
Need Help Channeling

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Been feeling for some time that theres this big energy that is trying to channel a message through me.

The problem I'm experiencing is that its just so huge and intense, I can't handle it physically.

I feel like I am mentally blocking the energy from coming through as a defense mechanism. So when I try to go into a vision state or altered conscious state, my rational mind takes over and just tries to control the vision I'm entering instead of letting things flow through.

In the past I've had seizures as this energy tries to express itself through me. Currently, there is a very important message regarding my health it wants to tell me and its imperative I receive it. Debating about micro dosing LSD, which I've never done before to enable the visionary experience. I don't really do drugs, so its not something I am aiming for, but I'm just at a crucial junction in my life for change and am considering all my options. 

Was wondering if anybody has any experience channeling or can recommend any resources or teachers for this.


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34 minutes ago, Rakiel said:


Have you read "Keys to Perception" by the same author?


Unfortunately not, i have only read Spirit Speak, though i don't doubt it is of stellar quality. The author is top notch. 

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