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Posts posted by Pilgrim

  1. 7 hours ago, steve said:

    the heart is more the door to the mind’s essence whereas the head and brain are more related to its activity and contents, if that makes any sense. Thoughts are indeed mind, as opposed openness, presence, and warmth, which is its essence. 


    Original quote phone Limitations. First go round. Deserves repeating anyway

  2. the heart is more the door to the mind’s essence whereas the head and brain are more related to its activity and contents, if that makes any sense. Thoughts are indeed mind, as opposed openness, presence, and warmth, which is its essence. 




    This would make an excellent wood carving or calligraphy mounted in a picture frame  and hung on a wall.

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  3. I  have met Eastern Master from India received their initiations not once but three times and only one was authentic. Prior to that it was Western Gnostic Disciples of Christ whom baptized me and the initiations are so similar as are the feelings and the results as to be so similar  to be quite astounding.


    I want to tell you this OP screw looking for some bastard to open your third eye and do it for yourself. Shaktipat is a trick, It is just some conman suffusing your third Eye,  Ajna chakra with a stream of prana  and getting it to glow to con you out of dollars.


    If any SOB tells you the duty of the Guru is to open your so called third eye and only that  you had better close your fist on your wallet and run like hell.


    This is a parlor trick. Do not seek this, do not be fooled by it.

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  4. Star Jumper is right  they will not use AI in anything as powerful as a nuclear bomb and take a chance on an error in judgement and to further bolster my point as long as William Shatner is alive we are all safe.



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  5. 21 minutes ago, Fa Xin said:

    Yes, I’m leaning towards more relaxation based techniques and stretching sort of stuff. 


    The walking meditation sounds like a great idea actually. 


    Thank you all for your input.  My new job will be full time counselor in a group home setting, so I’m sure I’ll get a feel for what works best. The program director told me they already do some relaxation and meditation stuff... so that got me thinking. But I appreciate the words of caution. Will definitely heed them. 😊

    Congratulations on your new job, this is very good to hear that you will be developing a relationship with these people rather than just a workshop.  It takes a very special loving kind person to take on such a job. 


    I think you should start a Personal Practice Discussion covering your experiences in this role as pertains to spiritual practices this may be helpful to you and by extension your wards as well. I want you to know I really respect what you are doing.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Fa Xin said:

    This might be a good thread to pose a question. 


    In a few weeks, I’m going to have the opportunity to be able to teach meditation to people with mental health issues (schizophrenia, depression, psychosis). 


    Ive been pondering the last few days what the best technique might be. Breath counting? Quiet sitting? Some sort of mellow observation? Or more proactive, like qigong? I’m assuming their attention span will be low and possibly have trouble with long periods of silence. 


    Doing, or not doing?


    Most likely it will end up being a person to person basis, but I’m open to any thoughts, ideas or experiences anyone has had. 

    I do not think you should do this at all. It is very kind of you to desire to help others but in this case you may very well do harm and be getting into something you have no idea how to deal with unless you are a Mental Health Professional. These people can already be very open and advanced in certain ways and are not able to deal with what is already happening.


    Especially avoid anything having to do with TM.  TM Mantras are specifically chosen based upon individual criteria. Others have robbed this school selling I AM as a mantra that has caused others many issues. 


    Mantras have shapes to them and travel energetically in certain directions and impart mental vibrations into the mind and energetic body while OM a very Circular Mantra  or even more complex OM NA MO BA GA BA TE VA SU DE VA YA  may be comforting to you it might be terrifying to another especially if they start hearing it IE : The real thing not mental uttering,  automatically or a mantra becomes like a song stuck in somebodies head or it takes up root and vibrates internally. 


    You have no idea what you are getting into with people like this and just how sensitive to practices they already are. There is a very high likelihood you will encounter people who are extremely sensitive and cause them further problems.


    You may ask why I say this and I will tell you it is from years of being around a friend who was in and out of mental wards who attempted meditation practices as well as family members with mental issues.  


    Then there are the years being on other sites where practices led to what they call overload. There was a dramatically large percentage of people having difficulties.


