
自發功spontaneous gong

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Because so many people here are completely ignorant about spontaneous gong, I had to write a beginner's guide to prevent the same situation from happening again.



Spontaneous work requires a large venue, preferably as big as a football field
Spontaneous work needs enough time, at least two hours
The most taboo of spontaneous power is to use any method to force stop after starting the engine, which will cause dizziness
Spontaneous work is not only dynamic work, spontaneous work includes static work, fixed work
Spontaneous work is not only about movement, but also includes breath perception, light perception, samadhi, four dhyana and eight samadhi

  1. 自發功要有廣大的場地,最好是跟足球場一樣大的場地
  2. 自發功需要有足夠的時間,至少要兩小時的時間
  3. 自發功最忌諱發動氣機之後,用任何方法強制停止,這樣會導致暈吐
  4. 自發功不是只有動功,自發功包含靜功,定功
  5. 自發功不是只有動作,包含氣感,光感,入定,四禪八定
  6. 說自發功只會動的人,你可以知道,他對自發功是無知的,所以他說了什麼關於自發功的事情,你都不用放在心上,因為他根本沒練
  7. 自發功練到氣感階段,可以很容易開關展竅
  8. 自發功的開關展竅會從手掌心的勞宮穴開始,然後頭頂的百會穴,然後心竅
  9. 自發功剛開始的動作會先前後晃動,然後往後推,然後快速後退,然後開始繞圈
  10. 遇到繞圈,千萬不能隨便停下來,否則會嚴重暈吐,一定要練到自然停,起碼要半個小時以上,千萬不要一開始轉動就強制停下來,這是大忌
  11. 待續



You can know that the person who says that spontaneous gong can only move is ignorant of spontaneous gong, so you don’t have to pay attention to what he said about spontaneous gong, because he didn’t practice it at all.
Spontaneous Kungfu practiced to the Qi Sensing stage, it is easy to open and close the opening and closing
The opening and opening of spontaneous power will start from the Laogong point on the palm, then the Baihui point on the top of the head, and then the heart orifice
The initial movement of spontaneous power will shake back and forth, then push back, then quickly back, and then start to circle
When encountering a circle, you must not stop casually, otherwise you will be seriously dizzy. You must practice until you stop naturally, at least for more than half an hour. Do not stop forcibly as soon as you start turning. This is a big taboo
to be continued

Edited by awaken
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  1. 自發功很容易開啟第三眼
  2. 自發功很容易練出烏肝,百分之九十以上的人,三個月內,就可以練出來
  3. 自發功需要的不是老師,而是不要去聽那些氣功騙子胡說
  4. 氣功騙子喜歡教你一大堆控制氣的方法,但是自發功不教你控制氣,自發功要你看清楚自己的氣是怎麼回事
  5. 自發功的心法最符合老子道德經的無為核心精神
  6. 待續


Spontaneous work can easily open the third eye
Spontaneous Kungfu is very easy to practice black liver, more than 90% of people can practice it within three months
What is needed for spontaneous gong is not a teacher, but not to listen to the nonsense of those qigong liars
Qigong liars like to teach you a lot of ways to control your qi, but spontaneous gong does not teach you how to control qi. Spontaneous gong requires you to see clearly what is going on with your own qi
The method of self-spontaneity is most in line with the core spirit of inaction in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching
to be continued

Edited by awaken
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  1. 我不是教自發功的老師,我是教丹道的老師,我認為自發功自己練就好,但是總會遇到一些笨蛋,太看輕自發功,練了之後,又害怕自發功的氣太強,然後就開始用一些江湖術士騙子學來的方法去壓制自發功的氣,因此造成身體的不適
  2. 如果你用了江湖術士氣功騙子的方法,去壓制了自發功的氣,導致你的身體不舒服,那不是自發功所造成的,而是壓抑氣所造成的,不要推到自發功身上,這樣是很不負責任的行為,你應該為自己的無知負起責任來


I am not a teacher who teaches spontaneous gong, but a teacher who teaches alchemy. I think spontaneous gong can be practiced by oneself, but I always meet some idiots who underestimate spontaneous gong. After practicing, someone may be afraid that the qi of spontaneous gong is too strong. , and then began to use some methods learned by charlatans and swindlers to suppress the qi of spontaneous gong, thus causing physical discomfort
If you use the methods of charlatans and qigong liars to suppress the qi of spontaneous gong and cause your body to feel uncomfortable, it is not caused by spontaneous gong, but caused by the suppression of qi. Don’t push it to spontaneous gong. It is very irresponsible behavior, you should take responsibility for your ignorance

