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Posts posted by MegaMind

  1. 10 minutes ago, SongShuhang said:


    Understood. I am not an expert here, I am a beginner in qigong arts and was recommended Damo Mitchell's course to start with.
    If it is a dangerous practice, then, by all means, everyone including those on welcome threads, should be advised and warned about it.


    It is only dangerous if people cannot follow instruction exactly, or if they mix and match practices to blend together something new, or if they fail to observe clear safety precautions. 


    It is like building a fire, if you are respectful of what it is and don't try play with it and carry the red hot coals in your hands you can avoid being burned by it.


    If you treat fire as something to play with, and you do not give it the proper respect you can seriously injure yourself.

  2. 9 minutes ago, ralis said:


    No free will then? A slave to your own defensiveness? 



    Defamation, libel, slander are all things people do bring lawsuits over, but we neither have the money or energy to endure such an ordeal, not to mention as such matters become a public record it means we would be exposing ourselves to more nonsense.


    If we had the money we would buy the forum, implement a moratorium on Mo Pai discussion across the board, and call it a day.


    This would end the eternal flame war here.


    Unfortunately the best strategy we have without being rich,  is to be here in person to set the record straight about who we are, who our teachers are, and and what our practice is actually about.

  3. 3 minutes ago, ralis said:


    You brought up racism here for some reason of which I don't have clue as to why. Given that many here including myself have questioned the MoPai trip has no bearing of judgement toward a culture or an individual which you implied is racist. Nothing is further from the truth in that regard. The efficacy of MoPai is what is in question here and all the evidence points to it being fraught with dangers and misunderstanding for those that are involved with it. Straining as a way of projecting energy to knock over a cigarette box at a distance of ten feet will cause great stress on the cardiovascular system and the brain. Twelve year olds see this stuff and think  I can be a super hero.




    Indeed 12 year olds do see it and think that, but that is not the point of the system.


    People who want to be Son Goku are not people we can help.


    Also you are very right about it being dangerous.


    If people fail to adhere to safety precautions, or if they mix and match practices because they are "eclectic",  if they cannot follow instruction exactly as provided, then they can and they do get seriously injured.

  4. 2 hours ago, ilumairen said:



    If this was actually true, you would not be.


    "You" have an investment which leads to a vigilant and defensive stake in this particular game. Nothing wrong with this imo, but "you" are certainly here by choice, and this choice indicates a "want" of some type to be here.



    No it is absolutely true.


    We aren't here because we want to be here, we are here to defend ourselves, our practice, and our teachers from the never ending mudslinging battle.


    This is more a situation where we have to be here, rather than we want to be.

  5. 2 hours ago, ilumairen said:


    There are individuals who feel your position is as denigrating to their practice, as you find their position regarding yours. 


    And no, I'm not going to engage in a lengthy discussion of this, mostly because I honestly don't care very much, if at all, about this particular merry go 'round.


    Take the time to actually consider what I've presented, without the habitual response, and you may better understand. Or keep spinning in circles with the other members here. Your choice. 


    Our approach is to base our beliefs off the best objective video evidence we have, and our own first hand observation.


    We view accepting things as true on faith, the personal testimony of others, or because a book says so to not be an acceptable method to form new beliefs.


    We encourage people to be rational and reasonable, rather than accepting things as true without good objective evidence.

  6. On 4/7/2020 at 8:48 AM, Starjumper said:


    Something like twenty people have tried to explain that to you for maybe two years now.  Even if I felt up to the task, I wouldn't be able to get er done, and I don't feel like spending an ounce of energy on it.  Try a little self honesty, looking in the mirror, putting yourself in other's places.



    Ya, tit for tat, why do you think everyone is so insulting to you guys?


    Please explain it to me.


    If not you is there anyone else that can explain this mindset?

  7. 2 hours ago, ralis said:


    MoPai freaks are guilty of spamming to the nth degree.




    No one in our group wants to be here to defend ourselves, our practice, and our teachers from the constant personal attacks and nonsense that this board spews at us.


    Not one member of our group wants to be here. 


    However we do have an obligation to defend ourselves, so we are here to do that.


    Do you not think a moratorium on Mo Pai discussion would be a better solution to the problem than endless flame wars?

  8. 13 hours ago, chino said:

    Hi, greetings from Auckland. 


    I read about this site after searching up John Chang. I am interested in the path of self mastery/The Great Work/kung fu. I hope to learn from you and support you. 




    Best not to try and have a serious discussion about John Chang or Mo Pai here, it is an environment which is hostile to its discussion.


