silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    sort of... the bible has never done much for me literally... figuratively... allegorically... there is some connection, but it's receding in its influence in my experience of life. in my experience of the abyss, or the void, there was no god of any kind, any where... there was no where, there were no kinds...
  2. Saving the World & Solar Energy

    a very succinct expression of doing less and achieving more... manage the wolves and the forests less and the entire environment will very quickly recalibrate to their natural expression of balance. a drawn bow settles in balance: TTC
  3. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    I'm reminded of walking in the forest with a friend, who compulsively talks, incessantly describing everything seen and felt giving a verbal play by play... As we walk in the same woods, we are not experiencing the same phenomenal reality at all yet we both participate in the real. Perspective is all important and supremely determining in relativistic duality which is perspective/relative position dependent. Where the core of the earth is quite hot compared to the ocean, it is simultaneously quite cool compared to the surface of the sun, truth abides beyond/beneath relativistic duality... it is beyond this relativistic process that i sense reality, the rest is maya
  4. Divination, What do you use, what do you practice?

    I use Norse Runes on occasion, but not as a divination source per se. I consult them with the intention of garnering alternate perspectives on a given issue, not to find out what the outcome will be, since conditions are always in flux, but I find great value in opening up my perspective to new avenues with this method. More consistently, I use druidic/shamanic animal and plant insight in the same way. When contemplating or processing a complex issue, I will often be visited by the energetic essence, or the physical presence of certain animals or plants that will carry invaluable insight based on their essential nature and how that relates to what I'm seeking input on. Each creature has an essence that conveys meaning for me and when open to the flow, will communicate with me on a very profound level. I'll set an intention to acquire more input about a given issue and then release it and open myself to the response. Nature always responds. In the beginning, some twenty years ago, this started as actual physical visitations that would be startling in some way, out of place, which helped to point out the significance. As my acceptance and connection to these subtle influences of intuition and interconnection deepened, the visitations have become more subtle as well. Rather than a mountain lion strolling across my path while hiking, which is decidedly rare these days... one will walk into my thought stream as I'm contemplating the issue to the same effect as if I had encountered it physically. It was this consistent opening and active interplay with my environment that brought me to taoism originally.
  5. What are you listening to?

    That is one great memory... thanks mate!
  6. What are you listening to?

    and then here... bam... love it
  7. What are you listening to?

    I must go here then...
  8. Upping Sticks

  9. I just wrote this post on Meditation...

    I enjoyed the perspective in your article quite a bit. I wonder, more and more often of late, if there are any 'exterior' sounds at all... good stuff.
  10. What are you reading right now?

    Beyond Fear: The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz same guy who wrote The Four Agreements Toltec lineage, some seriously powerful discussion about the Judge and Victim we all carry around inside us as we dream the fear of our culture. Powerful and concise.
  11. This is the News as I hear it

    Someone evidently got a hold of one of my news translators, before it went to market. I'll sue for royalties later... for now, I'll just enjoy, hope you do too.
  12. This is the News as I hear it
  13. Befriending Money

    very nice.
  14. Help us help Buddhist Discussion

    2 As high defines low, difficult defines easy, sound requires silence. Relative to self, mind creates a position, perceptions arise. Mind as perception, exists in fields of conflict, self against other. Having and losing are forever together always rise with fall. Always opposites, reflecting in their other; the truth within form. Beyond perception, opposites experienced, as unified bliss.
  15. this water flowing * continual reminder * of tao in motion

  16. What are you listening to?

    outstanding... *deep bow* thank you for the translation!
  17. Befriending Money

    This is a side note related to the idea of assigned or perceived value, not money per se. Being with my son one day helped me realize that the most valuable thing I can offer is my complete attention and presence. All else is a symbol/thing. But attention... awareness and connected presence. This exemplifies highest value in my life now.
  18. Befriending Money

    money equals options I like having options
  19. How do we know what's yin and what's yang . Really.

    The black dot within the white yang, represents the balancing principle to me. As a wave crests higher and higher, its perceived yang state eventually cannot maintain its inertia and it settles into balance by the influence of what we perceive as yin. The action of Tao is like a drawn bow, settles in balance. Go far enough into one extreme and you will encounter the opposite extreme. Sometimes we know what we are more effectively through being aware of what we are not...
  20. H.H. DILGO KHYENTSE RINPOCHE on meditation.

    Awesome quote! That really rung my bell. *deep bow* Thanks mate!
  21. Help us help Buddhist Discussion

    I love Dildo Baggins! The oft forgotten and maligned cousin of Bilbo, who made a decent living dancing in Inns of ill repute. When confronted as to why he would take such a job, he replied... 'hey, I'm just working my way through gardening school'
  22. Help us help Buddhist Discussion

    It seems often to hinge on definitions of words and mental platforms... semantics, fundamental differences of perspective related to interpretations of some heavy, complex concepts... I always expected this was less common in Buddhism, but as my exposure to it grows, I'm sensing it's pretty common for most any religious conversations. Perspective is relative reality. I recall a five year study that found there were 30,000 distinct versions of Christianity in the world. this was some years ago... In my experience, I thought immediately upon reading it, is that there are as many versions of each religion as there are people claiming to follow them. Each experience is unique, even if there is commonality on some level. We are using words, symbols and though-forms to describe events and conditions that are beyond the scope and ability of words to convey... Difficult ground indeed. I thankfully keep returning to the spot where I remember, eventually, that in this magnificent and hugomonstrously massive mental landscape we share, that we are all, mercifully different. I just try to not take things personally and honor people's authenticity. If you're not hurting anyone, do what you want...