Edited by awaken
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  1. 江湖術士氣功騙子很常見的一個說法就是,一定要找老師,然後暗示自己就是那個老師
  2. 雖然我有很多學生,但是我還是認為,只要有正確的觀念,只要方向正確,任何人都可以不需要老師,問題就是你有沒有本事走出正確的方向
  3. 不管是佛陀還是張伯端,都不強調『控制』氣的練法
  4. 自發功剛開始會動,並不表示一輩子都在動
  5. 我的自發功,經常是不動的,眼睛閉上幾秒鐘,烏肝就出現了
  6. 烏肝就是小藥,就是最初出現的光,如同北極光
  7. 我不動,不代表你不動,你動,也不代表我會動,會動不會動,都要順其自然
  8. 如果你的自發功不會動,你強迫自己去動,這樣練出來的,也不會是自發功,而是誘發功
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Sharing a diary of my student, the author is a practitioner who is about fifty years old. He has never practiced any method before. After practicing for about four months, he has been able to gradually transform from the Qi sense stage to the black liver stage. .-------------------





2022-03-16Practice Diary
Times: 105th (from 2021.07.23)
Time: 1715-1815 (total 60 minutes); 1825-1740 (total 75 minutes)
Location: Under the tree + indoors
For two consecutive nights, when I was half asleep, I felt the frequency of dense vibrations, about 10 Hz, in the back of the neck, brain, back, changing postures, and the vibration frequency of the whole body and surrounding space felt like music, which lasted for a long time. Very comfortable and peaceful.
The sun is great today. I couldn’t bear to take a nap for more than an hour in the afternoon. It was almost evening when I could practice the exercises. After 10 minutes of walking, I stood and turned on my spontaneity. There was no sun when I practiced, and the process was spontaneous. I'm moving, if it's not spontaneous, I really can't control it by my will. Today, many of the movements are rushing to the back of the neck. There are also some new movements. Finally, I feel that the qi is swirling in the head, and the movements seem to be turning. A large air disk rotates, and finally it gradually falls to the ground, which is interesting. In the latter part, I pay attention to the light perception in front of me from time to time. A ball of light keeps appearing in front of my eyes. The head is brighter and the head is lowered. However, there is no sun today, and it lasts for a long time. At the end of the stage, the person will stop in silence repeatedly, enter a state of stillness, and go home (1 hour and 0 minutes).
Going home, my daughter's room, eye mask + earplugs + earmuffs, these two meditations have changed slightly. I lay down and thought about sleeping, then I became more quiet, and then I pulled between consciousness and quietness, and my consciousness may be a little smaller. Maybe a little more drowsy. In the first two times, there will be some superficial body qi phenomenon when lying down. Just like today, when I lie down, I can feel the pulsation of the back of the head and the back of the neck, the pulsation of the heart, and the pulsation of the back; then Of course, it is best to sleep, but it will make oneself do nothing, that is, follow the movement, let the attention be gently pulled by the movements of the body qi, breathing, and light sense. The state of qi, but based on "inaction", gradually became inexhaustible, and gently paid attention to breathing, light, or body sensations, instead of thinking and thinking, going deeper, just letting nature take its course I have been in this state for a long time today, I didn't feel very drowsy, and of course I didn't fall asleep, but I felt a little dullness in the middle part of the body, and some weakened consciousness in the latter part, a little faint The illusion of the illusion is gone, and I think that I can only sink to the level of physical qi today. It happened that my family members entered the room and turned on the light, so I gradually rose up along the way. I didn’t think about it for 75 minutes. After I got up, I realized that I had physical qi. Very dull, and very lethargic, because I got up and sat down to continue the light perception, closed my eyes and went back to drowsiness. Only after more than an hour can I return to the daily life mode. (1 hour 15 minutes)
1. In fact, it doesn’t matter what movement is spontaneous, the main thing is to harmonize the body and qi in series during the process of dynamism, and also harmonize with the external environment, increasing the strong yang at the level of qi, the positive pole (a lot of harmony), relatively unharmonious The yin of the body appears, which is also the reason for the drowsiness at the level of body qi. It is just that in the process of exercise, you should gradually guide your consciousness to become smaller, so that you can start to break away from the habitual thinking of daily life. This part is the sexuality in the exercise. At the level of gong, so that the drowsy yin will not be disturbed by excessive distracting thoughts or suppressed by powerful thoughts, resulting in being stuck at the level of consciousness when approaching the state gong. This is a very important experience from recent practice.
2. Today's light perception, in the middle and later stages of the movement, is a continuous light ball. There is a light perception when you close your eyes, but the brightness is slightly different when you look up and bow your head. Continue to Jinggong, the first part of Jinggong feels a new space in front, the ball of light becomes a very three-dimensional ball, and in the middle of Jinggong, along with the rhythm of body qi, it feels that the light fox and other backlight balls are drawn into the distance, which is very interesting. At the end of the static exercise, when I looked at the light ball, I felt that the light ball became larger, and the inside was the same as the black and white snowflakes on the TV, but the brightness was much higher. Today, I can clearly feel the phenomenon of light perception, which is continuous from dynamic work to static work.
3. In the recent practice, I paid attention to the continuation of the movement from the dynamic to the static. I feel that from the dynamic to the static, all the methods of inaction are the main principles. The dynamic and the static are a procedure, so the static is just lying down, and the movement should be continued. The state of gong also follows the body and qi spontaneously, and naturally pays attention to body sense, light sense, and breathing, and naturally becomes more drowsy and does not pay attention to anything. This kind of inaction + going with the flow may be the order. The original way of evolution, today, at most, when I was a little drowsy, I thought smoothly that the four aggregates are all karmic shadows, the consciousness aggregates are also relative, and the rest are almost natural. This kind of practice is my own experience at present. Please review the teacher, thank you.

