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Good chi deviation warning and educational threads?

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Looking for these for a friend, she has all the workings of a chi deviation waiting to happen




-can sometimes  think her toughts on the subject are better then specific way the system dictates


-may think at times  you can fill it yourself


-ordered mantak chia books


-learns from books


-has beem doing her own freestyled moving meditation for years making me think shel bring bad habits engrained habits jnto these chigong practices


who has good threads for her to read? The search is horrible






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Il check it out thanks,   To be clear i ment she doesnt have any deviation she hasnt started doing qigong


im saying the way she thinks makes her vulnerable to if.    Shes starting to delve into real qigong rather then the physical park stuff


but brings mentalities of jeet kune do, trust your gut how you shoukd do things over specific teacher instructions

my intuition will show me the way


i know better then the teacher. She says she doesnt but i see it in her behaviour


these kind of things, she also is very smart , n willing to learn- but she needs to bexone aware of qi deviations n the risks from better sources then me telling her.    I dont think she gets how eazy you can go wrong home studying from cources n mantak books.


she also has this whole i do things snd “feel energy” type of thing i notice. Needs to know just that feeling energy or sensations doesnt mean its good.    


shes found michael lomaxs stuff now


but will possibly branch out or mix up things


so im looking for threads where she can learn what it is - and what you shouldnt do



im pretty sure @Earl Grey      Was big on  linking threads and discussions trying to avoid new starters from being foolish 

Edited by Takingcharge

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Let's hope your friend can learn something out of this practical reading:


I have posted this in the past several times and I think it has helped some people realise the complexity and depth involved in the real internal development of the human.


The park stuff should never leave anyone's practice EVER; it's the EARTH FORCE, the balancing/grounding root of CONSCIOUSNESS.


The path of the EGO she is currently following has plagued internal development since the dawn of time and it's a tough one to overcome. Trial and error and self-realisation will eventually work things out.


Good luck!



Note: the link is from the out of print book "Beyond the Mysterious Gate (2001)" by Alex Kozma.

Edited by Gerard
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