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Everything posted by adept

  1. Recycling Anger.

    Hey Samurai Mountain Man, I have the same problem as you ! I've been struggling with anger issues for years. I've got some posts somewhere on the forums about it. I've tried lots of things that folks have suggested. Most of them DO work, but, in my case, only for a short time. My practices are good, simple and solid. I have a good diet, have practiced chi kung and meditation daily for over a decade, and do lots of walking. I've resigned myself to the fact that it's just the way I am and I'll have to live with it and try not let it affect others around me. Good luck
  2. Violence and Peace

    Of course I would defend my life. It's a primal instinct of all humans. The trick is to do just enough to get out of the situation, causing the least harm to the assailant.
  3. Notable sages / saints / mystics / philosophers

    Jeff Foster Eckhart Tolle David Icke Swami Lakshmanjoo
  4. Notable sages / saints / mystics / philosophers

    J Krishnamurti Lao Tzu Confucius Xunzi Bankei Liu I Ming
  5. Hello Immortal4life. I would like to say sorry for my comments to you on the subject of Falun Gong a while back. It was disrespectful and immature just because I didn't agree with your point of view. Your threads and posts are very informative and I always like to read them. I offer you my hand of friendship and would like you to accept my humble apology. Best wishes. adept
  6. Thanks for that link ! The minute I heard about this tragedy I immediately thought 'another inside job'. For me to have a reaction like this is because of the research I've done for over a decade on the way the world is run. It stinks. But more and more people are waking up to the fact that we've been lied to and manipulated by the powers that be for thousands of years. Most history that you learn in school is bogus. It's what they want you to know, and believe. Thank you Immotal4life for opening this up. People really need to know this stuff. We're not 'conspiracy theory nutjobs', just ordinary folk who know that governments, media, banking, communication networks, medicine, food etc etc are all monitored, doctored and controlled by an elite few.
  7. You missed this : I posted it a few weeks ago. I had been practicing 5 Tibetans on and off for years, and a few months back decided to not miss a single day again. Excellent method which is often overlooked.
  8. WU WEI is a negative gerund

    What's a gerund ?
  9. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    LSD opens doors in the mind which never close. It's over 20 years since I first took it and I never had anything other than positive mind blowing experiences with it in the 10 years I regularly took it. It definitely changed me for the better. Not that I advocate drug use, everyone's different.
  10. Cleansing/Healing the Belly

    Psyllium husk powder/tablets should clean out the colon.
  11. There may be no pope, but there's still a hierarchy and rules handed down over the generations by lama's, priests, abbott's etc etc. The original message, as in all religions, has been corrupted by the hand of man.
  12. That's terrible ! All the talk of peace, non-violence, precepts, wisdom, insight etc seems contradictory. Buddhism, just like any man-made organized religion, is a means to control the masses. I've lost all faith in organized religions, all of them. Instead it's more wiser to look to the natural world as a teacher. That way, you know what you're getting and won't be disappointed.
  13. Can't agree with this, never have. I can't feel love for child murderers and paedophiles, torturers, sadistic killers etc etc.
  14. Different types of Yoga?

    We must remember that Yoga is NOT asanas that we see in modern classes, even though the body needs to be kept fit and healthy, well into our senior years. Yoga = union with the Divine. It is a complete science from time immemorial. Here is an excellent article concerning this very point :
  15. All hail the uberGuru, superdao ! We are not worthy of your presence here on these boards. Oh you, who know all the mysteries of life, death and beyond. I bow at your feet and ask for the real teachings. The ONLY teachings as all the others are inferior to your higher teachings. Oh uberGuru, show me the errors of my past and quench my thirst for superior enlightenment. UberGuru, you are my only hope.
  16. Lord Shiva

    Back to topic. I've also been following Susan Ferguson's work for a while:
  17. A point to prove (or disprove)?

    Maybe I shouldn't have fed him ?
  18. Lord Shiva

    I wasn't aware there was a real and a false Shiva.
  19. Lord Shiva

    Well, whether they did or not, it's not for me to comment on. I just thought it was an extreme Hatha Yoga practice. I know I won't do it that's for sure.
  20. Lord Shiva

    This is a physical disfigurement of the body and is not really needed for true spiritual union. It's not something I would do anyway. I doubt if Abinavagupta or Swami Lakshmanjoo have done this ! Maybe a secluded hermit yogi would be inclined to such a practice.
  21. Lord Shiva

    I don't think this is necessary to become one with the Divine.
  22. Lord Shiva

    Interesting book on Yoga. Yoga has lost it's original purpose and meaning. Yoga = union with the Divine. Asanas are a miniscule part of Yoga. In fact, one does not have to do ANY asanas to be a yogi. This article is right on the money:
  23. Lord Shiva

    Let me just say, I'm not Hindu or even Indian for that matter. I'm just an ordinary English guy with a family, a menial boring day job, a mortgage etc etc. I've been on a spiritual quest for as long as I remember and I've read, studied and practiced a multitude of systems from all different traditions. People wise, I've met the wonderful, the humble, the mad, the egotistical, and the downright strange They've all been helpful and have gotten me to where I am now. But when I discovered the teachings of Shaivism everything fell into place. It's not that I've discovered something new to me, it feels as if this is what I've known all along, deep down in the core of my being. It is what I am. I have no teacher or guru, nor do I want one. I prefer the solitude of my sadhana. It's my spiritual practice, tailored by me for me. For the first time ever, I feel at one with my practice. There's no separation. It's not something I do anymore, it's something I am. It feels wonderful.