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3月10日 早晨6点钟起床,天已经蒙蒙亮。来到楼下仍然微微有凉意,于是开始练拳。调整了晨练的时间之后,6点20分练到7点05分,45分钟的练习,手表记录大概消耗350-400卡的热量,练到身上出汗,呼吸急促,双腿稍微有些酸痛,收功回到家里吃早饭,送女儿上学。最近在地铁上继续站三体式,尽管只有短短十几分钟,依然没办法一直保持住桩的姿势,每到一站就要直一直腿,才能继续坚持。吃过午饭,来到五楼练静功,这几天可能由于天气变暖,大家都到户外去散步,五楼的反而没什么人,真的是太难得了。做到沙发上不久,就进入状态,现在静功中间的恍惚时间明显变短,恍惚前后都保有意识,只是呼吸变成自发且平稳。1点钟被吵醒,发现周围好多人,原来是准备进行核算检测。下楼回到工位继续睡了40分钟,中间一度睡到很沉,忘记是什么时候,在什么地方,醒来之后舒畅了很多。 3月12日 前两天中午的静功睡得很好,果然昨天晚上再次出现阳生,纯黑色的背景上,有淡白色的光影,看上去是各种动物的轮廓,不停的出现了没几秒就又睡过去了。早晨6点30分起床本来准备下楼练功,结果发现外面淅淅沥沥的在下着小雨。再加上昨晚老婆看无脑电视剧,闹得我没办法睡觉,正好回到床上又继续睡了一个多小时才起床。上午陪孩子学了一会儿习,天气渐渐放晴,于是骑着电动车去公园练拳。和师门的是兄弟玩到12点,回到家吃了一口午饭,带孩子先学钢琴,然后送她去上舞蹈课。3点半左右回到家里,立刻靠在床头开始睡午觉,没想到一直睡到快五点,醒来感觉身上的水份都被蒸干了,口渴难耐,起身喝了一大杯水,又吃了好多水果,才感觉舒服了许多,穿上衣服接女儿下课。 3月13日 周日照常晨练40分钟,上午本来还想去公园玩,结果老婆没给假,只能悻悻作罢。午饭过后的昏沉感没有平时强烈,就直接和老婆带着孩子出门去玩。本想着去个户外的公园散散步,结果天气骤变,忽然之间天气就阴沉了下来,还伴随阵阵大风。只能临时改变注意,找了一个附近的商场。一下午时间昏沉感一直持续,但是不强烈,直到4点左右慢慢减弱。在外面吃了顿饭,打车回到家里,已经下午5点半多,哪知道昏沉再次来袭,只能带上耳塞,靠在床头开始睡觉,一觉竟然睡到晚上7点,又睡得昏天黑地,感觉身上血都沸了一般,口里燥渴难耐,起床又是一顿狂灌水,本来想睡了这么多,晚上会不会睡不着。结果10点半左右就困了,想到明天还要上班,躺下直接睡觉。


March 10
When I woke up at 6 in the morning, it was already bright. When I came downstairs, I still felt a little cool, so I started to practice boxing. After adjusting the time of the morning exercise, I practiced from 6:20 to 7:05. After 45 minutes of practice, the watch recorded about 350-400 calories consumed. I practiced sweating, shortness of breath, and slightly sore legs. Gong returned home for breakfast and sent his daughter to school. Recently, I continued to stand in the three poses on the subway. Although it was only a short ten minutes, I still couldn't maintain the posture of the pile. Every time I got to a station, I had to straighten my legs so that I could continue to persevere. After lunch, I came to the fifth floor to practice Jinggong. In the past few days, probably due to the warmer weather, everyone went for a walk outdoors, but there was no one on the fifth floor. It was really rare. Soon after I was on the sofa, I entered the state. Now the trance time in the middle of the meditation is significantly shorter, and I remain conscious before and after the trance, but my breathing has become spontaneous and stable. I was woken up at 1 o'clock and found that there were many people around, who were preparing for an accounting test. I went downstairs and went back to my work station and continued to sleep for 40 minutes. I slept very deeply in the middle. I forgot when and where I was. After waking up, I felt much more comfortable.

