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The Nectar of Self Awareness

~Sri Jnaneshwar




Chapter 4:


"By destroying ignorance, knowledge reigns supreme, like the wakefulness that destroys sleep.

By looking in a mirror one perceives his own identity, but that identity was already there. In the same way, relative knowledge gives the understanding of the identity of the world and the self. But it is like using a knife to cut another knife.


If a person enters a house, and then sets it on fire, he gets burned along with the house. If a thief gets into a sack, and then fastens it shut, he is bound along with the sack.


Fire, in the process of annihilating camphor, annihilates itself as well. This is exactly what happens to knowledge, in the process of destroying ignorance. When the support of ignorance is taken away, knowledge spreads to the extent that it destroys itself.

As the wick of an oil lamp burns to its end, the flame flares up more brightly than before. But this brightness, is nothing but its extinction.


Is the breast of a woman at its peak development, or beginning to sag?

Is the jasmine bud in full bloom, or beginning to fade?

Who can say?

The cresting of a wave, is but its fall.

The flash of a bolt of lightning, is but its fading.

Likewise, knowledge, drinking up the water of ignorance, grows so large, that it completely annihilates itself.


If the final deluge were to occur, it would engulf all water and space, and leave nothing outside of it. If the disc of the sun were to become larger than the universe, both darkness and light would merge in that all-pervading light.

Awakening dispels sleep, and then it dispels itself, becoming the steady state of wakefulness. In the same way, that knowledge which shines by virtue of the existence of ignorance, is swallowed up, by Absolute Knowledge.


This Absolute Knowledge, is like the intrinsic fullness of the moon, which is unaffected by its apparent waxing and waning. Or one may compare it to the sun, which is never illuminated by any other light, nor ever cast into darkness. For that Absolute Knowledge also is not revealed by another kind of knowledge, or darkened by ignorance.


But can that pure consciousness be conscious of itself?


Can the eye look at itself?

Can space, pervade space?

Can fire, burn fire?

Can a man, climb onto his own head?

Can vision, perceive itself?

Does taste, taste itself?

Can sound, listen to itself?

Can the sun, shine on itself?

Can a fruit, enjoy its own sweetness?

Can fragrance, smell itself?


Likewise, that which is consciousness itself, does not possess the quality of being conscious, and is therefore not conscious of itself. If Absolute Knowledge required the aid of some other kind of knowledge to know itself, it would be nothing but Ignorance.


Light, is of course not darkness...but to itself, is it even Light? Likewise, That, is neither existence nor non-existence. By saying this, it may seem I am saying, That, is not. But if it was true, then who would know that there is nothing? ...



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3 hours ago, neti neti said:

The Nectar of Self Awareness

~Sri Jnaneshwar




3 hours ago, neti neti said:

, That, is neither existence nor non-existence. By saying this, it may seem I am saying, That, is not. But if it was true, then who would know that there is nothing?

strangely enough, that is how Maya is described. It is neither real nor unreal (neither existent nor non-existent). 



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37 minutes ago, dwai said:


strangely enough, that is how Maya is described. It is neither real nor unreal (neither existent nor non-existent). 


Indeed.. truth is stranger than fiction?


"She", having no genuine existence of her own apart from "He", is equally inscrutable. It seems this is due in part to the reality that any answer(s) one may arrive at regarding the dynamic manifestation... will inevitably be a "Maya" answer.


"like using a knife to cut another knife."

Edited by neti neti
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"If there is a pot, a pot is perceived,
And if the pot is broken, its brokenness is perceived;
If there is no pot at all,
Is not its absence perceived as well?

It can be seen, therefore,
That he who perceives that there is nothing
Does not himself become nothing.
The Self has this same unique kind of existence,
Beyond both existence and non-existence.

The ultimate Reality
Is neither an object to Itself
Nor is It an object to anyone else.
Should it then be regarded as non-existent?

In a tank the water may be so clear
That it appears non-existent;
Though one who looks into the tank may not see it,
Still it is there.

The ultimate Reality exists in Itself,
And is beyond the conceptions
Of existence or non-existence.

When a jar is placed on the ground,
We have the ground with a jar;
When the jar is taken away,
We have the ground without a jar;

But when neither of these conditions exists,
The ground exists in its unqualified state.
It is in this same way
That the ultimate Reality exists."


Edited by neti neti
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The way I'd put it is this:  knowledges that are things of the mind can not pass over to - or become equal to the Self...does that mean those  knowledges and the mind are destroyed?   Not exactly, they just can't pass over the boundary to Self which is the same for any kind of constructed thing...  but the Self can see across the boundary and through the mind and in effect make use of it and knowledges of things.  (aka. mind being the servant instead of the boss ;-)


Anyway one has to come up with this stuff via their own way which could be very different or incorrect for others.  



Edited by old3bob
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