
Is torino shroud real?

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I have looked into this. I watched several vides...


So supposedly, Jesus was placed in this shroud after he died.

Proofs why it is real:

- pollen found on it, can be found in Jerusalem (though not only there, in Norht Afrika as well)

-the dirt at his legs correspond what found in Jeruslam 

-flower oils are used as in real Jewish funerals.

-the location of the blood on the shroud corresponds to what in Bible.

-The size of the shroud seems to be correct (in Sirial units)  Could the forger know this? What size of the shroud needs to be?

-the image is produced by radiation (high intensity UV could produce it) , a group of scientist concluded, it is not painted. Did he convert his body into light? Rainbow body?

- the composition of blood shows the person was tortured and went into a shock (the blood kept its color)

- some part of his body looks as it were Xrays (bones are visible)

- the material used corresponds to first century

- weaving pattern is proper as well




Proofs it is not real:

- Some scientist claimed the iron oxide shows the paint was used

- Carbon dating showed around 1200-1300


What do you think?




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I seem to remember that the carbondating was done on the fibers from the repair patches which would make the dating invalid


we'll never know I suppose 

Its an intriguing artifact 

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5 hours ago, centertime said:


-the image is produced by radiation (high intensity UV could produce it) , a group of scientist concluded, it is not painted. Did he convert his body into light? Rainbow body?




Close , but no cigar .


It was   an early experiment with 'photography ' .

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