March 12
I slept very well in Jinggong at noon two days ago. Sure enough, Yang Sheng appeared again last night. On the pure black background, there were pale white lights and shadows, which looked like the outlines of various animals. They kept appearing within a few seconds. fell asleep again. When I got up at 6:30 in the morning, I was going to go downstairs to practice the exercises, but found it was raining lightly outside. In addition, my wife watched a brainless TV series last night, which made me unable to sleep, so I just went back to bed and continued to sleep for more than an hour before getting up. In the morning, I studied with my child for a while, and the weather gradually cleared up, so I rode an electric car to the park to practice boxing. I played with my brother until 12 o'clock. After returning home, I had a bite of lunch. I took my child to learn the piano first, and then took her to dance class. When I got home at about 3:30, I immediately leaned on the head of the bed and started taking a nap. Unexpectedly, I slept until almost 5:00. When I woke up, I felt that all the water on my body had been evaporated, and I was unbearably thirsty. I got up and drank a large glass of water. , After eating a lot of fruit, I felt a lot more comfortable, and put on my clothes to pick up my daughter from get out of class.

March 13
On Sunday, I practiced for 40 minutes in the morning as usual. In the morning, I wanted to go to the park to play, but my wife didn't give me a vacation, so I could only give up. The feeling of lethargy after lunch was not as strong as usual, so I went out to play with my wife and children directly. I was thinking of going for a walk in an outdoor park, but the weather changed suddenly, and it suddenly became gloomy, accompanied by gusts of wind. I can only temporarily change my attention and find a nearby shopping mall. The feeling of drowsiness continued throughout the afternoon, but it was not strong, and gradually subsided until about 4 o'clock. After having a meal outside and taking a taxi back home, it was already past 5:30 p.m. How could I know that the drowsiness would strike again, so I could only put on earplugs, leaned against the head of the bed and started to sleep, I slept until 7:00 p.m. It was dark and dark, and I felt like the blood on my body was boiling, my mouth was thirsty, and I woke up with a frantic watering. I wanted to sleep so much, would I be unable to sleep at night. As a result, I was sleepy around 10:30, thinking that I would have to go to work tomorrow, so I lay down and went straight to sleep.




This diary is of a practitioner who is about forty years old and has been practicing for more than four years. As you can see, his gong status has almost stopped moving. Only stillness remains.

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练功记 361 2022/2/ 24   终于有太阳了!阴雨低温天气已经持续了一个月,今天终于有太阳了!有阳光打底,心情也自然明朗起来。   下午出门,发现人们已经迫不及待的来迎接春光,到处是奔跑的孩子和闲坐的大人。   沿河堤走了一大圈,没找到合适的练功地点,只是简单做了一下运动。想晒太阳,可是风还不小,只能又绕了一圈回家。   到家坐沙发上闭目,双腿感觉到气流涌动,眼前有黑色黍米出现,后来打了一小会盹。  练功记 362 2022/2/ 26   下午走了半小时,然后在河边一个小草地练功。先是边走边活动手臂,后来跺脚,抻腿活动膝关节。不过都是懒洋洋的,似乎太阳出来春困就来了。   又走半小时回到家,盖了个薄被子在沙发上睡了一小会。 练功记 363 2022/2/ 27   今天气温又回升了一些,在太阳下走一会都有些冒汗。   晴朗的星期天,公园里到处是人,又没了练功的地方。走了半小时干脆晒太阳静坐。   把棉衣脱了,背对太阳坐大石块上,感觉背脊被阳光灸热。闭上眼睛,眼前都是红光。用手蒙眼睛上,则变成蓝光,过一会蓝光中心慢慢出来一团粉红的圆球,圆球的颜色慢慢加深,再过一会,蓝光和红球慢慢变黑直至消失。耳边传来不远处的K歌声,又有孩子从我身边走过,我睁开眼睛,又闭上。   可能坐了有二十分钟,屁股被咯得生痛才起身回家。 练功记 364 2022/2/ 28   下午去了平时练功的草地,可能太阳已经出了几天,加上不是星期天,人少了很多,终于可以在这块大草地练功了。   先是边走边做扩胸运动,然后风摆荷叶,这个动作做了蛮久。后来就抻腿走,也走了蛮久,之后跺了一会脚,又换成风摆荷叶,最后双臂伸直前后上下摆动。整个过程大概半小时,之后就站着晒背,感觉小腿和膝窝晒得热乎乎的很舒服。   回家换了汗湿的贴身T恤,去床上过了好一会睡着了。


