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Everything posted by ralis

  1. We have a vaccine!

    Here in the US, Pfizer offered Trump additional amounts over the 100 million does ordered last summer, Trump turned it down. Now at the current rate, it will take around 10 years to vaccinate the US population. Totally unacceptable.
  2. We have a vaccine!

    How many are supposed to die for weak minded fools that refuse a vaccine?
  3. We have a vaccine!

    Getting to that number may be the problem. Anti vaccine propaganda and possible vaccine shortages.
  4. We have a vaccine!

    For themselves? As seen with Johns Hopkins viral spread analysis, one person can infect thousands. E.g. the Sturgis motorcycle rally was responsible for thousands of infections from a few. Are you positing a libertarian point of view? If so, I oppose ideological points of view that lean heavily on Social Darwinism’s survival of the fittest which has been refuted by E.O. Wilson et, al. Species survive as a group or more precisely, biological altruism. Mandatory vaccinations for all with very few exceptions.
  5. We have a vaccine!

    Ingredients of COVID-19 vaccine. The quote is from the FDA site. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/12/09/1013538/what-are-the-ingredients-of-pfizers-covid-19-vaccine/
  6. We have a vaccine!

    Agree! Given the extremely short development for this vaccine there are still unknowns. Johns Hopkins state anywhere from 5-10 years. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/vaccines/timeline
  7. We have a vaccine!

    Your point being? There are persons that may have an allergic reaction to one of the components. Although, that is an extremely low percentage. Cost/benefit are the criteria that researchers analyze.
  8. We have a vaccine!

    Wasn’t certain the time frame on that. There must be a time frame depending on the individual?
  9. We have a vaccine!

    A vaccine is not an instant cure! It takes up to two weeks to build up antibodies from the first dose. Even then masks along with social distancing and sanitary habits are still required. To achieve herd immunity a vaccination percentage of +- 80% is imperative.
  10. Canna Bums

    Was it infused chocolate? In California there is a 100 mg THC limit/bar or at least when was out there two years ago. Just have to work you're way up and find what works for you. Sometimes it can take up to an hour to feel it.
  11. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Reshad Feild taught a 7-1-7-1 breath that was called the mothers breath. It wasn’t his, but comes from Caucasian Yoga and possibly Sufi teachings. I met him, but had no desire to join his group. I agree that breath will take one most anywhere. https://www.caucasianyoga.org
  12. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    If you are going to quote me then please include the context.
  13. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I linked to your other thread which mentioned MoPai. Nuclear weapons are nothing new?
  14. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Is this guy a fraud?
  15. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Several of us have asked you questions with no response from you which are challenging your belief system. Furthermore, your quest for pyrotechnic displays are only based on a YouTube video which is questionable. The second paragraph is nothing more than baseless accusations as if you are a mind reader.
  16. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    That is not a feel good graph. Far too many are dying due to really poor leadership here in the US and the world.
  17. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Very well said!
  18. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I only inquired regarding your age since that can make a difference in how one generally perceives John Chang. A lot of younger persons are hung up on his pyro demonstrations for one reason and that is too obtain power, which you have stated as a goal. Movies such as Star Wars influence many of us which can be a good thing, but without reading Joseph Campbell's "Hero With A Thousand Faces" the movies are out of context of life. One bit of advice I can give is that emotions can serve one well, but overly sensitive emotional responses are not useful in cultivation. I have learned that one the hard way. Use and own ones emotions or let them use you. That is about 99% of the path.
  19. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I think you are a little too sensitive to any critique of John Chang/MoPai. Did you ever meet him?
  20. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I have made no ad hominems on this thread, but am critiquing what you are trying to prove. However, you are positing unfounded accusations that I am unable to see what Chang is doing and concluding that I have no ability to or even engaged in cultivation practices.
  21. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    How have you ascertained that I have not done any cultivation practices? An accusation such as that is why MoPai threads have been banned here. I am close to reporting this thread be shut down.
  22. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Thank you so much for opening my eyes to the truth. I will be forever in your debt.
  23. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I should believe everything I see on social media as the absolute truth?
  24. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    How do you know? What evidence do you have to back up your claim?
  25. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Could be faked! After all visual propaganda works extremely well. What does 1 million views have to do with it? BTW, I have seen all the videos so this is nothing new.