blue eyed snake

"reality" as shared perception

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I thought this post warranted its own thread, will sleep on it.


Hope i did the embedding of the post right, if not its an example of my famous computer skills.



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hm, so yes, will add the text here


@Nungali         said:



As one would assume .   But go try it .  G and try and convince someone that really believes they are seeing something , when it IS an hallucination , that it isnt real .


@blue eyed snake said




sometimes I wonder how many people have hallucinations/see things that are not real.


Meaning, the phenomenon  only gets to the attention of doctors / psychopersons when it scares people


I've seen thing that probably would be called hallucinations, but they never scared me and as a kid I was blissfully unaware that other people did not see them. ( and soon after I learned to keep my mouth shut about them)




@silent thunder said:





You make a potent observation here. 


The basic form of perception is hallucination.  All that we perceive is being recognized now as not direct observation, but interpretive hallucination.


All human perception is an aproximation, not a direct experience.  


Our senses are triggered by signals and we interpret those signals into our perception of reality. 


We do not see/hear reality as it is... we transduce our aproximations of reality from signals through the conditioning of our perceptual process.


Generally it seem when someone's confessed interpretations of the signals of life do not jive harmoniously with their native culture, (particularly when it makes the majority nervous or frightened), we seperate them and isolate them and treat them, to make ourselves feel better.



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'hallucination' can also be when we 'loose focus'  .... there are so many other energies 'out there ' , we have to 'ignore' them and focus on the main ones we use .


I mentioned this the other day , in a sight experiment / exercise , we tend to look at just one small area , a bigger area is perceived by scanning  with that one small area all over the pl;ace , here and there , nearly randomly , movement will attract the eye . The experiment is to look with the whole eye at the biggest picture all at once  without 'building up a picture ' by 'point scanning ' .


The complication is when we combine that with what Silent Thunder observes  .... sometimes a 'malfunction ' or 'extra function'  widens our receptors and we see 'strange things ' and sometimes 'malfunction' effects the 'interior analysis '  of the signal input .


A while back a Buddhist monk stayed here ... he gave a talk on this  'no reality, just perception '  those things are not real, they are just a 'brain signal' .  Later we talked in private , he revisited that idea  and I suggested  " Oh yes, but what about 'consensual reality ' . "  he smiled and  "  Well,  there IS that , too ." 



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As a lamp, a cataract, a star in space
An illusion, a dewdrop, a bubble
A dream, a cloud, a flash of lightning
View all created things like this - Buddha, Diamond Sutra, tr. Red Pine


What are "created things"? They are our relative view of reality, based on our beliefs and ideas about how things are. They are the products of our conceptual model of reality, adjusted moment to moment to accommodate unpredictable circumstances. Yes, they are hallucinations, in that they are particular to our "karma", meaning our way of seeing the world based on our models.


Our view of reality is like these shifting, flashing, impermanent images, constructed on the fly by our fevered explanations. 


Life is dreamlike, much like our sleep experience. Time is disjointed and entire sections of it are inexplicably missing in our every day lives if we examine it closely. People at traumatic events rarely tell precisely the same story for this reason. Some events are remembered in great detail, other with almost none. How we imagine we are as a person, how we look, act, feel about events shifts moment to moment. This morning you looked pretty good in the bathroom mirror, but catching yourself in a shop window your whole image is unsettled. Our personal items disappear and reappear in random locations. All of this we usually explain away. 


"I must have been lost in thought when I missed my turn".


"I must have set it there and forgot. "


"I must be misremembering what Mike said". 


Reality isn't a shared experience. There is no-one who can see reality as you do. This is something worth DEEPLY and logically examining. 

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