    Now if there is anything you might teach it would be basic Zen Walking without the breath control and just be mindful of their steps and the feel of the balance of their body while in motion slowly circling the room.


    No Counting.


    No Breath work. 


    Honestly I think this is a very bad idea.

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  7. Replying from this topic Coming from Kriya Yoga we practice the final half of the 8 limbs of yoga,  actually the final 3  but they are not segregated into stages they flow naturally from one to the other. Most people get hung up on Pranayam, the breathless state and techniques and miss everything in Kriya and move onto other curiosities.


    It is not until the 7th Limb Dhyana that Meditation actually occurs where one merges and becomes a continuous flow of awareness until then one is not meditating or in true meditation. What they are doing is focusing or concentrating.


    One way to understand the difference between concentration and meditation is by comparing it to rain.


    When rain starts, the moisture of clouds and fog (everyday awareness) make concentrated moisture and becomes individual raindrops. These raindrops are like dharana—intermittent moments of concentrated or focused attention.


    When the enough rain falls it makes a river, the merging of the individual raindrops into one stream is like dhyana or meditation.


    The separate raindrops merge into one continuous flow, from these individual moments of dharana merge into the uninterrupted focus of meditation.


    People often use the word meditate to mean to think, but in Kriya, meditation is not thinking; instead, it is a deep sense of unity with the triple divine qualities and bliss and beyond.


    The express purpose of yoga is for the modifications of mind to cease  by aftereffect of practice which naturally brings into place a condition we call Paravastha of Kriya in which the mind stuff cease taking various forms.


    Kriya Yoga essentially consists of  practices culminating in attaining a state of consciousness free from all modes of active thought and of eventually attaining a state where consciousness is unaware of any object external to itself that is is only aware of its own nature as consciousness unmixed with any other object.



    The 4th limb is pranayama. True Pranyama is not the stuff being sold in exercise studios. True Pranyama only occurs after the in breath and the out-breath become equalized and negate each other becoming the true Khumbaka. This cannot happen until one has some familiarity with energy and bliss.



    The 5th Limb of Yoga is Pratyahara this is sense withdraw,  withdrawing the extroverted energy from the senses inwards into the Sushumna but this cannot be done without the ability to first feel and manipulate ones energy.



    The 6th Limb is Dharana this is 1 pointedness single focus of mind which can only happen once minds connection to the senses is severed and there is a subject of sufficient interest IE: Bliss. The mind does not jump around from thing to thing but becomes absorbed in bliss, it can also be the sound of the Nadis, bliss is the sure way to the next limb. Bliss comes from the triple divine qualities of Vibration / Pulsation, Divine sound, Divine light.



    The 7th Limb is Dhyana:  Here one becomes actively engaged with the focus of Dharana the 6th limb. This is the flow of uninterrupted flow of awareness.



    The 8th and final limb is Samadhi, Samadhi is oneness with the subject of Dhyana here one literally loses their mind

    as the mind loses its own sense of identity.


    Here there be two kinds Savikalpa Samadhi is type 1 with 4 main divisions. And Nirvakalpa Samadi.



    Savakalpa Samadhi meditation with support of an object this is associated with I AMness, and Bliss, Within Savakalpa Samadhi there are four main subdivisions.



    Kind 1a. Deliberate: Which is concentration on an external object something that can be perceived with the senses like the image of a god or a flame. This we do not do In Kriya Yoga.



    Kind 1b. Reflective: The mind is concentrated on a subtle object of meditation which is not perceptiable to the senses but comes from Inference like I Amness, the chakras, prana (Energy) the Nadis (the channels the energy flows through.) This becomes the stilling of reflection. This we do in Kriya Yoga.



    Kind 1c. Bliss: A more subtle state than the 2 above. This we do in Kriya Yoga.  It is more of a happening than a doing.



    Kind 1d.  I Amness this is done in Kriya Yoga as it is the natural Transition from Bliss so it is more of a happening than a doing just like the others cited above.



    Nirvakalpa Samadhi: = Meditation without and object. This is as close as can be told because here there is no mind left and this goes so deep as to be indescribable.


    The stages leading up to it can be described and I can in great detail.


    The stages of returning from it can be described and I can in great detail.


