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Posts posted by sean

  1. 3 hours ago, Zhongyongdaoist said:

    Well, since my personal bent is Daoist, there is simply not enough Ritual Daoism in it. No Heavenly Lord Taiyi, who is an extremely important god in Daoist work, a god of compassion, who protects and saves, his closest comparison functional comparison in the West would be Jesus, and he can be viewed as the male equivalent of Quan Yin, though rather than being a Buddhist borrowing he has a long history in China, having been among other things the most important deity in the Han Dynasty. He is very powerful and as a patron for the independent practitioner of Chinese styles of magic, a great ally to have. Most of the mantras are for Buddhist and even Hindu deities, though granted most Ritual Daoists don't use mantra that much, I would have liked to have seen more treatment of native Chinese deities and practices, though she does discuss several Chinese deities of importance, and such popular shen as the Eight Immortals. In her defense, such a discussion would have added to what is already a very long book, and I can understand why she didn't make space for more, at almost 600 pages, this was a lot of writing on here part, and a lot of reading and study on the part of the prospective fu practitioner, but t about $20.00 this is a great place to start one's study of the craft of fu, though as I mentioned in my previous post, this is for medium to advanced beginner's, the study of fu is not a study for complete beginners.  If people are interested I can post more about what one should study in order to practice fu successfully.


    @Zhongyongdaoist Nice review. Would you mind sharing other resources for Chinese/Daoist magic and ritual? 🙇


    3 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    Yes and she is a member here too courtesy of yours truly inviting her here. ;) ask for @bell


    Fantastic! 🙏




  2. Thanks @dawei


    22 minutes ago, dawei said:

    If I understand, all four are private/request access.   But anyone can get access to all 4 ?


    Yeah, my thought was that the entire Gender Garden is invisible to guests (/bots), similar to Personal Practice. But the Grotto is open for all members to participate in. The non-binary, women and men "sanctuary" forums visibly exist to members, but posts are only available for those that have requested and been granted access. Access can be requested in the Grotto.




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  3. 1 minute ago, ilumairen said:

    Some years back I had a friend who visited this forum, but did not join. His assessment was taoists, in practice, seem primarily concerned with semen retention. As it was later explained to me, one reason for the seperate yet open areas was so people could easily avoid wading through thread after thread about semen retention, and people like my friend mentioned above would be less likely to gain the (mistaken) impression he did.


    Could those conversations be guided toward either the Grotto or private male garden?


    1 minute ago, ilumairen said:

    Guess mine was a rotten tomato.. 






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  4. Via:


    On 8/27/2019 at 5:17 PM, Taomeow said:

    How to behave in a women's area open for men -- well, I don't know.  If it's an area open for both men and women, it's just the main area to me, and I'd post there.  I don't see the point of having a women's forum if it's not any different from any non-women's.


    The next forum changes I've been mulling over are re: the gender forums. I also don't see the point of the non-private variants of these forums. Why couldn't those topics simply be started in Grotto or Daoist or General discussion?


    Here's what I'm thinking:


    Private Gender Gardens

      Grotto (request access here, general gender discussion, move topics from all other open gender forums into this)
      Non-binary (for non-binary, gender questioning and intersex)
      Women (for women and female identified)
      Men (for men and male identified)


    I'd also like to come up with a process of gaining/keeping entry to these subforums, especially the womens and non-binary forums since those are more likely targets for infiltration by dumb-dumbs.


    My first thought is that I might have a quick video chat with any female and non-binary identified volunteers interested in helping me define and participate in an approval process. These members would then be empowered to approve others, thereby preventing future generations from being required to see my grisly mug just to gain access to their gender subforum. 😆


    Thoughts, concerns, rotten tomatoes? 🍅




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  5. On 8/24/2019 at 3:13 PM, dawei said:

    I think what you say is true in terms of 'isn't used too often' but the nice thing is when just a guest you would then have only one (Tech) showing up in the Tent area... Now at least, a guest sees the publicly open forums together.


    This was may reasoning as well. 👍


    • Like 1

  6. Technologically advanced cities that thrive in harmony with nature, act as denser companions to proximate rural lives and are not existentially alienating to their denizens? 🤔 I think it takes effort to even imagine such a thing. But I think it's possible (and worthwhile! 🙃) and I think it's hard mostly because of how often capitalism and industrialization have been historically conjoined.


    Also, seems related: Society of the Spectacle.


    In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation.


    The spectacle grasped in its totality is both the result and the project of the existing mode of production. It is not a supplement to the real world, an additional decoration. It is the heart of the unrealism of the real society.


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  7. 14 hours ago, joeblast said:

    ( *shrugs* do not be surprised when I'm right, that's the last I'll say of it.)


    5 hours ago, joeblast said:

    anyway, I'm outski, yall have fun in your isolation tank that keeps you away from actual reality.


    18 minutes ago, joeblast said:

    lol when your spectrum looks like this


    Narrator: But everyone knew this was surely not the last joeblast would say of "it". Their poor, out of control boy was never really "outski" at all. <FADE OUT>


  8. zAWhwmX.png


    How is it news to anyone that grotesquely rich, capitalist gargoyles on "both sides" of the entirely right-wing U.S. political spectrum coordinate to control capital while participating in all manner of utterly depraved behavior?


    My conspiracy theory is that right-wing libertarian bros are so incomprehensibly dense that it took a ludicrous B-horror-movie yarn to help them discover a tiny, misinterpreted flicker of class consciousness. Reality is far, far colder and harsher than goofy-ass QAnon screenplays.




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  9. 4 hours ago, joeblast said:


    @sean you will still owe an apology to the community after its unequivocal that I'm correct about the transnational criminal organizations


    which only has anything to do with politics insofar as most of the nations of the world have had some measure of their politicians bought, blackmailed, etc. 


    again not a left or right thing! (its both!) except insofar as the media has convinced people of certain persuasions that any unsavory thinking on certain subjects is automatically to be equated with alt right far right etc.   I mean that's the entire reason I backed up plenty of what I wrote with news articles, doj articles, etc., just to show that there are indeed things happening that support my assertions.  that it happens to be more guilty D than R right now is only reflective of this point in history.


    why this needed to be made into a L<>R thing from up on high above, I can only surmise that its because logical fallacies need to be employed as a means to prevent as many people from consuming the information as possible.



    ( *shrugs* do not be surprised when I'm right, that's the last I'll say of it.)


    ( :P and that goes for the unproven, unfalsifiable co2 conjecture also!)


    Sir, this is an Arby’s drive thru.


    • Haha 1