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About statusquovadis

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  1. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    Hi, may I have a PPD please? Thank you
  2. Thank you for your reply. I may not necessarily agree with your view (about taking sensations as practice marker/ map), but thank you for replying in good faith. I understand now that you're concerned about newcomers being misled.
  3. I haven't been around here much, mind stating factually and briefly what caused this kind of doubt? In this thread I only saw someone mentioning it was the manner, reminding them of a school teacher or something. Then there were remarks about cults. But looking at the content (not the delivery, which I'm taking the benefit of doubt and attribute to cultural and language difference) of what's been shared here it still seems fairly legit to me.
  4. Sorry, don't understand the reference. Is this OP, awaken? Edit: after watching the video, a more humorous take would be: If that's really awaken (who's probably 50-60 years old) that would be the greatest advertisement ever for her meditation methods! 😄
  5. Been practicing extensively across the sea, predominantly Buddhist meditation stuff. I'm curious about the Taoism side. Good question about what motivates me. No longer seeking for myself, but perhaps understanding of different types of meditation can help others. From a non-dogmatic, pragmatic perspective it is also interesting to see what works, what doesn't, and why.
  6. Might do that, when the time is right. I'm kind of a collector of meditation techniques, and thanks to this topic started reading Wu Zhen Pian (Pregadio's translation). Why, are you not confident? Only confident of your own teaching, or your teacher's?
  7. And to the detractors, while this is a fairly free-speech forum, I do think you guys should reflect on your motivations of doing so. OP here is offering knowledge that's been collected over decades of her life, for free. If you don't think it is worth it, or can't see the value of it, move on.
  8. Hi @awaken thanks for writing/translating these. Will come back to this as reference if and when i go back to serious meditation practice and as a bonus I would probably learn Chinese in the process. Just a couple of questions if you don't mind: 1. Is what you're based on The Secret of the Golden Flower? Or from multiple sources plus your own experience. 2. What does it mean when it is said "hide the LDT (lower dantian) from shen from the ming men direction"? 3. If there has been occasional strong heat in the ming men area should I be worried? Have read variously that it is related to trauma release, yet another source mentions it is yin deficiency (especially with cold hands and feet), etc. Thanks if you would consider answering the above. Otherwise not to worry I'm in a good condition with stable life and lifelihood.
  9. Finding a teacher

  10. Finding a master or school

    Nowhere to go, nothing to do.. Curiosity still there though, sometimes. I don't know if that will be enough to get anything serious going.
  11. Finding a master or school

    Just a quick update. Still alive. Past two years have been exciting, as many people's lives have been. Not possible to go to China for the next while. Quite happy where I am. My meditation practice in the system I'm in has pretty much gone as far as it can, anything else would be just for fun. I have also been looking into shamanism and some inner works synergistic with it. It's kinda funny seeing the post I made two years ago. Nonetheless, the generosity of everyone here, with your advice and suggestions, the humor and stories shared, offers of energy, etc. is much appreciated. As for Taoism. Still waiting for a chance encounter or something, but in the meantime going to look into material that's available publicly. Probably going to set up an altar of Taishang Laojun and get it activated. We'll see.
  12. Finding a master or school

    Agree that not *all* teachers of meditation know what they are doing, years of experience notwithstanding. But if you've been following current trends with what is called pragmatic dharma, you'll understand what i'm talking about. Yes, there are higher levels still. It's an asymptote.
  13. Finding a master or school

    This is an interesting take. As mentioned in OP, my path meanders from the physical (jing) to the mental (meditation, shen). Qi is something in between, which both sides touch on at some point. Very different approaches, and I bet those folks teaching meditation for beginners would like to have a word with you! 😄 I'd recommend John Yates' The Mind Illuminated to anyone interested in meditation but not quite sure how to go about it. Work up to stage 8-9 and tell me if it doesn't improve your practice at all.
  14. Finding a master or school

    Haha, no just been buried under work stuff. And not knowing how the site notifications work. Practice happens as it happens... interesting times we are in. Take care and wishing you well!
  15. Finding a master or school

    Thanks for the replies aka spam. Sorry i've been busy with RL stuff, didn't realize no email notification from thread replies. Thanks again! With the virus and whatnots any plans delayed indefinitely but no issue practice can happen any place and time. Take care and be well, friend.