    In the middle anyone who says they can describe it do not know Nirvakalpa Samadhi.


    • Like 4
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  8. 18 hours ago, Jeff said:

    Excellent. Yes the stone is more like a command module to a broader connection point. That connection point is sort of like a universal router. 


    Maybe try try it again, but this time pose a question to it. Feel free to even ask about aliens. :) 

    Yeah I tried to stay away from too much outer space interpretation. That was too easy for a former Stargate fan.


     https://www.hulu.com/series/stargate-sg-1-f1afc7d6-fc15-4ef3-b951-adf6ddd8439d?&cmp=7958&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BM Search TV Shows&utm_term=stargate sg1 series&ds_rl=1263136&ds_rl=1263136&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3fW63KuP4gIVyl6GCh1quAD_EAAYASAAEgKgr_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


    This long running t.v. Series started off as a movie in 1994 explored many many permutations of Alien influence on Earth and humans to include Buddhist roots coming from what they called the Anchients.


    Mostly it had to to with Egypt being influenced directly by one specific race of parasitic beings that gave the Egyptians their distinctive culture and appearance as well as technology. Humans were essentially great hosts.

    • Like 1

  9. 1 minute ago, Jeff said:


    Agreed on communication and helping with understanding.  Ok with trying again with me helping with the connection a little?

    I am okay with this but am currently distracted to it would probably be better to circle back to this later.

    • Like 1

  10. I keep getting a feeling of advanced beings in communication with less advanced yet able to develop beings helping them in their understanding. Their is serious discussion going on and in the left panel receiving and in the right panel proving they know.


    Isis as teacher Horus as the one giving an oral exam.

    • Like 3

  11. 8 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    Actually, for those with astral capabilities (or able to connect to things), I offer this panel.  Feel free to connect to it and see what you get, you may find it very interesting...




    Seems to me Isis on the Left is imparting grace Darshan to someone to the right of her who is pleased to be in her prescience and have her attention. The man would in my estimation be an advanced human.


    The on the right there is an argument or debate with Horus and Horus is shocked by the strength and knowledge of the one making his strong points. This is unexpected but pleasing. In both cases teachers of humanity.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, welkin said:

    Pilgrim. with full respect i'm a confused and don't understand the point. I read it 4 times and though it makes sense, i'm not sure what to derive from that. Can you explain?

    If you read the links Concerning Demiurge you will see it it is unlikely to have been the Jews to have created the false ideas of Christianity and more likely the Romans or other powers at the time. It most certainly would not have helped the Jews case. The ones later called Gnostics from what I have read kept the precepts of Christ. Not that which became the holy Roman Church etc...


    14 minutes ago, welkin said:

    All i mean was that I don't believe Christianity is being used to empower people. I think it's used to enslave people.

    It most certainly has.


    14 minutes ago, welkin said:

    Also, i believe that Christ was real and his teachings were real.



    14 minutes ago, welkin said:

    Didn't they invent Christianity after Jesus died? And then the religion itself took on many perspectives created by selfish driven man.


    Yes. Jesus was not a Christian :) 


    Now take the time and learn about the Gnostics. I was initiated / baptized by them long ago they are as close to original followers and keepers of Christs precepts and the Heavenly Father that survived operative phrase being ( "as close to" )

    • Like 2

  13. 25 minutes ago, welkin said:

    It is also my uninformed opinion that the Jews created the false idea of Christianity

    Here I would have to disagree.


    The God of the Jews is not the same as Christ Speaks of @Jeff Could use a little assistance here with this one but from what I understand Yaweh the God of the Israelites is a Demiurge While the God Jesus speaks of is the Monad




    The first and highest aspect of God is described by Plato as the One (Τὸ Ἕν, "To Hen"), the source, or the Monad.[7] This is the God above the Demiurge, and manifests through the actions of the Demiurge. The Monad emanated the demiurge or Nous (consciousness) from its "indeterminate" vitality due to the monad being so abundant that it overflowed back onto itself, causing self-reflection.[8] This self-reflection of the indeterminate vitality was referred to by Plotinus as the "Demiurge" or creator. The second principle is organization in its reflection of the nonsentient force or dynamis, also called the one or the Monad. The dyad is energeia emanated by the one that is then the work, process or activity called nous, Demiurge, mind, consciousness that organizes the indeterminate vitality into the experience called the material world, universe, cosmos. 