    Just my $0.02

  9. 7 hours ago, sean said:

    Howdy Bums,


    I wanted to drop in and say I'm sincerely sorry for being AWOL the last few months. 😔


    Some context on what's going on with me.


    Last year I was increasingly feeling pulled into some intense life crossroads/transitions. OK, turbulent, I can do turbulent. 😐


    But then I received a few quite impressive combo punches. Most notably, an unexpected (albeit amicable) separation with my wife, followed up shortly after with getting laid off from my job thanks to COVID-19. Goddamnit. 😵


    I'm OK.


    Not great, or probably even good. But OK. I've been marching through several demanding technical interview processes to find a new job which is consuming most of my mental and emotional energy. I've bumped zuowang to medicinal multi-hour dosages. Otherwise I'm just being my weird, aspie, hyper-introverted self in my mountain-hermit quarantine.


    Le sigh. Deepest thanks to everyone who patiently reached out to me in my absence. Sorry for lack of responsiveness, I'm just in "sick dog healing under the deck" mode. I'll survive and hobble back here in due time. 🤕


    In my leave, I've given Trunk the superpowers to help with any fires. Please be kind to him and to each other (but not to fascists, always be extremely mean to them whenever possible).





    I thought you might like this in reference to your situation:



  10. 31 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


    Yep. He is, he will have giggles after this thread goes over 10,20, 30 pages.


    People should know that @gatito is a much more dangerous troll than some @MegaMind who is docile like bug, and just answers anything related to morepie in paste quote action.


    None in our group are here to troll, we are merely here to defend ourselves, our teachers, and our practice.

  11. 1 minute ago, Starjumper said:


    I guess he's just a little asshole who likes to stir up trouble.  There's usually a WIMP shit storm here once a year anyway.


    What the Taoist said, pinpointed it for me.  What the WIMPs say is actually a big insult to all practitioners who know what they are doing.


    What do you find insulting?


    Also being called a wimp is certainly a personal insult.

  12. 2 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


    The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light.


    So movement faster than the speed of light is possible.


    I have passed through several galaxies in the matter of seconds, so yeah, I was travelling at a much higher speed than Light.



    That was a joke.

    However you will be able to feel it quite physically if I will look at you and I can project energy from eyes. At some day (not now), I will be able to burn things with eyes and leave burn marks on skins.



    Mopai threads were over, megamind became calm and rarely even posted, now the troll gatito wish was to recreate the whole Mopai chaos. I am sad that this has happened and sad at where this is going.


    Sean is not even here or there, there is no point asking him of "anything". 


    If sean comes back gatitio will be the first one to crawl into his hole back and stop posting here.



  13. 4 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


    I also made many claims on the forums, yet somehow you don't use it as evidence of anything. There are principles of politeness in many regions, and they will tell you, you were the best and most talented before kicking you out, so that you wont feel that bad about oneself. 


    Same story with John's tales about Sang Feng and Damo, those are just asian ways of flattering the skills.



    Wang Liping is just teaching the Qigong of empty wallets, what do you understand about high and mighty master?



    Thats not true, and it will never happen that people of various traditions will go to become lab rats, to have a video evidence for a scrub like you to believe in.



    John invited a team of scientists and medical doctors to strip him to his shirt and underwear, be checked with a metal detector for devices at a random location they chose to verify his abilities.


    You just tell us you can run faster than the speed of light and shoot eye lasers, seriously you actually claimed that.


    Even still we don't know if what John said was true or accurate, we only know that he claimed that.


    It is true that at this point in time Mo Pai and Tummo are the only practices we have objective video evidence for beyond personal testimony.

  14. Just now, GSmaster said:


    You are as far from freethinkers as it is can possibly

     get, you don't carry your own research and avoid practicing even the most basic practice that give experience that can be selfverified. Your reaction on astral projection is similar to reaction of a stoneman to cars and airplanes.



    The rumors are there are paid materials and videos, with copyright infringement, it does not make sense the video is not leaked yet, otherwise.



    You worship both Jim and John, as none of them is alive at this point. It can be said you worship spirits, in case of John it is more of a worshipping God.



    You accept a lot of statements from book as true without any factual evidence. Including 10 people like John and Jim the best student.



    You don't have a technology, your practice does not work and it is a dead way that causes internal damage / blockage.



    There is quite a dogmatic belief that Mopai is the only school / art that works. Yet the world is full of people who developed various abilities and siddhi, powers and they come from different places.



    I wish you could see for yourself, raise some money, after virus pandemia ends, buy airplane tickets, visit some forum members for friendly lesson. Observe on your own skin some of the "abilities" existing in this world.



