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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Which of course you will not debate here , as its off topic . However if any one wants to PM Cat Smile ( as a PM is where no one else can challenge and correct ) information will be supplied to you to tell you how big and nasty Nungali really is .
  2. You dont have one of those ? here, you can borrow mine Use it whenever you feel you need to .
  3. ...

    Where's ya bin ?
  4. Ok ... I will just put you down then as someone that talks crap , and just parrots uninformed opinion. I mean, its your reputation here, you are free to destroy it, if you wish . ... whatever < shrug>
  5. You admitted you dont know . I think you are also confused. Then you should not have bought it up in the first place . What's up ? Clucked , but cant lay the egg ?
  6. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    Systems of 7 are usually based on the planets . I dont care what is in Beelzebub's tales , what I am talking about is described in multiple ways, all throughout nature . Ah yes .... thanks for that . In any cases, it all reduces to 1
  7. To what end ? Are you trying to surreptitiously put seekers off the path to fulfilment and illumination ?
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Went shopping with a woman friend ..... And she goes into all these shops, looks but doesnt buy anything .... so I am getting a little agitated and want to leave and she ; " You know, its a shame men dont treat shopping like we treat sex ." " What do you mean ? " " Well , we just put up with it until you are finished . " .....
  9. Contracts, Compacts and Other Agreements

    There is a standard 'compact' already . Just that most do not know about it. But it is good to arrange a specific one for your own specific relationships. But how to do it with an 'elemental force' - seems vague, for some, so they contract with the 'King' (or Queen) of the element ;' By the brood of the Bysses of Brightening, whose God was my sire; By the Lord of the Flame and the Lightning, the King of the Spirits of Fire By the Lord of the Waves and the Waters, the King of the Hosts of the Sea, The fairest of all of whose daughters was mother to me; By the Lord of the Winds and the Breezes, the King of the Spirits of Air, In whose bosom the infinite ease is that cradled me there; By the Lord of the Fields and the Mountains, the King of the Spirits of Earth That nurtured my life at his fountains from the hour of my birth; Many things, including this, can be operated by the method of imposition power, but there are much better ways . Think of how some relate to horses and dogs - some use cruel and overpowering methods and punishment , some use persuasion, love and reward. A very wild and dangerous , horse dog or 'elemental force' may need power to control it. Then again , it depends on your skill.
  10. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    I wondered about it , but I dont know what creates a wider beam and then goes narrower . Except zap chi Or some type of lens . I am much more inclined to give it validity THAN the crumpled paper burns up in flames trick . The 'laser finger ' seem more controlled ..... The others burst into flames 'chi application' looks like it could ignite your underpants !
  11. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    'Native spotted marsupial quoll ' - balligun . He was known as a cheeky fellow as around the fire when the other animals were discussing if we come back after we die, they agreed we did, like the Moon Man does - he goes away and then comes back again. But Balligun, no we dont. So the others called him a cheeky fellow and burnt him by poking him with hot sticks from the fire - thats how he got his spots . An elder told me I was a 'cheeky fellow' (cant think why ? ) " You a balligun - cheeky fellow " ( and the local indigenous name of the local town is Ballingup ) and another piped up ; " A Ballingun Ballingup. " The name in English is Bellingen. A third pipes up, all in one word with very broad accent : " Balligunbellingupfrombellingen ! " And everyone cracked up. The 'Webra-jali' 'flame tree' was much more complimentary
  12. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    yes, but if you tell me .... I will keep it a secret too . then WE can have a secret ... thats the fun isnt it ? All the others will not know .... just us . We could start a secret organisation !
  13. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    IMO both are needed. The first to evaluate , then if favourable the 2nd method to operate . Just because you a shaman doesnt mean you aren't fucking up . I've seen that - bad ju-ju , you dont want to be around it - it devolved to 'black magic; and tribal war . Nasty stuff . again, they have indications and tests . maybe time to put this up again (synopsis ; Professional psychiatrist discovers ways to treat the 'incurably' insane / people who believe they are 'possessed' by observing two types of 'possessing entities' ; some of 'good order', some of 'bad order' and how to tell them apart . Meh ... a statement of 'fact' with no explanation . I would say its the relationship between 3 and 4 wanna paper on it ?
  14. .