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  14. 32 minutes ago, Starjumper said:

     I'll bet odds are it was further funneled upwards - off planet.

    Not likely.


    If I were an alien wanting something from Earth and came cruising along what would stand out on this planet like crazy? What single thing does it have an overabundance of?




    The other thing this planet is full of is OIL and other fossil fuels. 


    What are we all burning like crazy and making easily accessible in the atmosphere for collection? 


    The primary pollutants released from the burning of fossil fuels are carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides of the chemical form NOx (primarily nitrogen dioxide, or NO2), nitric oxide (N2O), various hydrocarbons (methane, CH4, being one such example) and substances collectively termed volatile organic compounds, or VOC. Some of these are hazardous in their native forms; others are especially damaging only after they combine with other otherwise benign reagents in the atmosphere.


    If I wanted to collect these things easily I would influence the indigenous creatures to provide them for me and influence economies to assure alternative sources are not put in place.

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  15. So now that I am done laughing over that statement, I seriously doubt that there are no Aliens and find it far more likely their are.


    Living in Cape Canaveral for many years in the past now. I have seen things that quite frankly can not be explained. Back in the mid to late 90's my down stairs neighbor liked to take very highly detailed photographs of the night sky North of us with very expensive high quality cameras tripod, special lenses you name it he had it.


    He also liked to talk allot and show people the pictures. It did not take long before he got the visit from the men in black and his equipment confiscated.


    It is over 20 years later and I have yet to see any developed technology released for public knowledge that even comes close to things I saw going on in the night sky North and East of my location over the Atlantic Ocean. Nor have I seen anything comparable to his photographs.


    There is allot more than the general public will ever know.

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  16. 59 minutes ago, welkin said:


    I was pretty messed up physically. My rib cage crooked both on right and left, stomache heavily siding on the right. The left abs go over to the right side, big tension in injured areas in the shoulder chest area, and bad neck, and face.


    I only did some of the 9 breaths because it was late, and will do it today. But man...


    I did the circulation of left to right, right to left, and towards the middle. I shifted my stomache to the left again, creating alignment. Fixed my rib cage to be more even. Shoulder and chest tension, greatly reduced. head tension greatly reduced.



    I would be able to fix these through various forms, but they would always come back, most likely because i didn't understand the breathing and transfer of energy. I could do it, but didn't understand as a whole.


    i appreciate this a lot.. It's funny that sometimes the simplest methods work. Not because it is superior to other methods. But, because it was specifically related to what i had.


    Thank you for having seen this.

    Thank you for letting us know this has been beneficial, when we share what we know instead of hoard knowings we never know who can be helped. Pleased to hear you are doing well with this.

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  17. I will never judge you, clearly you are sincere and trying very hard.


    The 9 Breaths will take you far and the teacher doing them is highly recommended. 


    Be cautious about tailbone to head this comes from Kriya and there are auxiliary practices that must be done.


    If you find this to be your way practice the 9 breaths first.


    Then sit in stillness after the route you are describing.


    Then go out an take a nice long walk.


    If you have trouble PM me. Just take it slow and trust your feelings.

    • Like 3

  18. 4 minutes ago, welkin said:


    okay, then it is open. I must be a very emotional wreck for my third eye to have been open this long and still let myself act the way i do.



    So in another thread i posted how i saw myself releasing undeniably visible black smoke. That was the first experience


    In the past 1-2 weeks, i have actually been experiencing both white and black energy/smoke, not sure. I try to wait several days before i know i am experiencing something. I'm beginning to think that i am becoming aware of the 2 different energies when they are around me.


    My instinct is that what i'm able to see are signs to make me aware and bring things back to presence.


    Any other things i should think or take action upon when experiencing this?

    @welkin apologies for not looking but what are your practices?  Reading these words I would say you are finding your balance your equilibrium.


    May I suggest the 9 Breaths of Purification  as an aid?  



    very powerful, Hmm very powerful!

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