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Everything posted by steve

  1. Trans and Taosim

    Please take note - homophobic and transphobic rhetoric are not welcome here. Referring to either as a disease violates our community standards.
  2. Haiku Chain

    sniffing Valentines a risky proposition one just might get slapped!
  3. Vegetarianism

    @silent thunder So sorry to hear of your situation. My love and support go out to both you and your wife my friend. šŸ™šŸ¼ And I loved your parting shot! šŸ¤£
  4. Vegetarianism

    Excellent idea but I donā€™t know the first thing about software engineering nor have the time or interest in learning. If you find or develop such a product, please let me know. If participants in this thread would like to continue a civil discussion about climate change and meteors and so forth, they are welcome to start another thread on the topic. This thread was intended to be about Buddhist aspects of a vegetarian diet.
  5. Thanks for sharing this update @Geof Nanto. This is a fascinating tool and like any tool will have strengths and weaknesses. I applaud you on your selection of questions both in exploring neidan topics and in exploring the veracity and credibility of the answers provided. I sometimes feel like Iā€™m living in a sci-fi novel but Iā€™m probably just showing my age.
  6. Vegetarianism

    Enough bickering Time to let it go or I will close the thread Thank you
  7. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Everything you need to know about this powerful view and practice in 36 pages.
  8. Dark Chocolate, WTF!

    Cacao is often grown in volcanic soil which is extremely rich in heavy metals like cadmium, vanadium, and others. Years ago I began ingesting raw cacao as a source of minerals and for other purported health benefits. Upon doing some research, I learned that raw cacao must be ingested in moderation for just that reason. I was not aware, although it makes full sense, that processed forms of cacao like dark chocolate might require similar caution.
  9. After conferring with the moderators and admin, discussion of Mo Pai and related styles and subjects is unwelcome at TheDaoBums. All decisions regarding what constitutes said discussion are at moderator discretion. We do this out of respect for the authentic Mo Pai lineage and masters, and for the health of our community and our members. We appreciate your compliance šŸ™šŸ¼
  10. ā€¦And to think some neigong advocates bemoan imagery and visualization. Black liver and rabbit marrow indeed! šŸ˜‰
  11. Thatā€™s very clear! I have a better appreciation and understanding now. And I love the synchronicity that seems to touch me here and in spiritual matters in general. Rabbit marrow and black liver can be understood as representing pure and impure vision respectively, in dzogchen terms.
  12. How to Be Spontaneous

    In the dzogchen tradition, the spiritual path is considered in terms of view, meditation, conduct, and fruition. I find this the most direct and practical approach to experience and practice wu wei. One rests the attention on the present moment. fully connected outside and inā€¦. in an attitude of ting The view is open awareness without distraction or fabrication. Meditation is simply to remain in and return to the view continuously. Conduct becomes spontaneous, arising without effort or intention from the openness of the view and the inherent energy of immediate presence. Fruition is the expression of the view in manifest forms in all aspects of life - creativity, resourcefulness, awareness, stability, discernment, and so on.
  13. For me, a pure land is what I experience when I have pure vision. If I am able to meet sounds, lights, and rays (all experiential phenomena) with a pure and perfect mind, I generate no karmic traces and occupy a pure land. All beings appear as deities and the surroundings as a perfected mandala. When I meet the world through samsaric vision, I experience the 6 realms and generate karma that keeps me on the wheel interminably. This teaching is from dzogchen. The pure land is here and now, always waiting patiently to be discovered in this very lifetime. Itā€™s a very direct path. Itā€™s a different teaching from Pure Land Buddhism itself.
  14. Wild cats

    Pallas' Cat
  15. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Whenever we touch nature we get clean. People who have got dirty through too much civilization take a walk in the woods, or a bath in the Sea. They shake off the fetters and allow nature to touch them. It can be done within or without. Walking in the woods, lying on the grass, taking a bath in the sea, are from the outside; entering the unconscious, entering yourself through dreams, is touching nature from the inside and this is the same thing things are put right again." Carl Jung Dream Analysis: Notes on a Lecture Given, 1928-1930
  16. Sitting in a boring 0630 meeting on Zoom I was able to set it up. @Camellia, your chariot awaits.
  17. Vegetarianism

    Too true @Barnaby All too true One option here is to open a Personal Practice Forum where you can host discussions and have moderator level control over who participates and what is posted. If you are interested in that, let me know.
  18. Recommendable and not legit systems

    @wandelaar I really appreciate the clarity and precision of your posts. Iā€™m sorry the Original Dao forum closed down but happy you found your way back here.
  19. Vegetarianism

    @Barnaby Another caveat Iā€™ll mention. My teacher is vegetarian but cautions that we shouldnā€™t get too attached to anything, even abstinence. So when we have a tsok during retreats (ritual banquet), we are always offered a wide variety of food and drink, including some meat, cheese, and wine.
  20. Vegetarianism

    I try to do this when sourcing eggs as well. One issue in the US is that one really canā€™t believe what is claimed on packaging. There does not seem to be any oversight or accountability, just briberyā€¦
  21. Does anyone meditation with a timer? Or not?

    I use a timer only if I need one, eg practicing before work or a meeting, etc. In the morning I can get a sense of the time from the local crows and the ambient light. I also have a pretty good feel for how long Iā€™ve been sitting. I currently use the Insight Timer app but donā€™t like how commercial itā€™s become. The timer is nice with lots of flexibility but lately I just need a simple bell at the end. I may have to try the Plum Village app.
  22. Vegetarianism

    About 10 years ago my spouse and I made the decision to stop eating animals and birds. Our decision was based primarily on the horrific treatment of these creatures by our food industries. We recognize and acknowledge the fact that the seafood industry is also quite problematic and that our decision does not solve many problems. Some might call us hypocrites and of course industrial agriculture, even personal agriculture is not without a price. The important piece is that we both felt this to be an important change to make in our lives at the time and continue to honor it. I will occasionally eat animals or birds, a few times per year perhaps, and make an effort to be sure the meat is ethically sourced.
  23. Recommendable and not legit systems

    No, faqi canā€™t revert someone to a previous state. That would imply time reversal. That is not possible in our human condition. Healing may involve restoring balance, opening channels, neutralizing or releasing toxins, and so forth. It may help someone to become better adjusted or reconciled to the changes theyā€™ve experienced. Your initial premise is mistaken, IMO, hence the conclusion has no basis.
  24. Yes, I donā€™t claim what I wrote is the way things are but for me the other realms are imaginary, stories and threats, little more. When I can see and feel these things in my life and see it in others around me, then I can use the practices to work with them.