  After walking for half an hour in the afternoon, I practiced the exercises on a small grass by the river. First, move your arms while walking, then stomp your feet and stretch your legs to move your knees. But they are all lazy, it seems that the sun comes out and the spring sleep comes.
  After walking for another half an hour, I came home, covered a thin quilt and slept on the sofa for a while.
Exercises 363
  The temperature has warmed up again today, and I sweat a little after walking in the sun for a while.
  On a sunny Sunday, the park was full of people, and there was no place to practice. After walking for half an hour, I simply sat in the sun and meditated.
  I took off my cotton coat and sat on a big rock with my back to the sun, feeling my back being warmed by the sun. Close your eyes and see red light in front of you. Blindfolding your eyes with your hand, it turns into blue light. After a while, a pink ball slowly emerges from the center of the blue light, and the color of the ball gradually deepens. After a while, the blue light and red ball slowly turn black until they disappear. I heard K singing not far away, and another child walked past me. I opened my eyes and closed them again.
  Maybe after sitting for 20 minutes, my butt was sore and I got up and went home.
Exercises 364
  In the afternoon, I went to the grass where I usually practice. Maybe the sun has been out for a few days, and since it is not a Sunday, there are many fewer people, so I can finally practice on this big grass.
  First, do the chest expansion exercise while walking, and then swing the lotus leaf in the wind. This action has been done for a long time. Later, he stretched his legs and walked for a long time. After stomping his feet for a while, he switched to the wind-swinging lotus leaf. Finally, his arms stretched out and swayed back and forth up and down. The whole process took about half an hour, and then I stood and basked in the back, and I felt that my calves and knee sockets were hot and very comfortable.
  When I got home, I changed into a sweaty T-shirt, went to bed and fell asleep after a while.





This is a female practitioner who is about forty years old. She has practiced for more than six years. The dynamism has also almost disappeared. The phenomenon of black liver can also be seen.

In fact, this practitioner is a bit lazy. She used to practice very well, and she could often appear in the interior scene of Yang Sheng.

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The three student diaries attached above are intended to tell everyone that spontaneous gong is not the beast that some people think it is.

In fact, spontaneous exercise is a very good entry-level exercise, as long as you master the correct principles.

So what I teach is a principle, not a fixed method.

In fact, I'm pretty much against the fixed approach.

All deliberate guidance methods lead to the wrong path.

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2022.2.26 Part 4
         Relax, stand and close your eyes and look back, with the red light in front of your eyes. After squatting slightly and twisting left and right, first shake your legs and then shake your upper body. After turning around a few times, you start to circle Chao's upper body from side to side. When you go around Chao's upper body, there is a rattling sound from the bones of the whole body. Afterwards, perform punching exercises, then throw the left and right hands forward and backward, twisting the arms and slapping the upper body, like the sound of a drum beat, the whole body sweating slightly and the exercise is finished.














This student is about sixty years old and has been practicing for about five years. When he first started, he was a practitioner of the carrying method. He knew that the practice of light was a more advanced course. So he did not indulge in the world of qi sense. But he couldn't train well. So he came to me to learn the law of inaction.

At the beginning, he kept practicing wrong, practicing the handling method. Have never been able to practice.

I have communicated with him for many years, about three years.

He slowly understood the practice method.

Gradually give up the original transport method.

Recently, he has also started to practice black liver light.

