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A thought on Max

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So. What do you think?


"Oh no. Another Max thread..."


"Harry writing about Max. This hardcore David-cultist can't be writing anything good..."


"Has Harry converted???"



So. I am just back from a lecture in Bonn/Germany. I had the chance to meet Jan which was great and I had a chance to listen to Max.


No. I won't be changing teachers. I am interested in Kunlun but will have to wait if there will be a stage in my practice were I get permission to try it... if "combinable"...


What I want to share is something different. Recently I was to a TCM congress in Germany and Dr. Tan a famous acupuncturist from San Diego was teaching his balance method. Many like him but quite a few deslike him for his showman-kind of way always pointing out the money aspect.


I fellow student of mine was curious but also prewarned and "handicapped" in his judgement...

later in the break he came to me and said: "I love that guy. You know. there was one moment I knew he is not a showman and just out for the money. He was standing there talking, shaking back and forth and waving his hand in a childlike manner. I have seen the child in him. He IS a big child. I love that man."


You can think about Kunlun what you want, you can consider Max's talk bullshit and other things... but I tell you one thing. This man has a big childlike quality, he is warm-hearted and should be checked out by anyone looking for a teacher.


No. I can't tell you if Kunlun is the "real thing". I can't tell you if it is a "right or a wrong" path, I can't tell you where it leads... but I CAN tell you this guy should not be judged by all you have read. You've got to meet him and see for yourself.


Why I don't pick up the practice?


I am happy with mine :)


enjoy a great weekend





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That's funny. When I met Max in Phoenix in November, there was so much negativity expressed about Max on the forum I assumed he would be a real mixed bag in person. I was extremely surprised to find out that he's a super nice guy. Half Mr. Rodgers and half Willy Wonka. And you can tell that in your first 2 seconds meeting him.

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I'd like to hear more talk on Max even though everyones probably sick of it.


Never met him and it'll be a while if I could afford to (if i want to that is)


One questionable thing about him is that in the 07 lecture clip :

he talks about his teachers being over 100 years old and looking like they are in their 40s or 30s.


Now Max is early 40s or something? Looks to me at the pictures as if hes going gray losing his hair. And the recent pictures of him he has shaved his head with a razor, I know a lot of men do this when they get bald patches, receding hairlines .etc. I'm not dissing the guy, but when all this talk of physical immortality(which would interest me VERY much :) ), dormant DNA being activated, ultra-healing .etc from kunlun practice, can we not have a better poster boy?


ALSO, what is Red Phoenix and why isn't it in the book?


AND, when Jenny Lamb says Level 1 is ALL people need, is she talking about getting the Golden Dragon Body.







Another thought on Max.


Who has opened their third eye from kunlun? Max had his third eye opened by a thunderbolt.

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I'd like to hear more talk on Max even though everyones probably sick of it.


Never met him and it'll be a while if I could afford to (if i want to that is)


One questionable thing about him is that in the 07 lecture clip :

he talks about his teachers being over 100 years old and looking like they are in their 40s or 30s.


Now Max is early 40s or something? Looks to me at the pictures as if hes going gray losing his hair. And the recent pictures of him he has shaved his head with a razor, I know a lot of men do this when they get bald patches, receding hairlines .etc. I'm not dissing the guy, but when all this talk of physical immortality(which would interest me VERY much :) ), dormant DNA being activated, ultra-healing .etc from kunlun practice, can we not have a better poster boy?


The coach is not always the best player. On the other hand, you also do have a point. We need more honesty than we currently get in the spiritual traditions. I am certain that long life is possible, even if no one currently can seem to be able to manifest it. The people that do live over 100 years do not look good on pictures, more often than not.


Personally I think we need to focus on improving our quality of life instead of quantity. I think if our quality gets really high, the quantity will naturally follow as well. If we focus on mere surviving while our life quality sucks big time, then we're "doing it wrong", as people say.

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Never met him and it'll be a while if I could afford to (if i want to that is)


He said he's retiring from teaching publicly after the last seminar, which is supposed to be some time in October.


One questionable thing about him is that in the 07 lecture clip :

he talks about his teachers being over 100 years old and looking like they are in their 40s or 30s.


Now Max is early 40s or something? Looks to me at the pictures as if hes going gray losing his hair. And the recent pictures of him he has shaved his head with a razor, I know a lot of men do this when they get bald patches, receding hairlines .etc. I'm not dissing the guy, but when all this talk of physical immortality(which would interest me VERY much smile.gif ), dormant DNA being activated, ultra-healing .etc from kunlun practice, can we not have a better poster boy?


This is a really sticky subject, at least for me. There is some healing that occurs, and sometimes you get worse. Some advanced practitioners have had weakened bones, and got fractures. Some get sick. Personally, I tend to get a gurgly gut and bad elimination. I've also had times when I felt super healthy and the body was very comfortable.


:huh: Personally I don't care. I'm giving all of myself to this regardless. Later on, I'll know more.


I got an email from a friend who attended a Jenny Lamb seminar, and I liked what she said about the practice..."allow the body to heal in its own time." That's the best view to take...don't expect anything.


ALSO, what is Red Phoenix and why isn't it in the book?


You do certain mudras, and do a specific type of...meditation...hard to describe. It's said to be the second half of all that you need for gold dragon body. I'm not sure why certain things aren't in idea could be that it's easier to pick up the essence of the practice when you're with a person who has practiced it for a while, and also to get a transmission for it. But yeah I have no clue to be honest.


There is so much I've been told about the practices, yet so little that I truly understand. New insights always come, and soon enough they are blown away.


That's not to say they are ineffective...the opposite is the case!


AND, when Jenny Lamb says Level 1 is ALL people need, is she talking about getting the Golden Dragon Body.


Who knows besides her? I'm not sure if she ascribes to this GDB business...I've heard she believes the practices are for nondual realization, and that she hasn't attained it fully yet. Second hand usual with this stuff.


Another thought on Max.


Who has opened their third eye from kunlun? Max had his third eye opened by a thunderbolt.


I seem to be in the process of opening the eye. Who knows how far along, how long it will take, etc. When I let go more, it happens that being the case it may take a while. :rolleyes::lol:

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"Max has decided to cancel his last seminar that was to be held in LA in October of this year." That means I was lucky to attend his last Kunlun seminar in Venice.


He's a cool and interesting guy. He was very generous with his knowlege of esoteria and meditations. People can pick away at little issues, but what you see is what you get.

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So much for him coming to Australia so I can meet the MAN CHILD in person, whats wrong with us downunder tell him to bring his golden dragon butt here 1st then retire!!! :D

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"Max has decided to cancel his last seminar that was to be held in LA in October of this year."


Missed that bit of info! So yeah I guess he is retired now?


To those who are genuinely interested, learning from a facilitator is good enough. The practices work no matter's not a good reason to stop practicing just because you haven't gotten the practices personally from Max...keep at it if it's for you!

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