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east and west - by Sony march 08

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Im reading the Gnostoc Gospels at present and its basically on based on meditation and Tao, Buddhist principles. I see so much in Gnostic christian gospels that u can figure it all out of what Jesus was teaching and preeching!



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Captivating InDeed Gungeroo!








While Weaving Tapestries



Edited by Spectrum

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And like the Buddha, these Gnostic equated suffering with ignorance. The path of Self-Knowledge eliminated ignorance and suffering and led to spiritual renewal. Body became Spirit: Evil transmuted itself into God.


I believe many, including Chuang Tsu and Plato, have linked ignorance with human inability to see the divine. Interestingly the word "ignorance" is borne out of not seeing the whole and holding preconceptions - this leads back to advaita, where everything is one, and also the Taoist methods which emphasise forgetting/unlearning.


It is possible to reach stages of spiritual development through the use of intellect. Or, at least, to be able to come to a logical conclusions that one needs to undertake spiritual practice to develop one's mind (and by this I guess I emphasise the gaining of wisdom).


I posted an interesting article about ignorance/suffering last week... here's the link if you're curious:

Edited by .broken.

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