    Closed organisation with a set system of beliefs and quotes is a Cult. This word is not a bad one, I don't know why you fight so hard to avoid it, doing what all cults do, attempting to mask themselves as a group of "free-thinkers". 



    There are rumors about a lot of things, it is true we don't release training material to people we have not absolutely and totally vetted first, we however do not charge them a dime, nor accept donations from them.


    We respect Jim and John, sort of in the same way we respect Neil Armstrong, Albert Einstein, Tesla, etc.  We certainly don't worship them though.


    Jim did go further than many Indonesian students, and this was confirmed in a letter to Jim from John, the rest all we can say is that is what John said and we cannot verify the veracity of the claims John made.


    You are absolutely wrong that the practice isn't a technology, and that it doesn't work.  It absolutely works, and anyone who cares to put in the effort can see for themselves. Yes, people who cannot follow instruction exactly or mix and match practices, or refuse to follow safety precautions do cause themselves major damage, and this is why it is so important we screen people to weed out people who are like this.


    Tummo and Mo Pai are the only arts for where there is objective evidence for, that is something more than personal testimony of other people. In the future I hope this changes.


    Some in our group have invested thousands of dollars traveling to see teachers like Wang Liping, and Micheal Lomax, and Max Christensen, and many many more teachers, the only thing any of us have to show for it are lighter wallets and a sense of disillusionment.


    Our organization is open to anyone who is actually serious, and while the mo pai system is a set practice that cannot be changed we do continue to search for other practices like Tummo with good objective evidence backing them. 

  15. 1 hour ago, GSmaster said:


    Thats what they tell you



    It becomes a global worldwide recruitment platform, pay money get a video of John teaching Jim to be the best student.


    No we do not charge anyone anything, nor do we accept donations.


    If we had the money to purchase this forum, we would place a moratorium on all Mo Pai discussion, both for and against the practice. 


    It would not be a recruitment forum for Mo Pai.

  16. 2 hours ago, Zhongyongdaoist said:

    Good work gatito.


    You and other Dao Bums have no idea how sad I am that it had to be done, that I have to call "Western MoPai" a cult, but that is what it has degenerated into and here on Dao Bums it became a constant source of controversy and wasted time and cyberspace, that I could ignore until I became a Mod.  After that for three years it was something which I could not ignore and which created the vast majority of complaints and a great deal of our internal Mod discussions.  All of which was sad because I personally liked Mor_Pie_Guy, and was interested in his opinions particularly his posts on Gamma Waves and a six dimensional Cosmology, which were valuable contributions to the wealth of interesting discourse on Dao Bums, I liked him and along with BaquaKickass, opposed his being banned, even though he routinely dismissed everything that I had spent my whole life studying as "cosplay", something which he didn't and probably still does not realize is a personal insult, both to myself and just about everyone else on Dao Bums because of their beliefs and practices.  I am secure enough in the results that I have gotten from decades of "cosplay" that his disbelief and his stated insults didn't bother me at all, but they did bother a lot of other people, and still do when his minions show up here to repeat the insult, over and over again.  I could say more, but the fundamental point, of why I cannot support the idea of MegaMind as the doorkeeper of Dao Bums, and the possible flooding of Dao Bums with "MoPai Witnesses", has been made.


    However I do want to clarify why this makes me so sad.  In the weeks before MPG, then posting under Thunder_Gooch, was banned I made two posts which were written as evidence for his defense and were intended to be a forward to a plea that he not be banned, those interested can find them here:


     and here:



    and I was working on the third, what I hoped would be the concluding part, of this defense on the morning that he was banned.  I couldn't argue with his being banned, he had done more than enough to deserve it, but I did not want to see him banned.  After I read about the ban I stopped working on that third part, since it would not have meant much at that time anyway, but I wish that I had been able to post it before that ban, even though it probably would not and maybe could not have made a difference, but at least then I could have felt a little better about knowing that my stand on the matter had been made explicitly public.


    My apologies to all for going on in this detail, believe me I could have said more, but as I said, I wanted to explain why I consider the business of "Western MoPai", and how it has turned out to be such a sad affair, and regrettably I don't know anything that can be done about it now.


    Thanks for your time if you have gotten this far.


    May all of us, every one, find true blessing in the Dao.




    "MoPai Witnesses"


    No, if we had the money to buy this forum from Sean we would simply place a moratorium on all Mo Pai discussion, there would be discussion on the forum about it at all.  We do not want to be here to witness to anyone, and we are only here to defend ourselves, our teachers, and our practice, a moratorium would mean we would not have to fight here anymore.


    "I have to call "Western MoPai" a cult"


    We are a group of freethinkers, we base our beliefs off the best objective evidence available to us, and our own first hand observations.


