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Everything posted by welkin

  1. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists" - Nikola Tesla
  2. Black smoke

    Ah ok, would make sense. wouldn't dare
  3. Black smoke

    5 Days ago I went to meditate at the park for about 30 minutes (was in the shade not the sun). After finishing, I lay down flat on the grass and i began breathing, and started seeing this black looking smoke fall down and dissipate in the air next to me. Every time i would exhale, black smoke would show up and dissipate. I did sometimes see this white smoke or light though. I was fasted, only drank a cup of water, and it was sunny and sort of windy, though not hot. Never actually experienced something as vivid as seeing illusory black smoke dissipate . Does anyone know anything in regards to this? I did imagine however that this smoke was probably not good, so i purposely would try to breathe out as much as this smoke as possible. Here are some articles on the topic that seem to be related, though i can't be sure: http://www.kurukulla.org/resources/Med101/Med101-Purification_With_Light.pdf http://viewonbuddhism.org/Meditations/basic_meditation.html http://www.everythingmeditation.com/780/meditation-to-increase-energy/
  4. Black smoke

    I did feel good as i was breathing out, as with usual meditation. Nothing too different than usual energy felt when breathing deeply. I did assume the black smoke is no good as with one would assume. So i guess after i saw it, i began imagining myself blowing it out. Kinda what they say in the links i posted. However, after reading a lot of stuff here and elsewhere, can't be too sure of whatever is happening. Just trying to be cautious. In case it's a bad sign or anything like that. I will say though, it was beautiful weather, and i was staring into perfectly blue skies. Maybe that allowed for greater attention to this 'illusory' black smoke.
  5. Black smoke

    I was with a friend of mine at the time. I asked them if they could see it. But they couldn't. So i'm going to assume it was something only i could see at that moment.
  6. First off, i don't know anything. Only stating my intuition. People care so much because... it is... 'cool'. Because it allows for the teachings that are considered 'woo woo', to manifest physically. They are too desensitized to believe they can feel anything within themselves. We live in a country, and a world where most have lost any sense of miracles or magic. We only see what we've been indoctrinated by society and government. We no longer feel or sense. We choose to only utilize what we can observe through the mainstream known senses. Something tells me that if you were to give most people the option to learn internal alchemy or other teachings, which also come with other complications and spiritual comings. I bet most would not go for the power. They would probably go for the minimum risk that would simply make their own lives and maybe those closest to them better. You see this everywhere in society.... Which brings me to my overall thought. There is a war between consciousness and subconscious. 'conscious' people frown upon those 'unconscious'. And those unconscious feel belittled and therefore push back and frown upon those conscious. Probably has always been this way. Why are we so fearful of the unconscious, subconscious, ego, or mind? I believe it has the ability to make right decisions and assist real consciousness. Could the very fear of leading the egoic mind down the path to power, be the very fear that keeps them down their unconscious path anyways?
  7. Healing Hands - Maybe?

    Thank you for the wise words Fa Xin. I am more easily able to be aware of my unconscious thoughts as a result of 'being' in this forum, communicating with you all and am able to make a flip more easily now. Definitely grateful to be here.
  8. Healing Hands - Maybe?

    Thank you for the suggestion. Definitely getting a journal. S i always heard my mom and grandma constantly use the word Nikkei. So it might be that. I'll definitely being doing more research and getting the book you suggest to see what my connection is to all this.
  9. Sorry, what i meant was Brazilian Jujitsu, more so because of the effectiveness of that combat. My cousin is enrolled in one of the good Jiu Jitsu schools near me. I definitely plan on joining a class after i can fix my body enough. I've seen and hear it's pretty tough on the body.
  10. Powerful. I need to learn how to defend myself. Was planning jiu jitsu. Any single one you'd recommend personally?
  11. Thank you for the words of wisdom Dwai.
  12. Healing Hands - Maybe?

    Earl Grey, So i just bought the Flying Pheonix DVD set and should be getting it tomorrow. Incredibly excited to begin this journey. Any advice before getting started, considering any of our past conversations? This is more of a fun random question, but.. Is there any benefit of practicing ones own cultural practice? For example my family is from Okinawa, is there anything about being more connected to your own cultural practices objectively speaking? I honestly don't care, it's more curiosity.
  13. Healing Hands - Maybe?

    thank you
  14. Healing Hands - Maybe?

