
lost and confused in the land of RMAX

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The axiom of business that a satisfied customer will tell one person of a good experience, and a dissatisified customer will tell 10 of the bad experience has come home to roost.

While I wish what Mr. Becker has referred to did not happen, it did. This was a while ago, though.

That manual he refers to is now an e-manual.

I like this forum a lot and lurk it and have grappled with doing this for a while, but it's a new year. So for anyone who wants that manual for free, email me at [email protected] your username (you have to have posted here atleast once) and I'll email it for free to you with the password. I'll do this til January 10th, 2009.

I'm not here for some flame war....while I didn't make Mr. Becker happy, I hope this makes a deposit in the universal bank of karma on my behalf in making things right.





Have you worked any of the rmax material through a full training cycle? In other words, have your at least worked Intu-Flow to the point where the basic set is smooth and flowing? Have you run Flow-Fit to the point that you have reached competency and some flow? If not then you are judging technique based on personality packaging.


Why give a flying hoot about Sonnon if his material works for you? If you feel a connection to it and after working it you find it useful, then work the system to meet your needs. Who cares about Sonnon at that point?


Or throw it all out because Sonnon has flaws. Of course you could be waiting a long time to find the "perfect" system presented by the perfect teacher.

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russian martial arts are pure unadulterated fraud, from a to z. .

Well, Fedor Emelianenko is the top MMA fighter and considered the best fighter in the world.

Then see this image of the current top heavyweight boxing title holders - ALL of them are from Russia and former soviet republics.



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I'm enjoying the depth of this discussion!


qirin - I'm trying to be brief writing this, so excuse the 'short-hand' style.


I like Scott's stuff - I do Intuflow regularly, it's really done a lot for me. I've also done extended periods of Flowfit - also good as a decent, varied and fun workout.


I'm not into the Sonnon persona game - I've stopped reading his forum, blog and stuff. He is just trying to sell an effective system of 'health-first' exercise - I don't think he's trying to over-extend himself, going into spirituality or exploratory ground - he's settling for something much more 'lowest common denominator' - so the average person trying to find an effective way to exercise has something that is easy to learn and won't damage the body.


You seem to be looking for something far more sophisticated - and you wont find it in Sonnon's camp!


You also seem to be comfortable with the idea of your body being the teacher! Let your body lead! People have intelligent minds - a mind can learn and decode the calls of birds - but I rather listen to the bird than the scientist talking about it... Listen to your body, find teachers that teach you to explore and to trust and to get what you need from inside rather than outside.


BTW - you might find Peter Ralston interesting - I've never met him or know much about his martial arts abilities (would like to hear opinions from the Bums!) - but I've read a couple of his books and he has a really good way of directing you to explore your own body.


If you do Intuflow, try this - when doing any movement - rather than thinking 'I'm rotating my wrist' feel your entire body doing what it's doing while your wrist rotates... so don't limit the exercise to one area of the body - notice how in any of the movements your whole body is involved - don't limit your attention to one area! Your big toe is as involved in your wrist rotation as is your wrist...

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