    We do not accept donations, nor do charge anyone anything.


    We do not worship any spirits, demons, gods, or humans.


    Nothing is accepted as true on faith.


    We don't live in a commune.


    There is no religious dogma, or philosophy to adhere to or believe in.


    This is merely a simple practice and a technology, just like making a fire with a bow tool and sticks.


    Anyone who wants to see for themselves certainly can do so.


    This is as anti-cult, as anti-cult can possibly be.

  17. 5 hours ago, gatito said:

    In short, they (the Western MoPai Cult) apparently wish to purchase this forum in order to censor debate about their practice.


    The corroboration can be found in MegaMind's original thread, to which this similarly hidden (but fortuitously archived) thread refers.



    Placing a moratorium on Mo Pai discussion would have many beneficial effects.


    1. People come here looking for instruction on Mo Pai and are fed nothing but lies and disinformation, they practice something other than Mo Pai, then blame Mo Pai when they get sick.  Stopping the spread of false information would help prevent more people injuring themselves, and the reputation of the practice.


    2. The discussion of the practice here has never been anything other than a mud slinging contest.  It has always been a constant fight, and argument.  Most people here and everywhere else are sick of it, and Dawei and Kar3n's answer to this outrage was simply to ban the group defending the practice, and allow the people attacking it to remain.  A moratorium is a better solution than either an eternal flame war, or silencing only the ones defending the practice.


    Of course this is not what Sean wishes, but if we had the money to buy the forum from him, it is what we would implement to stop the war.


  18. 5 hours ago, gatito said:



    For part of the record:







    Please feel free to continue this discussion about the Western MoPai Cult and the conducts of its promoters (should anyone consider it to be appropriate...).



    We are a group of freethinkers, we base our beliefs off the best objective evidence available to us, and our own first hand observations.


    We do not accept donations, nor do charge anyone anything.


    We do not worship any spirits, demons, gods, or humans.


    Nothing is accepted as true on faith.


    We don't live in a commune.


    There is no religious dogma, or philosophy to adhere to or believe in.


    This is merely a simple practice and a technology, just like making a fire with a bow tool and sticks.


    Anyone who wants to see for themselves certainly can do so.


    This is as anti-cult, as anti-cult can possibly be.


    • Like 1
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  19. What do we choose if we think you can't travel faster than the speed of light, can't shoot lasers out of your eyes, don't have a harem made up of goddesses, never fought a 100,000 year old ancient Naga demon, and can't open portals to other dimensions, and that you need to be on some heavy anti-psychotics if you honestly believe these things?

    • Like 2
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  20. The system I study had hundreds of people who died trying to refine the methods, not die of old age, but of incorrect methods.


    If you want to blaze your own trail and be your own lab rat be prepared to pay that price.


    My advice is find a system, just one, and stick with that one.


    Don't modify the practice, add to it, change it, deviate from it, etc.


    When you start mixing practices and doing new things you get health problems.


    My advice is using a grounding wire, connected to an actual grounding rod outside in the ground (not an outlet) to ground yourself during sleep.


    Eat well, and make sure you get 8 hours minimum sleep per night.


    Exercise and stop doing any forms of meditation and practice until these symptoms subside.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  21. The system I study had hundreds of people who died trying to refine the methods, not die of old age, but of incorrect methods.


    If you want to blaze your own trail and be your own lab rat be prepared to pay that price.


    My advice is find a system, just one, and stick with that one.


    Don't modify the practice, add to it, change it, deviate from it, etc.


    When you start mixing practices and doing new things you get health problems.


    My advice is using a grounding wire, connected to an actual grounding rod outside in the ground (not an outlet) to ground yourself during sleep.


    Eat well, and make sure you get 8 hours minimum sleep per night.


    Exercise and stop doing any forms of meditation and practice until these symptoms subside.

    • Thanks 1

  22. On 3/24/2020 at 2:14 PM, Heartbreak said:

    For many years now I have dreamt of moving permanently to Thailand or Taiwan in search of spiritual masters who can bring me higher to my next level of spiritual evolution.


    Do you know that many of the Taiwanese spiritual masters have openly acknowledged that the Thai spiritual masters have higher cultivation and higher spiritual powers than the Taiwanese spiritual masters?


    Even John Chang is nothing compared to what a lot of Thai Siddha Masters can do.


    The Thais have both numbers and power quantity and quality on their side.


    With that said, I will hazard a Guess that even the Tibetan spiritual masters have great respect for the Thai spiritual masters.


    Can you back up that claim with any objective evidence?

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