava and total reliance, Guru Padmasambhava will definitely help because his compassion embraces all sentient beings.Then another way to think is, with strong faith in His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the aspect or Guru Padmasambhava, nectar beams are emitted to the Russian President and enter his body, and totally purify all his negative karma and obscurations; all the dissatisfied mind, desire, ignorance, anger, and selfish mind are totally purified; he generates bodhicitta especially, and then the whole path to enlightenment. Do that very strongly, making strong prayers to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.Then nectar beams are also emitted to all the Russian and Ukrainian armies, and these purify all the anger and self-cherishing thought on both sides, but mainly President Putin’s. They generate bodhicitta, and stop giving harm to even one sentient being and only benefit sentient beings, up to enlightenment.Then recite the Heart Sutra and the prayer to stop wars.For those who can do the Most Secret Hayagriva sadhana, do this at the beginning of the practice. When reciting the mantra, you can do the same visualizations as above, and think President Putin’s mind is totally changed and he generates bodhicitta. Source: Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition website, article Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Recent Advice for Generating Peace in the World. My additional thoughts: Always believe that peace and harmony are possible! Never lose your heart even if times appear grim!
  2. Chapter 54

    Chapter 54: 善建者不拔。善抱者不脱。子孙以祭祀不辍。修之於身其德乃真。修之於家其德乃馀。修之於乡其德乃长。修之於邦其德乃丰。修之於天下其德乃普。故以身观身,以家观家,以乡观乡,以邦观邦,以天下观天下。吾何以知天下然哉?以此。 Chapter sub-title: Five levels of self-cultivation [MP35a]Those who are skillful in the construction of buildings will not pull them down. [MP35b]Those who had decided on a well-thought idea or ambitious decision will not easily put it off or abandoned it. [MP35c]Those children who on their first day in school had gone through a ceremony to pay respects to their teacher would not drop out of school. There are five levels of self-cultivation. 1. [MP36a]He who wishes to learn about moral and leadership skills for the sake of himself, his accomplishment suffices to assist him to build up exemplary righteous behaviors. 2. [MP36b]He who wishes to learn moral and leadership skills for the sake of raising a harmonious family, his accomplishment shall benefit his children and grand-children. 3. [MP36c]He who wishes to learn moral and leadership skills in order to return home in glory, his accomplishment helps him rise up the rank to a communal chief or nation leader. 4. [MP36d]He who wishes to learn moral and leadership skills for the sake of his country, his accomplishment facilitates him to lead the nation in the direction of peace and prosperity. 5. [MP36e]He who wishes to learn moral and leadership skills for the sake of the world, his accomplishment enables him to bring peace to the world and hence, gains international acclaims and ovations by all the world communities. [MP37]Let’s go on to review the progress of one’s learning? 1. [MP37a]Delve in self-cultivation, then go on to observe one’s result in social interactions and people-relationship building. 2. [MP37b]Raise a harmonious family, then go on to observe one’s result in the administration of his public office. 3. [MP37c]Build up strong social fabric in his community, then go on to observe one’s result in enticing new residents and how smoothly they integrate into his communal activities. 4. [MP37d]Entrench the concept that citizens are the mainstays of a nation, then go on to observe one’s result in advancing the country, both in social and economic developments.. 5. [MP37e]Focus on an administration that aims to touch everyone’s heart and win them over, then go on to observe one’s result in the coordination of all races, in terms of coexistence, full integration and an united, peaceful world. [MP37f]How do I understand the fine details of the world’s state of affairs? [MP37g]The answer lies in the above five never-ending review processes and the definition for true leadership: leading people to get things done for the people! Remark: It is impossible for me to list down the word for word translation for this long chapter, 91 characters in all. I am truly sorry. Only those who can read Chinese would be able to appreciate how the translation was done, and peek into Lao Zi’s ideal for this world. 学说:修养的五个意向 [MP35a]擅长建造建筑物的人,不会摆脱责任。[MP35b]好谋善断[1]的人所决定下来的志向,不会轻言放弃。[MP35c]子孙们按照入学时给老师先行拜师的礼仪,就不会半途而辍学了。 有五种不同层次的学习态度。 其一, [MP3a]为了自身的修养而去修学习的人,他所修得的道德品行[2]才是真诚的。 其二, [MP36b]为了宜家宜室[3]而去修学的人,他所修得的道德品行就能恩泽及于於子孙。 其三, [MP36c]为了衣锦还乡[4]而去修学的人,他所修得的道德品行才足于使他成为领袖[5]。 其四, [MP36d]为了国家而去学修习的人,他所修得的道德品行才足于使国家丰亨豫大[6]。 其五, [MP36e]为了天下所有的人民百姓而去修学习的人,他所修得的道德品行才能使全世界的人普天同庆[7]。 [MP37]再看一看怎样去评估这五个层次的修养。 1. [MP37a]以修身齐家[8],去观看立身处世[9]的成果; 2. [MP37b]以宜家之乐[10],去观看齐家治国[11]的成果; 3. [MP37c] 以乡规民约[12],去观看随乡入乡[13]的成果; 4. [MP37d] 以民为邦本[14],去观看立国安邦[15]的成果; 5. [MP37e] 以怀柔天下[16],去观看燮和天下[17]的成果。 [MP37f]我为什么会知道天下[18]是这样的状态呢? [MP37g] 以此类推[19],就是以上十个评介点。 [1] 善:擅长;断:决断。形容人能不断思考,并善于判断。 [2] 请参照第38章,注释1。 [3] 形容家庭和顺,夫妻和睦。 [4] 衣:衣服。锦:有多彩图案的丝织品。还乡:回家、探亲。古时指做官以后,穿了锦绣的衣服,回到故乡向亲友夸耀。也说衣锦荣归。 [5] 国家、政党、群众团体等的最高领导人。 [6] 形容富足兴盛的太平安乐景象。 [7] 天下的人们共同庆贺。 [8] 指修养自身,理好家政。 [9] 立身:做人;处世:在社会上活动,与人交往。指人在社会上待人接物的种种活动。 [10] 形容家庭和顺,夫妻和睦。 [11] 整治家庭和治理国家。 [12] 指由当地村民共同制定并要求共同遵守的规约。 [13] 到一个地方就按照这一个地方的风俗习惯生活。也比喻到什么地方都能适应。 [14] 邦:国家。百姓是国家的根本。 [15] 建立国家,安定天下。 [16] 使天下归服。怀柔:旧指统治者用政治手腕笼络人心,使之归服。 [17] 燮和:协调,和顺。使国家协调和平。 [18] 人世间,社会上;国家与社会动态。 [19] 根据这一事物的道理,去推出与此类似的其他事物的道理。