Edited by awaken
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Many years ago, when I taught Wuweifa on QQ, the focus was on awareness, and I talked a lot about awareness. As a result, the number of interested people was close to zero. I was very disappointed.
Afterwards, I had to change to my gong form, and then a bunch of people came in and asked me how I practiced that gong form.
Of course, I am very OOXX in my heart, how to practice? If you talk about it and you’re not interested, you’re just practicing awareness.
Everyone thinks that I have some secrets to know the secrets of Jindan Zhenren, and only to know those secrets of Dan Dao. Even if I have said it more than 100 times, there is no secret, that is, I am 100% honest with myself, and others still don't believe it.
When I see someone habitually being dishonest to me, I want him to be honest with me. At this time, I will be interpreted as, the teacher is very locomotive, the teacher is very impatient, the teacher is very OOXX, anyway, it is a bunch of teachers Personality attack.
Well, if you attack my personality, I will admit it. I am not a person with a perfect personality, but I can’t teach you. My practice method, except to be honest with myself, there is no other way. .
Let me give an example, take myself as an example, well, let's say I start practicing now, then, I may get used to starting from a certain point, and then I practice, and I find that I can't practice, okay, I found out , I am dishonest, I am not at that point at all, I still want to start from that point, I am dishonest, I see my inertia, I see myself walking with the inertia, but not with the reality, when I found that I didn't face myself honestly at the moment. When I saw this, I just waited, waiting for the real state, what's going on, most likely the real state, my starting point is very low, sometimes the state is not good, The starting point is very low, and it is likely that there is only a little current on the body side.
When practicing the exercises, every moment is challenging one's blindness and honesty. Maybe after practicing, the distracting thoughts will come out, start self-talk, and start running off the distracting thoughts. At this time, you must be honest with yourself that you are running off the distracting thoughts. Instead of actually starting a self-talk.
I practiced this way for a long time, I discovered the current blindness in this way for a long time, I woke up, I was blind again, I woke up, I fell into inertia again, I woke up again, found a new inertia, and then woke up again. This is how my practice is, it is full of Fail, find yourself practicing wrong again and again, and then come back again and again, constantly balancing the dynamic balance.
Continuous loss of awareness, and then back to awareness.
Don't think I'm always in a state of awareness, I'm not.
If I have, then I'm kidding myself.
Of course, I have a trend, a trend of awareness, a normal trend of practice, but in every moment, I have to face every unknown, but my mind can easily let myself change the unknown into the known and controllable, so This is what I practice, constantly seeing myself chasing the known, chasing the intention to control.
If I had to say how I practiced, this is how I practiced.
Do I stay awake during this practice?
Of course not. At the beginning, you will fall into the trap again and again. This is very common and inevitable.
At the beginning, there are traps at the beginning, and after practice, there are traps at the back, but the traps will be much less. If the first trap is not dealt with properly, it will trigger later traps.
But when I say this, how many people can understand it?

Sometimes, I think, how many teachers can resist this temptation?
Only talk about the pursuit of the internal background of the power state, let the students pursue it, and let the students develop the psychology of worship and pursuit.
Instead of talking about the reality in the practice, the awareness and blindness in the practice will make students frustrated and disappointed.
My thoughts, my feelings, adoration pursuits, for me, are a kind of ego satisfaction, but when I face myself, I feel that if I feel satisfied with this feeling, then I fall into The pleasure trap is inside.
I'd rather my students scold me with harsh words than live the truth.
In fact, I've been scolded more than once, I don't know how many times, and I'm very thick-skinned.
Therefore, if you want to come and learn Wuwei Dan Dao with me, you may face the problem that the teacher is someone who doesn't know how to show respect to others and can teach others to be aware of it. The end will be, if I scolded you, or I was scolded by you, or everyone was playing soy sauce and muddy, praising each other is really amazing, and then what?
With the pleasure of contentment, deceive yourself?




Written in 2021, this article talks about the difficulties of being truthful and the allure of being a teacher.

