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Everything posted by Dedicated

  1. Daoist meditation: water and fire methods

    I only use tummo sometimes. I see it more like medicine to assist an imbalance. Buddhists teach it to people who have meditated for twenty years. I think I have found a yoga equivalent
  2. Chi vs Kundalini

    I venture that Neidan might be similar to Kundalini, and chi is part of both. I am currently learning about Neidan and purposely avoiding Kundalini as it has been too misunderstood.
  3. How to build Qi?
  4. That they aren't mutually exclusive. In 'The Art Of Happiness' the Dalai Lama says all practices take you most of the way, however none of them take you to the end. That part is up to the practitioner. However he did impart that it's better to stick to one. Warning against picking and choosing the bits we like. In Assisi Christians are open to learning meditation from Buddhists. It's religious leaders that are open and understanding to other faiths, which teaches we are all essentially the same. We have good days and praise our cultivation, we have bad days, and refine our practice. But when it comes together we sense a feeling of unity. It is safe to learn about the mind from Buddhists and maintain an open heart to ones faith of origin.
  5. You don't have to choose between the two. When the Sun shines we simply bask.
  6. I like to see relationships between student and teacher as their own business. A private sacred interconnection we can be happy for them and inspired to recognise that dynamic in our lives past current or future
  7. How do you personally meditate?

    If I may ask, what is the tradition?
  8. How do you personally meditate?

    Sitting on two cushions in half lotus. Hands somewhere comfortably on my lap. Only intend to observe breath, allowing for distraction, not being hung up over thoughts coming. Not leaning back. Generally breathing through the nose. By steadying breath, air becomes exquisite.
  9. Karma

    I am wanting to learn more about ancestral Alchemy which is similar. I was talking about it the other day, and the person I was consulting said they read in Dreams, Memories, Reflections by Jung that a time comes when an ancestral trauma comes ripe for healing. When it comes to comparative religion we must make room for mistranslations
  10. Karma

    I think we can appreciate the theory. But when it comes to kids we can cut them some slack. This leads me to think about ancestral Alchemy.
  11. Karma

    It makes sense that what we do shapes us. Technically karma translates to action. There is a second word I can't remember that together the two words refer to the phenomenon where we can suffer indirectly from our misdeeds and vice versa. The best argument I read against karma was in a book called something like 'embraced by darkness' where a guy who used to follow a guru became a born again and he said that it is horrid to believe that a child suffers due to karma. Washed down, how we respond to situations can be character building.
  12. Which Qigong/TCM/Acupuncture/ Etc. ?

    Hi Sleepy Bluejay, I'm keen interested in this subject too. If I understand your question I would couple TCM and acupuncture together.
  13. Chain of disillusionment

    I hear what you're saying Maddie. It is up to us to see what polishes up to be genuine. We have a wealth of information at our fingertips overburdened with misinformation. With the specific mention of martial arts, I have experienced the difference between a respected lineage of teachers and fake martial art forms. And a friend of mine recommended looking into the lineage of a school. I did feel foolish when I found out, I even hurt myself.
  14. Hi, in need of healing

    I would look further into Gerard's comment about damp heat. Dulse seaweed is helpful for herpes. I know that because it happens to be my favourite tasting seaweed. This is more naturopathic than TCM, but a V.E.G.A. machine might help identify underlying Epstein Barr Virus. These suggestions may not clear it, but at least decrease outbreaks. Clearing damp heat is best done with acupuncture from my research. Wishing you wellness. To clear this would be huge!
  15. Can jing be replenished?

    I thought you were a young man. It's a great honour to make your acquaintance 🙏
  16. Which veg food is good for increasing Jing and chi

    Healing with Wholefoods' has an agenda to steer people toward a vegetarian diet. Off the top of my head milk and almonds are good for kidneys which relates to Jing, I happened to have the book out and open at the time. Missed the critical detail of veg. To be honest I mentioned it aware it was a mere example. I had the book open looking Jing for an other thread we were both on. Hi, nice to meet you Maddie! P.S. from what I've read, the attention given to Jing is more in the nature of preserving in TCM.
  17. Can jing be replenished?

    I looked it up in a text book of mine 'Healing with Wholefoods' (Paul Pritchard' and among remedies for Jing it says 'Persons with ample jing, however, may become agitated with sexual desire unless it is transformed into a spiritual essence. Celibate yogis, monks, nuns, and others accomplish the transformation by various means, including selfless service, devotional practices, and spiritual disciplines.' page 364 On behalf of all of us, you're welcome 🙏
  18. Which veg food is good for increasing Jing and chi

    Water might help with increasing Chi. I'm trying to drink more water. This is based off electrical charge and currents conductivity. This is a theory I have rattling around in my head based on current conversations with someone in particular. Deer antler helps kids with severe Jing deficiency based on Paul Pritchard's 'Healing with Wholefoods' he has six pages of info on the subject. Pritchard mentions citrus peel to stimulate chi
  19. Zhineng Qigong on Sale on Udemy for $10

    Thanks, I'll check it out
  20. Can jing be replenished?

    Hi Kino, It's great that you're talking to people. I'm so sorry to hear of your pain. I think you have found some great advice here. But first things first, there is a point to going on. And when the fog lifts by sheer effort it will become easier. You are building emotional muscle, giving you skills that might help others. Gravitate toward good things. The journey to health is paved with exceptional experiences. Take it at your pace.
  21. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Hiya Nungali. Two types of good. Life affirming is conditional, like a beer after a hard day's and relaxing with work friends. Pure good is always good, like mineral rich water from a clean source in a light blue glass bottle shared with a fellow seeker. Life affirming good is celebrated by most people. Pure good is kept away from the crowd.
  22. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Frankl's book is a good read. The first half anyway. The second half is more technical, but the first half is one of the best things written. I don't want to spoil it by saying much more. But from his biographical account he shares he finds some people are decent and some people are not. And that with extreme loss of freedom, he felt we still posess a freedom to choose our attitude. From researching more about Frankl I discovered he holds romantic love in high esteem, which is rare and refreshing. Morality was my answer to the question of utopia. That's what studying philosophy at my uni was mainly about, utopian visions. And all kinds of questions are thrown up. And to calm my mind after this exposure was to recognise morality in itself is the answer. Little quibbles over variations are not the point, that's a smaller detail. But to highlight morality as the way to guide us. When a body of people strive for a moral society, most problems will be resolved. Pure good and life affirming I talk about in my next post below
  23. The concept of God

    God is a secret whispered by a Grandma
  24. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Man's search for meaning comes to mind by Frankl. He had his main points like, there are decent people, romantic love, freedom to choose ones attitude. I'm a philosophy graduate. To make sense of what I studied I settled on the importance of morality. There are two types of good, life affirming and pure.