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Being Nocturnal

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What are the benefits and drawbacks?



i wouldn't know of any real benefits for humans other than time awake when things are a bit quieter.


you miss out on your hormone synthesis time.... melatonin or something or other.


especially if you are entirely nocturnal and thus sleep all day, thus getting no sunshine at all..... i doubt anything good could come from that.


our circadian clocks are programmed for daylight, it is the way we have 'evolved' to function.


all around mess i think to become nocturanl.


however i always wanted to be able to sleep a lot less. say like 2-3 hours of real deep sleep a night. i mean thats about the maximum amount of time of deep sleep you actually even get even if you sleep 11 hours! the rest of the time is spent in shallow sleep areas which provide little deep healing benefits, i think, and also spent descending down into the deepest sleep cycle.


if you could go instantly to the deepest cycle.... think about all the time you could save!


or instead can learn about dreaming and use the dream time to exist in your virtual world which is as real as this world is anyway.

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i understand michael winn only sleeps about 4 hours a night.


i remember researching monatomic gold for a while and they talked about how with pineal development you naturally become nocturnal and then they related this to myths of vampires and various other mystical types that move around at night.


i think you need a certain amount of alchemical development to become nocturnal, i.e., the hormonal system, for exactly the reasons neimad states--we depend on the sun to stimnulate hormones. through alchemy you develop the internal sun which lessens your dependence on the external sun.

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i understand michael winn only sleeps about 4 hours a night.


i remember researching monatomic gold for a while and they talked about how with pineal development you naturally become nocturnal and then they related this to myths of vampires and various other mystical types that move around at night. 


i think you need a certain amount of alchemical development to become nocturnal, i.e., the hormonal system, for exactly the reasons neimad states--we depend on the sun to stimnulate hormones.  through alchemy you develop the internal sun which lessens your dependence on the external sun.



that makes sense.... i like that.

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Thanks for this topic, gentlemen.


I work second shift for my weekly chips so it is the larger chunk of my days (or do I mean nights?) and its funny because going back on earlier days (of first shift) and the second shift people are so much more laid back and friendly and mostly reserved & quiet (as opposed to the big time gossips and nosy pokes, busy-bodying around) and I remember literally DREADING getting up, and so early that I totally miss out on the sun's first hours (yep, it was still dark and hours away at 4-5am) and I was reading on this board about the big sungazing craze (and now there are I believe a few dedicated newbies, do I have that assumption right?) and I was always trying to dedicate every chance to getting to do it (mostly sunset) and it was giving me overloads of energy while previously I was winding down and had a hard time getting to the deep sleep state, so much vivid dreaming going on...


A few months on second shift and I'm lovin' it! I get to enjoy sungazing for the sunrise before getting to work and it just gets me pumpin and motivated and really attuned to the upcoming work. Even when its rainy poopy out, like from all these devastating hurricanes (or do I mean more attention is just paid to them than the past??) I can still get that energy going because the sun is in fact up, and with our powerful taoist reinforcing minds we can take this kind of energy and draw it inside. Then, I get through the night...go straight home to relax/hygienate/meditate/go to bed...get up early, do again and its nice because I finally get to run with mom mostly every morning and THAT is a definite goodness beyond detail...the greatest thing about that is that I never thought previously that this would have been possible...a true moment defining change that came from total surprise after my mother's incidence of dropping at work/dying on the way to the hospital/they bring her back and she hangs on and bounces back healthier than before has really got me more dedicated and following through with routine and discipline that really should have bloomed from within myself but I guess that kind of learning was not intended here, of course...


But the nocturnal aint really so bad


use your alchemy, you can adapt to anything.

Remember that we still never fail to evolve every second of every day.


E- energy

V- vehicle

O- of

L- lifes

U- unending

T- time

I- interacting

O- on

N- nature

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