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藍石  11:50:21
藍石  11:51:34
藍石  11:56:40
藍石  11:57:12
藍石  11:57:39
Bluestone 11:50:21
People who have practiced mind-guarding Dantian for a long time usually jump in the abdomen. Because of their habit of focusing on there, the qi mechanism is fixed there, and it is difficult to produce evolution. Let the body decide the direction of the qi by itself, just follow the attention. After practicing for a period of time, the qi in the abdomen will also be beating. The beating qi developed by Wuwei will quickly evolve to the next phenomenon, but the beating qi of Yishou Dantian will not evolve. , will not progress
Bluestone 11:51:34
Therefore, people who are accustomed to practicing mind and guarding Dantian should switch to the practice of inaction. They can be more aware of whether their attention is in a state of "uncontrollable mind" than those who have never practiced it. "The inertia of the intention to keep the dantian again", otherwise, after practicing, it will return to the original inertia, which will hinder the progress and evolution
Bluestone 11:56:40
There is one thing to pay attention to when practicing the Wuwei method. When the Qi machine runs to a certain level, it will float up to open the space in front of you. At this time, don’t deliberately pull back the Qi machine state. state of transport
Bluestone 11:57:12
Therefore, when practicing the Wuwei Dharma, you must always be aware of whether you have an "attempt" to "control" the direction of your qi.
Bluestone 11:57:39
If you don’t notice it at all, then you don’t know where you are going to practice, it may be the transport method, it may be the illusion maze, it may be
This article was written on 2021-8-13. The main point is the importance of "unstoppable mind".
Google translate translates the unstoppable mind as "unstoppable mind", this translation is wrong, and the unstoppable mind does not mean this.
Unstoppable means the mentality of not deliberately letting oneself stop at a certain point.
For example, the feeling of deliberately stopping yourself to breathe. Deliberately stop yourself from noticing the feeling of qi. Deliberately let your qi walk in a small Zhoutian way. Deliberately focus your attention on the lower abdomen to create a pulsing chi sensation.
That is, to deliberately focus on a certain point is called "holding the mind"
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藍石 22:59:42
藍石 23:00:48
藍石 23:03:58
藍石 23:05:18
藍石 23:07:42
藍石 23:09:04
Diary class miscellaneous talk_greed
Let me talk about "I" a little more clearly, how I use "self" to judge true and false, when the self has a driving force, this driving force belongs to "I want...", that is to say, I have a driving force to want to... What to do, when there is such a driving force in the heart, it is already a state of "I have", and in the black liver illusion, under this driving force, a clearer image will be produced, but in the yang life, this The driving force will make the interior shrink and fail to disappear.
Bluestone 22:59:42
Therefore, in all my practice, I will be aware of this "my driving force", what kind of driving force I want to have, even if it is a very subtle greed, whatever I want, as long as there is a little bit of it, I will be aware of it, of course In ordinary life, I also do this kind of awareness. This is a long-term practice. Only with this kind of long-term practice can I get rid of this "my driving force" in the state of tranquility. For me, this driving force, is "greed"
Bluestone 23:00:48
In the state of tranquility, this kind of subtle greed, even just a little bit, will cause an uproar in the illusion, so I keep repeating the emphasis, self-awareness, greed awareness
Bluestone 23:03:58
All of my practice is just this kind of awareness. From the beginning to the end, whether it is from dynamic exercises to static exercises, or fixed exercises, it is this kind of awareness. When it comes to the true "relaxation and tranquility", those with greed and desire are false tranquility and tranquility, because desire drives the underlying nature, which is no longer natural. In the state of practice, there is only pure divine fire. In order to practice innate energy.
Bluestone 23:05:18
So today I walked this route, not because I understood the classics, but because I walked out of this path, I understood the classics. If I didn’t walk out of this path, the classics can’t be read, and I can’t distinguish between true and false. The core of walking out of this path lies in awareness
Bluestone 23:07:42
But it should be noted that what we practice is not to condemn our own greed. If we condemn our own greed, it will be another new greed. Everyone should know that when the ego is operating, greed must be at the same time. Coexistence, that is the instinct of the ego, so don't think "I am without greed", "I must have greed", when the ego is working, greed must exist, so when you condemn your own greed, this action , itself is the birth of another greed
Bluestone 23:09:04
What we practice is not to create a self without greed, but to see how our greed affects us. These two points are different. When we create a self without greed, this is itself a greed. I hope you will remember this

This article was written on 2021-12-29 and talks about the importance of being aware of greed.

As I said before, I am against the indulgence of spontaneous gong. Because of not being aware of the spontaneous power of greed, it is easy to lead the wrong path.

However, this is not the sin of spontaneous work, so it is unfair to label spontaneous work as indulgence.

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Manipulating Qi is the wrong way to practice. The standard Daoist practice method is "Tao is natural".


Tao is from natural.

Tao's rule is from natural.

Tao's rule is natural.






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To attribute the activation of spontaneous gong to the teacher's Qi, this is something only a very evil teacher would do.

When you encounter this kind of teacher, please stay away from him.

The initiation of spontaneous gong is your original instinct.

Everyone has the ability to initiate on their own.

No need for a teacher's Qi at all.

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The most primitive start of spontaneous work starts from the feet.

When the meridians of your feet are opened, you will be able to open the left and right meridians.

When your left and right meridians are open, you will be able to open up the central meridian.

This is one level at a time.

So don't think that practice is just meditation.

When you sit and practice, you are also restricting the meridians of your feet.

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Qi is also a person who is empty and waits for things.

In "Human Affairs", Zhuangzi explained what qi is through the dialogue between Confucius and Yan Hui.

Qi is a person who is empty and waits for things.

To be vacuous and to treat things is the practice of spontaneous gong.

Of course, the kind of fake masters who say that they give their qi to their students, that kind of fake spontaneous gong doesn't count.

There is no fixed value in the heart, pure awareness and pure listening, pure empty heart in response to the phenomenon of external objects, that is, qi.

This qi is spontaneous gong.

Spontaneous gong means that there is no fixed line or value in the heart.

Those who move along with the natural qi are spontaneous gong.

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The initiation of spontaneous gong is developed in accordance with the level of Qi channels.

So a beginner must start from the outermost Qi channel.

This outer layer of chi is dynamic.

Depends on your current state.

Because it is very important to have the ability to perceive the truth.

Only by observing truthfully can we be free from the control of acquired consciousness and allow qi to go its own way.

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For beginners to practice spontaneous gong, they must first be on the vast grass, relax the whole body, feel the body's qi sense, and move along the qi sense.

