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Trying to find the next level

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Hi guys, Im a doctor interested in qigong and been doing it for around 8 years(Im 24 btw), I dont do exercises anymore because I can move chi better by just laying down on my bed for around 30 min a day.  I did this routine of laying down for atleast 6 months, but stopped and resumed it recently .

To be honest I didnt find any benefit of doing it . I can make my testicles,hands and feet hurt by concentrating chi into it and I feel chi coming to my hand from my forearms without counsciously doing it when I focus on my hand.

Been trying to fill my dantien by concentrating on it but since there arent many nerve ending at that place I cant feel if its working or not. But it may be because my focus is improving and I dont necessarily need to feel it .

Also trying the MCU but it is even harder than dantien, I just feel a really small stream(if I can even call it a stream) the go straight down my belly but moves as a snake up my spine(I cant go straight for some reason)


I wish I can find what I'm in search for here . Also, english isnt my first language, so go easy on my grammar

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I would get proper instruction instead of randomly sending qi around your body until it hurts. Just concentrating on your lower dantien isn’t enough to fill it, there are other things you need to do.


If you want to activate your lower dantian properly, you should learn from Rudi. He’s a doctor as well and also studied under many great masters in China. Check out his website here:



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13 hours ago, DoctorChi said:

To be honest I didnt find any benefit of doing it . I can make my testicles,hands and feet hurt by concentrating chi into it and I feel chi coming to my hand from my forearms without counsciously doing it when I focus on my hand.


Id suggest perhaps stopping that 


13 hours ago, DoctorChi said:

Been trying to fill my dantien by concentrating on it but since there arent many nerve ending at that place I cant feel if its working or not. But it may be because my focus is improving and I dont necessarily need to feel it .


You cannot fill something you do not have.


The dantien needs to be reconsolidated as it disperses after puberty for various reasons that would be a rather lengthy discussion

13 hours ago, DoctorChi said:

Also trying the MCU but it is even harder than dantien, I just feel a really small stream(if I can even call it a stream) the go straight down my belly but moves as a snake up my spine(I cant go straight for some reason)


The use an analogy, you must dig the trench before the water will flow through it.


This is again a process the requires time and effort


13 hours ago, DoctorChi said:

I wish I can find what I'm in search for here . Also, english isnt my first language, so go easy on my grammar


You might want to start by laying out clearly what it is you are looking for




Thats easily found




There is a few people teaching that publicly.


Its probably a case of what specifically you are aiming for here




Only one based on observation


The latter also requires a fair degree of competence in the former to even approach it.


So for most people its just neidan prep for a fair portion of time

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17 hours ago, DoctorChi said:

Hi guys, Im a doctor interested in qigong and been doing it for around 8 years(Im 24 btw), I dont do exercises anymore because I can move chi better by just laying down on my bed for around 30 min a day.  I did this routine of laying down for atleast 6 months, but stopped and resumed it recently .

To be honest I didnt find any benefit of doing it . I can make my testicles,hands and feet hurt by concentrating chi into it and I feel chi coming to my hand from my forearms without counsciously doing it when I focus on my hand.

Been trying to fill my dantien by concentrating on it but since there arent many nerve ending at that place I cant feel if its working or not. But it may be because my focus is improving and I dont necessarily need to feel it .

Also trying the MCU but it is even harder than dantien, I just feel a really small stream(if I can even call it a stream) the go straight down my belly but moves as a snake up my spine(I cant go straight for some reason)


I wish I can find what I'm in search for here . Also, english isnt my first language, so go easy on my grammar

Chi (Energy) work will always be a somewhat mundane practice. If you genuinely seek higher-level experiences, then mental/arcane work is the path to pursue.

The most significant limitation of the body is its mortality. With death, all the accumulations in the dantiens are disassembled and lost.

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