    I appreciate you sir. You have already helped me a lot. Can you let me know who the Ayurvedic intuitive is? How do they read you? Would they also recommend a specific practice or tell you what direction of practice to go?
  15. I think this alone is worthwhile.
  16. I think I ironically made my questions seem vague as a result of trying really hard to explain them and not make them seem vague. Lol So i apologize for that. Maybe i'll ask the more important questions one by one. Please correct me if I'm wrong. But i believe that the world is becoming more unconscious, even though more 'intelligent'. Therefore worse values, less wisdom, less, caution, less actual intelligence. This may not be the case. and i think it's been said a lot that there is a lot more consciousness being created if anything. Maybe, i'm just a negative person, but i don't really see that. And theorize that it is not actual consciousness that's being spread. Just awareness of mind stuff.. And if it is true in the # of people who are, i don't believe the % ratio is better in comparison to the population. Again, idk anything it's just my interpretation. If these meditative/spiritual/energy practices have the power to create stronger consciousness in the world, why is it that it is so narrowly reached to others compared to other things such as religions, science, politics? One of the ideas as i had mentioned above is that this niche doesn't want these teachings to be widely spread. But i could be wrong.
  17. Thank you all for your responses! I think learning reasons of why other people do it can give a lot of perspective. I may make another thread about why people practice. I came across these practices as a result of not being able to understand myself through any other means. I felt lost, because absolutely nothing filled my void. I didn't know my relationship to other people because i was always so strange and 'different'. And so more recently, through certain events. I had the idea if i'm different, then i should look to do something different or perceived as impossible. And i was drawn here. Which does seem to teach the impossible. It wasn't for power however. i wanted to do positive in the world, but realized if i did it solely through the typical means (business, success, etc.) , i would only become a product of the system. That is the reason why i have postponed or potentially fully left an incredibly wealthy future. However, initially it all started with the same reasons. A journey of healing, better living, understanding, and stronger consciousness.
  18. Healing Hands - Maybe?

    Thank you for all of that! I am really going to look into all this tomorrow. And thank you for the info on your background. I think it's honorable to have done all of these practices for so long. I hope to have the discipline to do something similar.
  19. Healing Hands - Maybe?

    Thank you for your responses. I know how much time they ca take up time of your day. so really, thank you. The message seems to be clear that I need to find a system, A few questions: - just to clarify, do i also need to find a master? If so, does it have to be in person or can it be online? - By Earl Gray's suggestion, i may try Flying Pheonix in order to learn how to heal. Is this system enough to work on my chakras/meridians? Does it also cover meditation? If not, Would i combine this with a certain form of meditation to work on any issues i may have? - Other Qigong practices for healing i should compare before making a decision? - What are the systems you guys practice? I'm curious to know a bit more of where your understandings come from. -
  20. Accepting futile situations?

    It would take too long to explain what qualifies to me to say this. so take it as you will. It seems to me that you are a product of the societal system in place. Which looks like this born -> school (which means schedule and way of learning) - > college (same shit), job (same shit). Hence you are a product of the system. Fortunately, you are living in the greatest time in history to not have to do this. There are books on financial education, personal development, and success. I can't say that i know what you feel, because i got out of it early when i dropped out of college 6 years ago and pursued entrepreneurship (greatest job in the world i'm no longer a part of was a part of this journey). But i would say that you're going to feel like this the rest of your life if you stay there. And it is possible to accept how you feel, and you will if you stay. Which is worse, because you will only do more damage to your spirit, consciousness, self esteem, psychology. What to do: - read rich dad poor dad, secrets of the millionaire mind, and the power of now. - get really fucking good at something that provides value to a lot of people. VALUE = MONEY - get good through your own research, practice/implementation, and through a job that will give you freedom to explore this skill and has future to grow. - Once you're so good at what you do, make your own business and become financially free. EDIT: I forgot that since this is The Tao Bums... Money, success, your career isn't everything. However, let's not be hippy here. The world we live in is the world we live in. Why not choose our own path in the economical world we live in. For me, I found out that i had it reversed. I thought i was fine with working on the outer and inner game alone. Unfortunately, i didn't didn't nourish my spiritual side enough, even when it begged. Maybe i didn't know how to at the time. Find that balance, there is another side of spirituality even in career and success as well.