Don't Resist the Mobile Trend

It may have appeared initially in a way of shifting the center of gravity

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On 3/15/2022 at 9:05 AM, awaken said:
  1. 我不是教自發功的老師,我是教丹道的老師,我認為自發功自己練就好,但是總會遇到一些笨蛋,太看輕自發功,練了之後,又害怕自發功的氣太強,然後就開始用一些江湖術士騙子學來的方法去壓制自發功的氣,因此造成身體的不適



No ancient Daoism books mentioned any spontaneous gong。Do you know why?

In which year spontaneous gong was getting popular?Do you the answer?

You know a little about Daoism, but believed that you can teach others. 

The four dhyanas and eight samadhis are belong to Daoism or Buddhism?

Edited by Shubin
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On 2005/03/07, I regained the record of spontaneous gong that I haven't practiced for many years
By coincidence, last night, when it was quiet, I started to practice spontaneous gong again.

At first, my belly was shaking, I thought, maybe I haven't practiced for too long, all of them are blocked, and I may have to start all over again. After shaking for a while, the shaking intensified, and it became the jumping of both feet and shoulders. The heavier the jump, I was worried about making noise downstairs, so I changed the room, but the other room was covered with plastic floor mats. When the jumping, I felt very uncomfortable. It was airtight, it was like wearing rubber gloves, so I went back to the room where I used to be, who cares. I jumped for a while, and slowly became another force to pull down, so I had to squat down and stand up again. , squatting, standing for a while, and finally became squatting, but the buttocks still moved up and down. After moving for a while, I suddenly found that my palms were touching the ground. At this time, I didn't move, but I couldn't get up again. After waiting for a while, No movement, I remembered a few times, but I still couldn't get up, and slowly became dizzy. Intuition put my head on the ground for a while, turned into a forehead, and after a while, it returned to the top of my head, back and forth a few times, and then again. Not moving, after a while, the left side of the person under the bridge of the nose is itchy, rubbed with both hands naturally, after a few rubs, it became itchy on the left chin, and rubbed again, the left side of the throat, the left shoulder well, the left shoulder, the right shoulder well, the right shoulder , right neck, left body, left shoulder clip, left back, right shoulder clip, right body, right back, the detailed order is forgotten, roughly the same, and finally along the two muscles on both sides of the spine, scratch down (it will be itchy, So it becomes scratching), scratching the end of the spine, the itch disappears.

But his head was still on the ground. After waiting for a while, his feet became colder and colder, but he still couldn't get up, so he crawled to read a book, read it for a while, and then went to sleep. Before going to bed, I felt a little uncomfortable, and my stomach felt a little nauseous. According to the method of recovery in the book, I rubbed it a few times, then I didn't care and went to sleep.






This is my diary from seventeen years ago, when my health was very poor



After practicing for half a year, my inner qi gradually became stronger, and there were more tricks








After being woken up by a child in the middle of the night last night, I went to drink two large glasses of water, and when I came back and waited for the water to digest, I sat quietly. , adjust to that mental state, the result will be more concentrated, and soon, the stiffness of the body, especially the stiffness of the right half, will gradually disappear.

After it disappeared, it was amazing that a thick qi was generated and started to move to the upper right. I felt that this qi was very similar to the right turn when it spontaneously rotated. After moving to the right for a long time, it moved to the upper left, and then Moving to the upper right and then to the upper left, the conversion speed is very slow, and it takes a long time to change sides, similar to the length of time for spontaneous rotation.

In this way, the upper right, the upper left, the upper right, and the upper left are moving upward, and my body is getting hotter and hotter. I feel that the body is steaming from the bottom to the top, and my face can feel the feeling of being smoked by the steam.

Slowly moving to the top of the head, suddenly the child cried twice, I ignored him, he fell asleep by himself, but I was also disturbed and failed to break through the crown chakra.

Edited by awaken

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After the spontaneous gong has been practiced to a certain level, there will be movements very similar to the Tai Chi Yunshou.

But what is different from Tai Chi is that Tai Chi has only movements without qi, but Tai Chi movements of spontaneous gong have qi.

Not only do the hands have qi, but the qi in the hands will drive the qi in the body.

At first, you may only feel the chi in your hands moving the chi in your head.

But with the deepening of the practice, the qi in the hands will drive the qi in the whole body.

You can feel the rise and fall of your hands and the rise and fall of the Qi in your body.

There will also be drooling.

The effect is the same as sitting and practicing Xiao Zhoutian.

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4 hours ago, awaken said:


不能這樣說的, 因為太極拳和自發功同樣都是氣功, 是有同樣的効果. 所謂氣功即是練呼吸帶有動作. 練到有素才有氣感而不是一朝一夕便可得來的.


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