    It can mean many things on different levels . Try seeing it as unresolved deep emotional complexes . Oh no . Salt of the Earth they are ! I dont think ' the simple folk' are on the slime o meter . Maybe you should read this ( from his main work ; Magick in Theory and Practice ; This book is for ALL: for every man, woman, and child. MAGICK is for ALL. I have written this book to help the Banker, the Pugilist, the Biologist, the Poet, the Navvy, the Grocer, the Factory Girl, the Mathematician, the Stenographer, the Golfer, the Wife, the Consul --- and all the rest --- to fulfil themselves perfectly, each in his or her own proper function. I find the 'simple folk' can be quite complex at times .
  15. .

    Who knows ? You are going to have learn to write more clearly about what you are actually on about, to get a reasonable response . Who told you you did in the first place ? ? ? This is worrying ... I suggest you take Crowley's advice on the matter ; " Be not hasty to condemn others; how knowest thou that in their place, thou couldst have resisted the temptation? And even were it so, why shouldst thou despise one who is weaker than thyself? " Then just see it as balance . Strive for balance . The way I see navigation through that flowery overt prose is this , its a warning about our propensity to avoid our own darkness and not delve into and resolve it , things not resolved can grow and fester ... before you know it, you got a 'negative complex' . I am used to seeing these ; I am nothing but white light ... I am nothing but a spiritual being .... or even a peace hippy type ... that has obviously not evolved psychologically one iota and sprouts 'love' but abuses the person he loves . because they avoided, refused to acknowledge and help resolve their 'dark nature within' . Good.
  16. .

    Its part of the first operation , water is needed , some use 'dew' . . . morning dew. How to convert it to earth ? Its an 'alchemical operation ' VERY briefly; 4. The basic 'co-joining requirement' - the dew is condensed from the atmosphere and the interplay of Sun Moon / day night energies. 5. It condenses out of the atmosphere onto the ground ( vegetation ) . 6. It contains a high potential 7. The whole process ends in an earth like substance , and in that form its 'power' is released. 8. How the 'dew' is formed in nature but also a very good and brief description of the process and theory in alchemy. It would take a while to give a long explanation, basically it is about the principle of alchemical circulation and in BDs about the use of the two preparations 500 and 501 . 500 is the 'earth component (pictured above ) and 501 is the atmospheric component. This is an example of one usage of the formular ( agricultural alchemy ) , there are many others ; metallic, medicinal, etc . The reason the writing is so cryptic is it describing a base interior process applicable to many areas of operation .
  17. And, I would bet a large amount that you know nothing of the schools Crowley helped developed ! For others that may be curious about this ; I have no doubt at all, from the reading I have done, that Crowley could be a complete arse and a boar and a repressed Victorian deviate and and and .... it comes across in his writings and he admits it himself . he got involved in scams and he was also a psycho-naught. We could go on and list the negatives, and many of the time had them ; including certain racial and sexual views. But the 'schools' are a different matter and anyone that has examined their curriculum , or indeed, has practical experience within them will, or should be able to see the clear distinction between this work and the things I mentioned above , these are not in the rituals or degrees .
  18. A few empty words that do not address the questions about your original claim ; " developed fraudulent and corrupt schools based on false information. " ... I suggest you cough up or retract it .
  19. But you cant , it seems .
  20. yes, I was going to mention that . What do you think is the source of the Picatrix knowledge ?
  21. I tended to avoid most of those works , I did read no 2 a couple of times.
  22. Care to actually name those fraudulent and corrupt schools that Crowley created ? Or are you just going to drop a gossipy random negative suggestion ? And do you know anything at all about Goetia ? What traps ? Ohhh ... okay then .
  23. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    You may not need to . Stones have talked to me .. The time lag operates in an interesting way. But night falls, - more tomorrow.
  24. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    YES ! from 6:20