silent thunder

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Status Replies posted by silent thunder

  1. Oh boy. After years of foraging, I have finally done something incredibly stupid. I mistook a very close look-a-like for something I was familiar with and knew to grow in a certain area. It wasn't until after I finished a cup of tea that I realized that something was off.


    I went back and looked closer at the plant and it dawned on me what I did. I called poison control for some advice, and he told me that my body will probably expel it naturally (in the form of a severe stomach bug.) How sick I will get will also vary depending on the level of toxicity in the plant.


    I grew too comfortable with something I have done for years and made a mistake. Play taps for me, as I sink with my ship. Doot dooot


    Hopefully there is a lesson I will learn from this. I will try to be more careful in the future.

    1. silent thunder

      silent thunder

      I deeply appreciate you sharing this Unota.

      My approach to many aspects of life and my behavior can become complacent with familiarity.


      Thank you for this reminder!



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. The fairy godmother has left.  I'm left with just me.

  3. Tibetans in exile are holding their Parliamentary elections today in Dharamshala. 


    1. silent thunder

      silent thunder

      Another article on CTA site described a similar vote was carried out for Taiwan as well as Tibet, including a 2.3 Trillion combined pandemic care/goods purchase agreement.  So a functional/fiscal commitment/agreement to both Taiwan and Tibet with actual trade agreements that will strengthen their economies, not just provide verbal affirmation and diplomatic noise (which is all we've had since about 2002).


      I suspect the recent overriding of his veto is why 45 didn't try veto'ing this bill as well and caved to sign it.  (as I said, grateful for this broken clock being right on occasion).

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Tibetans in exile are holding their Parliamentary elections today in Dharamshala. 


    1. silent thunder

      silent thunder

      Right on the heels of the Dec passing (unanimously) and signing into Law of the Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2020.  A strong re-affirmation by the US Gov't, recognizing and stating unequivocally the legitimate recognized governing body of Tibet lies with the exiled Tibetans and HHDL and their duly elected parliament.

      I'm surprised our legislative and executive branches even had this on their radar honestly, let alone came to unanimous support for it.  (even a broken clock can be right twice a day...)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. I like your new avatar!

    1. silent thunder

      silent thunder

      Thanks mate!  She emerged just a few minutes after that photo.


      I find myself wondering where she is along the California Coastline multiple times throughout my day... particularly where she sleeps and wakes up. 


      Just found another caterpillar on our plant this morning.

      Such simple joy.