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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Spirit Science

    I see. Fascinating...and for the record, I'm not here to agree nor disagree. I don't have all the answers,so I am here to learn and explore So I guess you identify all of these pop-up psychics on the net as "obsessed" because of their blanantly obvious method of NOT communicating with their spirit guide, as is custom to them gaining any form of divinity?
  2. Water in the Cracks

    I'm right here with you on this. I keep falling yet getting back up. I am getting a bit sick of it though!
  3. Spirit Science

    So, how would we know if God was to speak to us either directly or indirectly? How could we tell that from an imposter?
  4. Spirit Science

    Ok, one question though. Didn't God speak directly to the real Jesus, Mohammad, Moses etc? Weren't prophets hand picked thus being an exception to the rule?
  5. Opinion on "Mind-Altering Substances"?

    Some of this isn't true. Me an my gf have smoked copious amounts of pot and both get asked for ID still when buying alcohol (and she' s 31)
  6. Spirit Science

    Happened to me once. I was told I was the messenger and ended up informing an anti-NWO militant to "gather his troops for it was time" and I think I mentioned before about telling my friend him and his fiancee were separated in a previous life and reunited in this one/destined to be together (she turned out to be a fraud with a fake name trying to get money out if him!!) More pieces to this jigsaw of.life pieced together.Glad I persisted with this thread...got there in the end lol.
  7. Spirit Science

    Thank you. This now all links back to the video clearly now. I will proceed with caution... Your last sentence rounds it all up nicely. All is one in the Tao... Someone else once said, why would a deity single one person out to talk to them? What makes them so special? Arrognance and misguidence of many, many "spiritual" people.
  8. Spirit Science

    To that website...woah!! But I said Michael...not Gabriel. Still, are you saying that this is all deception?
  9. Spirit Science

    Understood...now I can do my research Thanks! Point 1. Why do you claim Kryon is negative? He is supposedly in league with Archangel Michael...
  10. Chuang Tzu Chapter 6, Section G

    Though the Taoist seems to give less of a shit... Loved this chapter. Was hard digesting...I think I'm tired. But I found great amusement in what I saw as Confucious basically saying "I'm not so good and want to be a Taoist sooooo bad" haha
  11. Spirituality a Science

    Thanks...I think I'll migrate. Will watch when I get time. Thanks!
  12. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Nice thread! Will read posts in more detail when I have time. My dream is to be a rock star...always has been haha. Though in recent years, I have also been fortunate enough to work in music/ent and also have an "I just do what I want" type of life. So 50% of the dream has been accomplished. Or maybe 100% of the dream has been accomplished. Being made a rock star isn't so much in my control, after all
  13. Opinion on "Mind-Altering Substances"?

    True that! I didn't get any posture, non-fidgeting practice when high. Plus, it makes me wanna eat chocolate!
  14. Spirit Science

    Please explain what's "weird". I've watched this 3 times now and the darkest as it gets is saying that you may encounter a dark entity and not to be scared. Other than that, it just gets a bit extreme hippy and up in the clouds but I really can't see where this emphasis on hungry ghosts is...
  15. Spirit Science

    Interesting angle. I will give this some thought
  16. Spirit Science

    Lao Tzu didn't exactly say why either
  17. Opinion on "Mind-Altering Substances"?

    That being said, I'd say the statement was quite accurate. Talking from my experience, yes, drugs do force something to happen. I avoid ibuprofen, for example, because I don't want to artificially calm inflammation and mask pain. Pot sends me into another world very quickly. Only when I gain enough patience with my meditation can I imagine not smoking pot for a kick as I'm used to an instantaneous and stronger trip! How negative does that sound lol And finally, not "physically addictive"? Whatever pot users that justify their actions with this...well, this is misleading. Because a pot head cannot live without pot. Fact. Just like someone who eats junk food all the time finds that hard to quit. It might not kill you, but it will leave you attached either way. So, don't do drugs kids (if you don't need to) * * Make of that what you will
  18. Spirit Science

    Take the third-eye/pineal gland thing then. The third-eye being a way of what, having a spiritual experience that by most is completely indescribable? Yet scientists explain the gland and hormones produced etc that allows such things to occur. It's all a lot of heavy chemistry and biology (which I suck at, hence my interest) Do you not agree on the significance of this? I find that there is too much spirituality VS science going around because the majority want to prove one or the other right. I'd love to hear more
  19. Spirit Science

    Oh so we're back to the thread topic now? Hehe Yes, for me it's a no-brainer. Miraculous stuff happens...science can do a great deal explaining how it works. It doesn't take away the fact that we all have consciousness and breathe in air!!
  20. Chuang Tzu Chapter 4, Section F

    The whole of this chapter is just brilliant. But especially this tale... It really stuck a chord with me...as sometimes I always felt that I was used and abused a bit for being useful. A bit of a performing seal, so to speak. So if I ever want to evade something in future, I had better appear useless hehe. Great life alchemy stuff is this!

    What a beautiful thing to read
  22. My girlfriend and her "clairvoyant" mum have gone through their pagan-type cleansings with me. So yes, seem to have the same effect depending on where one's mind is! Other parts were completely ineffective though...as have some eastern philosophies been too. My curiosity now is whether showing love to all, as is a fairly common piece of advice, is superior to saying "screw that" and just dropping a punch in there. Either could be deemed wrong...just wondering if learning to love yourself and your demons will banish them or whether a more aggressive cleansing or exorcism (so kicking them out on the street) is better overall. Notice how this all applies to feasome things in general? Same goes for, say, being mugged. You could be passive and give all that you have. You could punch the mugger and run... I digress...
  23. Opinion on "Mind-Altering Substances"?

    I have heard many Taoists, Buddhists (even teachers!) and some innovative, successful business people that have all cited psychedelics as extremely important for starting them off on their spiritual journeys. I too agree I probably wouldn't be where I am if I didn't hit the weed. I grew up in a very conservative town so escaping with a joint and listening to bands that planted seeds of spirituality certainly got me interested in exploration! HOWEVER, I'm now in a place where I'm working on cutting it out of my life altogether. That's not so easy when you have regular friendship groups etc etc. You're talking about a friend introducing you to it and I would say to that no...because habits form easily... Beware your thoughts, they become your words. Beware your words, they become your actions. Beware your actions, they become your habits ... to paraphrase the saying. You are already on your way, so you have no need for drugs. I like that pizza analogy a lot! With drugs, you will get a meal that is loosely correct and very instant. But your meditation and clean living will be your freshly cooked, authentic, homemade recipe.
  24. Haha, this is awesome. I did strangle a nasty girl demon thing once and jumped on a weird thing in a tailcoat that slid under my door. It was liberating!